Thursday, December 17, 2020


 Dear Friends, 

Perfect wintery time for listening. 

How strong psychic powers came to me to change my life with a new mission.

How I recognized my new psychic abilities

How those abilities to know things about people are different from hallucinogenic trips (how would I know?)

How to avoid cons, and much more.

An interview with MadDogTV - see links below.

Youtube: Will you please give it a thumbs up and comment.

Audio podcast:

Upcoming thriller movie based on me, June Ahern's psychic work:

12/18 to 1/1/2021 - two of my four books free in ebook format on

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


If you'd like to read two of my four ebooks on Smashwords 

for free please do so before January 1, 2021

Offer starts December 18th.

Books on (links to each book below) Join Smashwords for free. 

After reading The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading and my novel, City of Redemption Summer of Love 1967 thriller - please leave a review or comment on Smashwords and Comment or review helps others decide to purchase.


Book links:

The Timeless Counselor:

City of Redemption

Review other books june ahern dot com

A movie about my life and a murder case I worked on (in How to Talk With Spirits) scheduled for filming summer of 2021. Leading lady playing me is Veronica Cartwright a seasoned talented actor.

My monthly Zoom presentations on metaphysics, paranormal, and parapsychology subjects begin January 22 2021. More info on my website.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Life rolls out some memorable experiences

For me it's an honor to have my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts, made into a movie. I'm like wow! That's a trip.

I know so many readers (or listeners to the audio version) have told me how much the book has helped them, but no idea it would go that far and wide.

The filming for How to Talk With Spirits based on my non-fiction of the same title goes into production on June, 2021 and the cast is filling out.

Seasoned and award winning Veronica Cartwright (Alien, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Witches of Easstwik is the leading role in producer Quentin Lee's supernatural thriller.

Recently these talented and well-known actors are also on board: Julia Nickson (Noble House, Rambo); Michale Copon (Scorpion King 2) and Jennifer Field (Artificial, 9-1-1).

All this good news during the pandemic. Cool. 

What about you? What good has emerged in your life from this most challenging and frightening changing time?

“I’m very excited to be playing June Ahern.  Having spoken to June, who is alive and well, she told me it's not just that she saw the incident, but she felt the emotion of the the person that was murdered and embodied those emotions. I’m looking forward to the challenge. I am also looking forward to working with Quentin Lee as he has a real insight into this living person.” said Veronica Cartwright.

“I’m really thrilled to be crafting this untold story with Veronica Cartwright, a heartthrob of my favorite movies such as Alien and Invasion of the Body Snatchers that I grew up with,” said Quentin Lee who will be directing and producing the feature based on his own original screenplay. “How to Talk with Spirits is a rare movie where a senior female protagonist takes center stage and I believe the film will give Veronica her long due respect in Hollywood.”

“ Quentin Lee’s film will show how a person with developed psychic abilities can be a helpful, healing force in the case of murder. The film reveals how justice is served through communication with a victim's spirit. This powerful message is sure to be conveyed by Ms. Veronica Cartwright's performance.” said June Ahern, a retired San Francisco psychic and author of three books including How to Talk with Spirits.

Read more in the article.  and about the book, me and my other three books at june ahern com

#veronicacartwright #quentinlee #juneahern #Michaelcolon #julianickson #jenniferfield #howtotalkwithspirits #thrillersuspenseasianmovies


Tuesday, December 1, 2020




Throughout time people have been interested in the paranormal activity and want to experience the thrill of seeing and hopefully meeting a ghost.

After my 50 years of "seeing" and "talking" to spirits of the dead of all kinds entities it's a myriad of  emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually experiences. I like it.

It can be thrilling and spooky, scary and a real treat to talk to ghosts. I've experienced being hit, starched, and pushed. But more than not, just connecting with spirits feels right for me. 

Ready to explore ghostly happenings safely and successfully?

Below are some suggestions/guidelines from my book, "How to Talk With Spirits." In June 2021 a movie production is scheduled based on a murder case I worked on with the police.

In the book I go into detail but below hints will get you started. 

Chapter 11


There is something haunting in the light of the moon.

