Tuesday, December 24, 2019



Lighten up

It's not easy for many at this time of year to feel what we think we should, what others say we should, and what we've been taught to believe.

Just doing that is stressful. Many of us suffer: Sadness, depression, grief, nostalgia, worry - all part of the season, right?

If for just ONE moment, a couple minutes - at least-  you can find some healthy relief will you take it?

Laughter is the best medicine. Honestly. 

In the morning and sometimes later, I go on YouTube to watch a funny video - I enjoy Steve Harvey on Family Feud. Also, I pull out one of Erma Brombeck's books - the younger readers might not know of her. The book  is sooooo funny! I go to sleep chuckling instead of grieving those I'm missing

Sometimes, I watch babies laughing videos - now they're the best. Belly laughs - their wee eyes crinkled up, hands waving in the air. Check a few out.

Laughter good for the belly and the soul.

It's actually a stress reliever for the physical body. Good for the digestive system. Try it. Laugh, out loud - ready? ho ho ho, hee hee, hee ha ha ha ha... feel that stomach contract? If not doing it more heartily. Once again, with feeling HO HO HO  HA HA HA HE HE HE for say 30 seconds.

And, if in public, your laughter will effect others- sure they'll think you're a bit off - but! they'll get a kick out of your crazy out loud laughing and at least crack a smile.

When you laugh, you breathe deeper, clear out your lungs. Really, do it for about 60 seconds. Go on... I dare ya.

Catch your breathe. Feel the energy in your body. Laugh again.

Bust a gut! Pee your pants.

Now, your physical body is more stress free and has a chance to heal what is out of alignment. 

My big sister who inconveniently  died on me - suddenly, -poof gone! ! How could she, being my bestest friend and fellow spiritual student and also the High Priestess of our coven. 

Anyway - she and I laughed all the time. We were quite irreverent - not mean to anyone, just about life and the silliness of some - drama, drama people - you know what I mean.

Always felt greatly loved being with her. Always. Now I think of her, yes, I feel sad for a moment but then mentally I see us siting on her country home porch in our flannel nighgowns, drinking tea with milk and honey and laughing and talking about spiritual and magic things.

Who will you bring happiness to today by laughing with them?

Merry, jolly, peace to all. Do the best you can for a few seconds my fellow humans. Be kind.

June Ahern author of four books and more about her teachings at june ahern do com and sf coaching dot com.

Sunday, December 15, 2019




I''m sure most don't - but I do and with what's going on in the world, I'm feeling the blob of dictatorship - putting wed the 'wee' folk - serfs - back in our place. 

Don't you feel the political blob taking over?

Starring newcomer, Steve McQueen.

The Political Dictators slimming over rights, pushing us back to keep citizens down and quarreling and dividing all. 

Which blobby political, leader comes to mind? 

Well, more and more I live in my "glitter world" enjoying Earth's beauties, keeping hope and staying active in my freedom to vote and demonstrate while I still can. 

Is the blob at your doorstep?

What about you?  

June Ahern is a four time author, public speaker, Metaphysical Coach and paranormal investigator (see The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigators with June Ahern YouTube).
Check out her books and about her:  june ahern dot com 

This is an excellent buy. Available on amazon.com Kindle Edition 99¢

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Traditional Winter Solstice Celebration 

With June Ahern

Darkness Gives Way to Light

Free Event In California 

12/14/19 San Francisco
 12/18/19 Lafayette

I  will give a brief presentation of the meaning of The Winter Solstice Time 
and its effect upon us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. 

Winter can be a most difficult time for many for various reasons, reminiscing what was and missing those no longer with us, stressed about the present - how to get through it all - 
and worrying about the future. The long nights, the cold weather - sicknesses.

And yet! Winter is also a magical time.  Glitter, lights, anticipation seen in children's eyes.

It's a time to reflect, the past is over, a time to plan for the return of the sun, to dream and create. To prepare for spring bringing hope and new life.

I will lead a meditation to transform from negative patterns and thoughts to a greater enlightenment for living with peace and hope. Concluding with a candle lighting celebration and a piece of the traditional Yule Log Cake.

Please join me.
sponsored by AMORC
Rosicrucian Community 

Saturday, 12/14,  1:30 - 3 pm Cultural Integration Fellowship Center, 
Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco. CA    Enter 3rd Ave.  
Wednesday, 12/18, 8 - 9:30 p.m., Acalanes Masonic Building, 
 925 Moraga Road, Lafayette, 94549. Enter off Parking Lot, lower level

Learn more about June Ahern, the movie scheduled for production based on one of her murder cases and her books - the latest How to Talk With Spirit at http://www.juneahern.com

#Christmas, #Solstice #HolidayCelebrations #ghosts #spirituality #books #womenfiction

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


A good paranormal investigation 

with confirmed facts and voices

supports, life exists after the physical body

It's not easy to confirm the information given my non-living beings because records weren't always kept or just are difficult to find. 

