Tuesday, November 17, 2020


                     Traveling with Ghosts

Is it possible for a ghost, poltergeist or entity to travel with you rather than be contained to one location?


Although not often will an entity (ghost, poltergeist) attach itself to you or an object to travel with you to another location.

A few years ago I was invited to talk about my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" at an antique store located in a Northern California town founded in 1850s.

After my talk the audience joined me for a walk about of the store where I'd stop when feeling a psychic pull to a piece of furniture, clothing or jewelry, or a photo and quite often a toy. Then I'd "read" who, what, and where was attached to it. In other words, giving a history psychic reading like I do on my paranormal investigation (on Amazon Prime and YouTube, The Haunted Bay).

Sellers were able to confirm how accurate the information was (I did really well) but unfortunately some of the history wasn't known to the antique dealer. 

Does this mean the spirit/ghost/entity is still attached? 

Not necessary. My psychic abilities include precognition - knowing the past. When I do psychically feel or know that an entity is attached, right away I distance myself to observe what or who it is. 

This observation is a way of not inviting or allowing that entity or ghost to enter into my physical space and/or body.

Why and how do attachment happen?

If it's through an object it is because there's an intense identification from spirit to it and even death will not separate that feeling. If it's an entity something with that object happened that was not pleasant  - good - and has attracted negativity. 

Read more about attachments in my blog https://witchgoddesses.blogspot.com/2017/10/spirit-attachment-when-spirit.html

Majority of spirits do not want to attache themselves to life - people or objects - when they pull away from the physical body and world, but those who do follow objects and then, follow certain people away from the location are usually not pleasant ones to deal with.

The worst attachments will even want to harbor within the new location and even a person's body and that is not good at all. But, it happens.

What to do?  You can cleanse your area and body by doing such things as smudging, Feng Shui and if need be, call in a medium educated and experienced to work with that kind of haunting.

For more about this subject and what to do review my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts." This book is an email, paperback and audio. For an autograph copy order directly from the author, June Ahern.  

The Timeless Counselor - BEFORE you go for a psychic reading this book is a must to get the most from it. You'll be glad you read it. 

June's an author of four books, learn more about them, her monthly metaphysical, psychic Zoom events at june ahern dot com.

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