– Joseph Conrad –


Begin where there has been reported ghost sighting. Cities and towns often have ghost tours of historical buildings tours and/or information when you can visit. 

Spirits, ghosts and other entities can show up anywhere at anytime these places can be exciting to visit: Schools and former sites of schools: Most poltergeist activity is found when younger people live or spend much of their time, like schools. 

Murder sites.

Graveyards/Cemeteries especially eerie to visit when dark. 

Battlefields––day or night are a great place to find ghosts because of the many, violent deaths, agony and fear that surrounds the area. There will be considerable psychic energy.  

Antique stores hold a wealth of psychic information! The objects for sale have a history. 


Show no fear. If you have fearful thoughts, don’t go on a ghost hunt.  It can attract mean-spirited entities. If you feel fear, stop, breathe, get a grip. If you’re really frightened, leave the area and come back when you have conquered your fear.

Keep an open mind, seek to validate by fact checking afterward. 

Keep a cheerful attitude and a positive frame of mind. 

Clear your mind, keep your ears open, and trust your intuition. 

There’s no need to find ghosts or call on them to come out. They are aware of you and watch you observing. 

Have a healthy skepticism. It’s a better attitude for finding evidence. 

Ignore any low life, earthbound spirits you come across. Don’t engage. Avoid it. If it bothers you, say loudly and with conviction, “QUIT IT!” or “BE GONE!”   

• Best Time for hunting

Although, any time is good for ghostly encounters, but if possible go on a ghost hunt when it’s dark; it’s quieter although I've interacted with spirits and ghosts during the daytime.

• Logistics.

Take a buddy. He or she can hold your hand if a ghost startles you or some mean person confronts you. Or help with camera and recording equipment, or to take notes and be a witness. 

Groups: Have everyone meet near the location to go over the plan for the ghost hunt and who'll handle the recording equipment or take notes.

• Practical things to take on your ghost hunt:

Flashlights for nighttime with spare batteries. Spirit activity can drain batteries very fast as well as turn off electrical lights, such as streetlights as evident onThe Haunted Bay investigations.

Good walking shoes. Graveyards and old buildings lend themselves to uneven walks.

A face mask if you’re going into an old building with debris, mold or dirt. On one of my ghost hunts (The Defenestration Building) we were assaulted by flocks of pigeons.

A first aid kit because you may trip in the dark or a nail could be sticking out in an old building.

Identification in case you are questioned by the police or caretaker of the property. In fact when going onto private property, you get permission first. 

Since you will be in a dark, spooky place take something to defend yourself, if need be, against muggers, or other living beings who might want to hurt you. Carry mace, pepper spray or a heavy-duty flashlight. Charge your cell phone in case you need to call for help.

• Cameras and Recording Devices

Take a digital recorder to record your reactions to certain areas, and or communication with the spirit or ghost. If you’re extremely lucky, you might catch an audio response of a ghost.

I learned the older mini recorders are the best for capturing ghostly sounds. Wishing I kept mine.

Bring a video and photo camera and/or recording devices if you hope to catch a ghost on camera.  

Check batteries and take extras. 

Take pictures anywhere and everywhere and examine the results later.

Sometimes you'll see an orb, mist or sparkles in your flash or other’s flashes. Take more pictures right there, you may be near a spirit.

• Common Ghost Sense: Tell the spirits not to follow you home and to remain where they are. Yes, this can and will happen. You don’t need clingy spirits in your home.

You can watch my paranormal investigations in a documentary series with The Haunted Bay on YouTube, Amazon Prime and When searching add with June Ahern to the Haunted Bay on YouTube. Please give it a thumbs up and a comment.

Read more about my four books, upcoming Zoom presentations, latest interview and more at june ahern dot com

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


                     Traveling with Ghosts

Is it possible for a ghost, poltergeist or entity to travel with you rather than be contained to one location?


Although not often will an entity (ghost, poltergeist) attach itself to you or an object to travel with you to another location.

A few years ago I was invited to talk about my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" at an antique store located in a Northern California town founded in 1850s.