But the producer of THE HAUNTED BAY PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION, Ying Liu, was able to find some records about the ghosts in the Eagle Building in Alameda, California. 

Supporting to this investigation was done by separate the Alameda Paranormal Investigators who brought their electronic equipment and for one of their first times caught clear as a bell voices of the dead.

Listen and let me know what do you think? 

Remember, I've told you and have written in both my non-fiction parapsychology books, I'm a healthy skeptic about all of this. So, when I heard the voices I asked Ying, "Really? Were you there?"

Yes, it is true she told me. 

Watch, Listen, Learn, Question and Let me know what you think. Please give it a thumbs up, comment and subscribe. 

Check out my How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts available paperback and ebook. And my complete consumer guide, eBook only at this time:
The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Success Psychic Reading.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


In my book How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts 

I share many personal spirit and ghost encounters, 

most of which are pleasant and healing,

but some, like my murder cases are not at all pleasant to experience

People are often curious about how a psychic/medium, like myself, get insights to murders and what it's like for them experiencing it. 

It's not easy to talk about. It terrifying. Sad. And ugly to witness.

I know because I've been psychically murdered as well as witnessed murders.

I've worked with family and police with my psychic impressions of murder victims. In respect of the family I won't give the name of the victims or information leading to discovery.

Unfortunately, I learned, the experience of being a part of a murder investigation doesn't always leave your psyche or life easily. 

Two cases I experienced continue pop up throughout years for some reason or the other. 

Like a chance meeting of the child of one victim and an interest of a documentary producer.

Working on murder investigations is incredibly sad. You see a tragic end of someone's life.  A person hurt beyond what you'd ever want to imagine.  It will often continue to be a mental, emotional, physical and psychic disturbance for many years. 

My first witness to a murder took years to solve and finally communicating with the victim to envision her having some peace and healing of spirit.

My first murder case: How I became involved:  I didn’t know the victim nor her family but a friend's friend knowing I was a psychic medium asked her if I had any insights. 

With that question I received psychic information. It came through a most terrifying dreams – actually more of a nightmare.

This case was about a horrendous murder that include rape of a mother whose child was in the home at the time.

During the dream I was the victim. Now, if you think that’s most interesting, don’t.  It's not interesting. It's horrible.

It was terrorizing! Fighting for your life, stumbling over furniture in terror - hoping to escape being killed. The smell of the killer, the touch, the fighting back - for your life! 

The pounding of my heart so loud it drove out the screams.

Only upon waking did I slowly become aware I was not the victim. I wasn't dead. Shaken and trembling I felt physically ill - drained. 

I regrouped and was able to remove my physical reaction from the victim although couldn’t shake the emotional fear nor the mental images. I related all to the victim's family, the house, furniture, what happened, how it happened They confirmed all my details were correct. I drew a picture of the killer. It was as they and the police suspected.

In subsequent dreams I could “see” the scene from a distance, as though viewing but not being. The victim told me more about her situation, her life - what was going on - she shared her great sadness over being separated from her daughter. She still pointed to the suspect.

It was not as she or the family or the police thought but could never prove. Twenty years later and with DNA proof the murderer was a serial killer of several people, mostly women. An evil man who died in prison but was never charged of these murders rather was in prison for burglary. 

These dark visions and spirit interactions can lead to attachments. When you interact with low life vampire entities and evil humans if you're not careful they can attach their energy to you. 

When a murder is experienced by psychics mediums they also deal with the darkness of the killer and that fear and ugliness can create a sense of paranoia. Worrying, will I be next? Was it a prophecy? I sought a couple of psychics to help me resolve my anxieties.  I asked them why had the spirit pointed to the wrong suspect and both had their own theories: she somehow blamed the person said one. The other said, she was showing you a person she needed to be there to save her. 

I've never fully recovered from, in any way, adding to the misery of the family from sharing information that was accurate. My next case would be much more helpful with the conviction of the murderer who is still in prison.

I worked on a few more murder and missing persons cases with police involvement but no longer wanting that dark energy, retired from doing cases. 

Read more about attachments in a previous blog: https://witchgoddesses.blogspot.com/2017/10/spirit-attachment-when-spirit.html  

More about my book and me at june ahern dot com. Books available on Amazon, Smashwords and autographed copies through me at my website. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019



In the novel City of Redemption

It wasn't all groovy love, great music, wild dancing - 
there was a dark underbelly of the time I lived.

Someone sent me an article from the 
Mercury News, California they found while 
searching the internet about my novel about my second novel, City of Redemption.
Curiously there's been a surge of interest recently in this story 
with people asking how was it in the sixties with all the social 
and political upheavals?  The same happening today, right?

  yes, it is did. 