After my talk the audience joined me for a walk about of the store where I'd stop when feeling a psychic pull to a piece of furniture, clothing or jewelry, or a photo and quite often a toy. Then I'd "read" who, what, and where was attached to it. In other words, giving a history psychic reading like I do on my paranormal investigation (on Amazon Prime and YouTube, The Haunted Bay).

Sellers were able to confirm how accurate the information was (I did really well) but unfortunately some of the history wasn't known to the antique dealer. 

Does this mean the spirit/ghost/entity is still attached? 

Not necessary. My psychic abilities include precognition - knowing the past. When I do psychically feel or know that an entity is attached, right away I distance myself to observe what or who it is. 

This observation is a way of not inviting or allowing that entity or ghost to enter into my physical space and/or body.

Why and how do attachment happen?

If it's through an object it is because there's an intense identification from spirit to it and even death will not separate that feeling. If it's an entity something with that object happened that was not pleasant  - good - and has attracted negativity. 

Read more about attachments in my blog

Majority of spirits do not want to attache themselves to life - people or objects - when they pull away from the physical body and world, but those who do follow objects and then, follow certain people away from the location are usually not pleasant ones to deal with.

The worst attachments will even want to harbor within the new location and even a person's body and that is not good at all. But, it happens.

What to do?  You can cleanse your area and body by doing such things as smudging, Feng Shui and if need be, call in a medium educated and experienced to work with that kind of haunting.

For more about this subject and what to do review my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts." This book is an email, paperback and audio. For an autograph copy order directly from the author, June Ahern.  

The Timeless Counselor - BEFORE you go for a psychic reading this book is a must to get the most from it. You'll be glad you read it. 

June's an author of four books, learn more about them, her monthly metaphysical, psychic Zoom events at june ahern dot com.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Today for me, and many other US citizens, I am  more optimistic  than many of us have been for the past four years.

In my meditations I prayed and envisioned intelligent leaders willing to move this world to making future decisions with intelligent for Earth and Earthlings. I do use images of the Cosmic when seeking a spiritual understanding and guidance. What do you image in your visualizations for a clearer and/or better place for you and others?

in my constant meditations, prayers and visualizations I saw myself in the Cosmic Energy as part of Jupiter's moons, I being one,  circling Jupiter ready to expand our Earth to a new World. 

Astrologically speaking, the message assigned to Jupiter: associated with principles of growth, expansion, healing prosperity, good fortune and miracles. Includes long distance and foreign ravel, higher education, religion and the law.

Breaking that done to: make decisions that better the life of workers to have a chance to make a decent living. For workers of color to be judge on their worth and not their color. 

Let me say. today I'm full of hope for the United States to continue to advance in people's rights (which is fails too often.)

Learn more about me and my books, latest podcast interview and my medium investigations on The Haunted Bay at june ahern dot com.

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Remembrance Board




Send an invitation to your departed loved one especially at this time of Halloween, originally known as All Hallow's Eve, a Holy Eve before what is All Saints' Day and Day of the Dead: November 1st and November 2nd when the spirit readily come to walk Earth and visit.

Begin with a written invitation: write her or his name; dear...hello...greetings - however you greet a loved one, a friend your pet. It's nice to write a short note, perhaps a favorite memory. This creates a heartfelt connection with the spirit of the departed. You can place it alongside a candle or, like the hot of the Remembrance Board above, on or above your altar.

Along with your note you can add a photo of your loved one to sit in front of you. 

Place a white candle (safely) in a window as a beacon, telling your spirit, here I am, come visit.  

Close your eyes, take a few or more relaxing breathes and softly call the name of your loved one 3x. If you're crying, wait, redo, be calm; sit still and open your mind and heart for a visit from spirit. Enjoy the moment.

You might "feel" an energy change, a presence, or see in your mind's eye your loved one, and then again you could "hear" a message within or smell a particular scent associated with that person.

If you have a question, phrase it simply. If you have a comment, again make it simple without a whole lot of details Spirits do best  with simple messages.

If you have what you think, no connection, perhaps in your dreams, (the easiest way to connect with spirits) you'll connect. 

In the days following stay aware of "coincidences" that remind you of that person or pet. Spirits often communicate through symbols. For instance, a bird perches close to you, a bird your person used to enjoy - or the color of it. 

In my All Hallow's Eve celebration and ritual I create a Remembrance Board as part of my special Gala Ritual Celebration; this time on Zoom. 

In front of it is an altar representing the season's colors and candles. Usually, my Halloween altar is a bit more elaborate but this year for the purpose on Zoom I didn't add as much.

More about creating a Halloween Altar in my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" paperback, audio, eBook.

Learn more about my other books, my Zoom events, and me at june ahern dot com


Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Soon the days will grow shorter and the nights, longer. 

How will your life activities change?

How will your energy be different?

Your spirit feels it. Do you?

Each season brings change not only weather wise but your body and mind health.

Celebrate today - September 22, 2020 - Fall or Autumn Equinox or to my pagan family - Mabon.

Mabon, a pagan is also known as the Harvest Home, is a reminder to reap what you sow, give thanks to Mother Earth for the bountiful foods she provides. Count your blessings no matter how insignificant they might seem: my eyes still see, my ears hear, my legs continue to carry me and so forth. 

And rest; prepare for the long, dark, cold times to come.

We busy humans rushing here and there. Even if not physically our minds race;  Internet searches are often frantic - something to meet the demand of the brain's numerous pathways going - where? 

If you stop for a moment you'll feel your body and psychological shifts changes and become aware of the overall effects of the season.

Slow down TV binge watching  - well maybe just The Haunted Bay, Amazon Prime with moi investigating ghosts. Instead, read, draw, journal and have STORY TELLING TIMES with friends and family! Maybe include photos with it.  Really, you'll like it. (Caution: make sure the stories don't turn into "roasts" or are demeaning.)

With the changing weather we go through seasonable colds, sniffles, allergies. One might conjure up illnesses during with  "OH NO! Is it Covid? or ask self,  "Why do I feel so tired? Why's my eyes, sinus' throat ache?"

The Fall weather often brings a weakening in the body. Care for it properly. 

Eat local vegetables and fruits in Fall colors for a healthier body. 

Hunker down, nap more and go to bed earlier: Sleep brings more vivid and perhaps meaningful dreams at this time. 

Pay attention, take note. Are they telling of future manifestations? 

Secure a good dream book to help interpret your dreams.

The spirits and ghosts are preparing will arrive in this season.

June Ahern's special All Hallow's Eve Halloween Presentation: Historical Story Telling, Ritual for Connecting with Ancestors plus Trick 'r' Treat Fun Prizes is coming up 10/29/20.

For more info see  june ahern dot com Review her books, YouTube ghost investigations links, contact info and more. 

June Ahern has authored four books. Her,  How To Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts, tells of her murder cases and has inspired a film in progress.


Monday, August 24, 2020



Psychic Powers - Truths and Myths

Wednesday, August 26 at 1:30 p.m .PST


Are psychic powers confined only to those with special talents and abilities, or can anyone experience them? In this teleconference and workshop with Ingrid Young, learn about some of the truths and myths concerning psychic abilities, share your own experiences, and practice a Rosicrucian exercise in enhancing your own innate intuitive abilities.


Free Zoom Class hosted by

San Jose CA.

DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION TELECONFERENCE - A metaphysical, philosophical, mystics study international group.

Are the Rosicrucians a religion? No. They are are mystical seekers with no affiliation to any one religion. A member can be any religion they wish and still be a Rosicrucian. 

I am a Rosicrucian member in California. Review my books, Zoom talks and ,more.

Monday, August 17, 2020



                    Last week's Zoom presentation

                 Healing the Unsaid With the Dead

                Creating a Healing for Between the 

                                Living  and the Dead

 In addition to what I write in my book, How To Talk With Spirits: Seances •Mediums               •Ghost Hunts, on healing relationships after the death of a loved one or anyone you had a disturbing relationship with in life, this presentation included guided meditations and hands on applications like automatic writing and focusing on a photo (pets included.)

I never know how my information will be, or not be, helpful and was happy when many attendees sent feedback within days of it. 

Below are a few various responses of how healing is in process between the living and the dead and/or how people found the information.

About why I encourage you to heal with spirits before you meet them on the "others side": Besides living a more joyful, peaceful life and not walking around with a pained heart and guilty mind of I should've ...  as you heal, the spirit’s soul also heals thus new karma is created between you and with those in the physical world also.


Surprises happen during spirit communication. Just because you call on a spirit doesn’t mean that spirit will respond:


So appreciated, June. I wanted to tell you that the focus picture I had for the writing was not the person that came through the pen!! (It was the other picture, though!!) Isn't that something?!!”

We can seek assistance. Spirits can help us with present day projects. This person is an author and is presently writing another. You'll learn automatic writing includes drawing pictures and/or symbols. 

"I was communicating with my grandparents who I've never met asking them for info for my book I'm writing about their lives. I drew them during the automatic wring session.(the drawings were sent to me.)" - Suzette Martinez Standring, Author. 


Staying open to receiving messages from spirits is also a good way to approach communication: 


“I wasn't sure who would come through the strongest; once you led us through the automatic writing, it was my dad, crystal clear. Our visit was happy; no sorrow or sadness. I saw and felt him sitting across from me and the writing brought through his New York City street slang - his healthy, happy self. He asked me to go to Ireland for him, and right after he said that, you shared on Zoom a spirit from Ireland was coming through. How cool! I was led into deep reflection, compassion, and forgiveness - death has affected much of my life, and it's taken time to heal from the losses. Your book brought up similar reflections of finding peace through pain. Thank you.”


Lock away pain and grief often comes as a surprise. Once brought forth a true healing can happen:


“I reached out to my sister's son who died three years ago at the age of 45 and discovered untapped grief that was on a deep level. It surprised me. I had felt ashamed or guilt because it seemed as if I felt so little about his death, but I had not taken or been given the space to experience my loss of him, and Thursday, I did. Thank you for the exercises and the information.” 


Participants were asked to bring a photo of one or two spirits they wished to contact and were surprised by the response. 


And those who just enjoy learning with an open mind:


“This session was incredible! I really feel that I got a lot of important information from you and my loved ones. I so appreciate your work and sharing your wisdom. It is such a wonderful gift! thank you.”


Very much appreciated. Although I did not need healing for the two people I chose last night, your talk was very informative and I will try the exercises you showed us. Thanks again. Peace and love.”


What have your discovered and/or experienced when a love one comes through? Were you surprised? Did the spirit’s communication stir a memory? Did you find comfort in the communication?


My next Zoom talk is on Thursday, September 17th: Prayers, Spells, Invocations and Affirmations – Powerful Communication to Create or Not.

To Join: Send your Zoom Screen name. Talk by donation. 


For more email me through my website june ahern dot com where you’ll find my books also.

My books are through me, on Amazon; Smashwords (eBooks only); Audio book How to Talk with Spirits available on Acx or Amazon. Watch me on The Haunted Bay on Amazon Prime where I"m a featured investigating medium or YouTube                 . 

Saturday, August 8, 2020



What it is you say to a loved one on the "other side"?

Is it lovingly supportive of their new journey in another place and space?

It is jolly with laughter of your times together on Earth?

Do you wish them peace from your heart? 

As a medium - meditator between the living and the dead for many years, I've learned how people communicate to their dead loved ones.

Most think and often speak aloud words of sorrow, often calling the dead back to help with this or that; they cry with guilt over what they should or could have done; what they did they think was wrong or harsh, or not enough. 

I've done it myself. 

Then I learned (from the dead) how our grief disturbs them.

Just as they're settling into peace and healing along comes a living person calling their name, crying for help, begging for comfort and how can one rest with all that going on?

Is that helpful to the spirit?

Well, put it this way - someone you care for, someone important to you in life is leaving for a long journey with a one-way ticket - what do you say?

 "I wish you well" -  "I wish you happiness" -  "I hope you find what you seek"


"How could you leave me?"  - "What did I do wrong?" - "Did I let you down?" Etc.

In my book, How to talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts, I encourage communication with words that continues to foster a loving relationship, and how to
lessen the pain of guilt, yearning, anger, abandonment fear and all what we feel when in grief. 

There is a proper way to speak to the dead. 

To truly help the dead rest in peace turn your thoughts and images to peaceful ones, joyful memories and healing hopes for the dead. 

Learn more about my books and me at june ahern dot com and watch Prime Amazon The Haunted Bay where I appear in Season 1 & 2 on paranormal investigations.

My books are in eBook and Paperback form (The Timeless Counselor in paperback due Spring of 2021) Amazon, Apple, Smashwords, + many more ebook forms.

My Zoom talk 8/13/20 Healing The Unsaid With the Dead

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Healing The Unsaid With The Dead

Explore the possibilities of communicating with 
spirits of the dead to heal and resolve issues. 
Learn to efficiently send and receive messages
If only : “I wish I’d told her…"– “I shouldn’t have said…-” “We never got to resolve…”
“Now it’s too late.”
No, it’s not!
After a loved one, or anyone you knew, has died your thoughts and feelings might be disturbed as you ruminate what could/should have been - perhaps suffer from guilt and doubts if you did enough, said the right things and believe it's too late to resolve those issues.
You can effectively send a message and receive one with the spirits of the dead through practice, experimenting plus more to have a more peaceful mind and heart.
What would you say to your deceased loved one? Write a simple sentence.
What will he or she say back - learning to "listen" - tune out the noises of chatter, TV, cell phones, and sit quietly in a comfortable room or outdoors in nature (a great way to communicate).
I've taught may how to tune in to the spirit world, into their intuitive minds - successfully!
August 13th, 2020 in the United States I'm giving a Zoom talk. If you're interested contact me with your screen name, city of origin and why you'd like to take this zoom class.
Contact me june at sf coaching dot com
My books are available paperback, audio, ebook and
About the speaker: June Ahern's near death experience led her to unexpected careers as a physic reader, medium and metaphysical occult teacher. She has authored four books, is a professional speaker and a Metaphysical Life Coach. 

June’s latest book “How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts” has proved to be helpful to those seeking understanding of psychic phenomena. 
After forty plus years June is mostly retired from private practice but continues to share her psychic abilities through lecturing, teaching and on a documentary series with the Haunted Bay seen on Amazon Prime and YouTube. Her book, “The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading” was the number one best seller of a new author at New York’s 1990 Whole Life Expo. To review June's books go to

Friday, July 10, 2020




Requirements: Can the person relate? Is the information valid? Do you have photos, records? But! beforehand  -tell me nothing.  Let me just do my work.

I always say, don't tell me anything until I give you my psychic impressions and this especially true for the paranormal investigations I do for The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigations as seen on YouTube and Amazon Prime (The Haunted Bay).

Recently, with shelter-in-place my psychic mind needed some entertainment - yes, I enjoy testing my psychic impressions - so I asked another to find a place, a house where a person who thinks their is haunted.

The person who wants the investigation must have historical information to confirm what I'll pick up.

I would do this remotely.

And one was found.

I investigated a historical San Francisco home built in the late 1800s.

From the first day in the house the woman resident was completely aware of negative energy in a particular area. We covered that and more and will you a give thumbs up and leave a comment?

The link is

Have you had hair raising intuitive impressions in certain places? How did you deal with it?

See Part 1 and Part 2 leading up to the residence giving feedback.

Learn more about me, my books and free Zoom talks at  June Ahern at my website.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020



Recently, I did a psychic remote viewing of a house in San Francisco built in 870s. 

Yes, I see dead people and other paranormal things. 

I did it for my own paranormal entertainment and because with my regular crew The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigations being on hold (the virus thing) my psychic energy needed to be released. See those videos on YouTube or Amazon Prime (The Haunted Bay)

I asked another to find a person who thinks their space has paranormal activity. 

Part 1 are my sightings with Part 2 the feedback on what I encountered remotely of the house presented.

It shows people how one doesn't have to be physically present to pick up psychic information. 

Please watch and give a thumbs up, and leave a comment. Thanks. - Part 1 - Part 2

For many years I conducted telephone readings of which I was asked, "How does that work?" Quite well, say I. 

More on that can be read in my complete consumers's guide book, "The Timeless Counselor: A Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading." eBook only at this time. Amazon & Smashwords. Links below. My other book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" connects people to their deceased, talks about my NDE, includes an ESP Quiz and much more!

Check them out at june ahern dot com

Saturday, June 20, 2020


I'm writing about suicide because I understand both sides.

Don't leave Earth. You can help heal it. 

For the first time after fifty years I publicly reveal my own experience about attempting suicide to offer guidance to the living about the loved one who took her/his life.

What are your thoughts about suicide?

There is stigma about those who attempt or commit suicide; what was wrong with her/him? It’s so selfish. Guess they were crazy, they didn’t care or think of those who love them etc.

Louis Hay says in her book, You Can Heal Your Life, those who commit suicide are "Tunnel Visioned" - only darkness, no options and that is true.

As a troubled young woman soon after my near death experience, I attempted to leave the pain of living in, what I saw, a cruel world. I was pained mentally, emotionally and physically -  feeling squeezed by all sides, no way out but to follow the darkness to a hopeful quiet place of rest.

After all Heaven was so blissful and now back to this? I saw no joy, thought no-one understood me, felt no love. 

Lost, I was soul lonely.

Luckily,  I was found and received the needed help to become the person I am today.

As a medium grieving relatives and friends of suicide victims ask me to help them understand why she/he committed suicide and to connect with the spirits to learn if they're at peace or still in pain.

In my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts you'll learn more, but now I share to help the grieving find some solace for your aching heart.

When the suicide spirit first leaves the body they continue feeling lost; drifting in darkness, maybe to some degree free of the pain the sought to flee from.  Untethered from the physical body they remain confused and lost.

Eventually most find what they’re seeking, but some don’t and they can plague the living as ghosts, but that’s another subject for another time.

I’ve learned from spirits the comfort they seek remains unfounded until they surrender to the Light and Love Of The Divine Source –– God, Buddha, Allah.

Do they miss loved ones left behind? After the initial out of all that stuff lessens, they do. They feel guilty and sad for causing pain. They hear loved ones voices crying to understand WHY??? This can add to their already painful state as they float with no anchor of peace.

My advice to the grieving living is, send comforting thoughts to those who took their lives. Try to understand it's not you, it's the person's decision and inability to stop the tunnel vision, to believe they can't be released from the pains.

As best you can in time with calmness in mind and heart even if for only a few minutes begin sending mental messages of love while holding a hand over your heart.  Say mentally or aloud her/his name you wish they find peace and comfort

 From your heart to her/his heart connect with love perhaps in a color vibration– yellow like the sun; pink as in joy, blue peace, green healing energy.
 Sit quietly in a semi-dark room. Light a candle to send your message and connect in a calm loving way that you know she/he left because life seemed cruel to them, not perhaps you were cruel or unkind - but to them life - but the world or another. If you know you were not as loving as you could have been, ask for forgiveness.

Recall a specific memory to share with happier time photos. Talk to the spirit as though she/he were sitting with you. Acknowledge the contributions with their unique abilities and skills. Thank her/him for time spent with you; how much you appreciated her/him. 

If not indoors, sitting in nature is a lovely way for communicating with spirit.

Difficult as this is in time you’ll find some comfort in memories. Know that you have helped to free your loved one from their pains and to travel into a peaceful place.

The will move into the Light to be comforted with Great Love. After a period of rest and learning from other spirits they’ll begin to their return to life perhaps like me, to comfort and teach others in pain.

After a while most likely you will hear from her or him thanking you for lovingly understanding. 

I'm glad my life on Earth didn't end because I found purpose through love a wonderful son, a great husband, grandchildren, nature, animals and my life purpose; work 
I enjoy. 

Blessing to you who feel there's no answer and to those left behind who feel terrible pain of loss. 

Follow June's blogs, read about her books at june ahern dot com, see her investigate paranormal activities on Amazon Prime The Haunted Bay also on YouTube. 

#suicidevictims #grievingsuicides #spiritcommunication #lifeafterdeath #neardeathexperiences #NDE #paranormalinvestiations #thehauntedbay


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