With what is going on presently only the now it's even bigger 
and more violent, with the rebellions around the world, standing 
up to the dominate regimes. The youth of today being heard, taking 
action, protests, and all.

I'm really glad the article linking City of Redemption to those interested in a culture, time 
and place story - San Francisco - to many throughout the world. Cool, far out, groovy....

City of Redemption is about free love, sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, lies, betrayal and murder 
during a most memorable time and  place  The Summer of Love.  

You probably thought it was all peace man, get high - there was a 
lot of that and....well, the article will cover it.

Having lived in San Francisco - yes I was a Flower Power Child 
with an edge, being more of a City chick to the peace and flower 
youth that came to San Francisco - ah the memories of all the 
great happenings like the free concerts at Golden Gate Park:  
the whole shabang.

Black Panthers on the scene, LSD awakening and expanding the mind. Sadly, for some, 
destroying minds.

It was a crazy time for sure! - Janis Joplin lived in my neighborhood, zooming around 
in her psychedelic Porsche. The same neighborhood the story takes place which is
known now to many as The Castro. 

And the fashion! Love them colorful bellbottoms

I've seen fashion in 2019 resembling that era. Haven't you?

Read more about the book and me.  

Article link  Mercury News, California. 

Certainly with the world's cultural, social beliefs and political fights 
this crazy time of great upheaval? 

Paperback autographed copy for USA readers and upcoming talks, classes  at
 my website www.juneahern.com

Thursday, October 31, 2019



Have you thought of writing to a loved one who has died? Telling her or him about how much you enjoyed your time together? How your life is? Perhaps asking for some guidance? 

You aslo might write a note to a departed one patching things up that weren't fixed before they passed away. 

At my annual Gala Hallowe'en Event the new addition to the ritual ceremony was much appreciated - The Remembrance Table with notepaper and pens.

Guests were invited to write a departed loved one a note or simply her/his name. 

Soon the basket filled up.

We then had our Ritual Celebration with music and audience particpation about Hallowe'en and why and how it's celebrated. 

Afterward, the  basket with the purple cloth -(color signifying the 7th Crown chakra) was placed on the altar.

I let the guests know that on All Hallow's Eve (Halloween) I will say a prayer to the spirits before sending their notes to the heavens or as pagan's say, "Slumberland" inviting the dead relatives and friends to visit their petitioners. 

Perhaps you too will write a note and burn it in a fire safe container, thinking of your loved one and she or he will come to visit you tonight or in the following days.

So Mote it Be.

Learn more about me and my books at www.juneahern.com

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Once again I'll share my blog from 2010 that has an easy, lovely meditation/ritual to communicate with spirits of those who've passed away.

Talking is easier than listening, would you agree? Go to my share and learn to how to listen with open ears to the unseen spirit of your loved ones.

In the article telepathy is mentioned. Each of my non-fiction books, How to Talk With Spirits, Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts and The Timeless Counselor; The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading includes my educational quiz about telepathy and you.

For a beautiful longer ritual of how to communicate with spirits, read my How to Talk with Spirit book available in paperback and ebook.

Invite me to talk to your group about paranormal, NDE and much more. www dot june ahern dot com

Now go to the blog with the meditation and please leave a comment of your experience after your communication

June's book How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts has comforted and enlightened many. A murder case June worked on with law enforcement is in the process of becoming a movie. 2022

Sunday, October 20, 2019




I'm often asked how do you get my psychic information? 

Here's a reading and example of how I give messages from spirits from the dead

A Youtube video:

You're  picking up physic information everyday by sight, ear and feeling to help you navigate life and understand the world around you. Does this mean you're psychic? Yes, to a degree. Only, most likely you've not been trained nor encouraged to trust your psychic mind.

Do you read minds? Well, kinda. But the client's subconscious mind and their Akashic records. 

Spirits, that's different. I do not read their minds, but rather engage with their energies. And, they only tell and show what they want to.

Do you "see" it? Often. Can be a face, or parts of it like the eyes. Might be an image, an animal, a place or object 

What I like best is when I psychically "hear" information, which can include names and dates. Then I just repeat it and yes, at times, my voice and/or tone will change.

The "feeling" psychically I've got to work harder to put understandable words to the feelings.

The "seeing" in my mind's eye is good when describing a person, place, animal and/or object then I have to psychically see what it means to the person receiving the information. Often I just ask, "What does (whatever or whomever) mean to you?"

Spirits usually are easy to communicate with  if they come through clearly and speak up, I say! Speak up! Spirits that hang back in the shadows I ask to come forward or closer. If they've been dead for a long time images and words can be faint - then I'm really working for my money. 

Review author June Ahern's books: two about paranormal and parapsychology subjects and two novels. The Skye in June a readers favorite with near 700 overall positive reviews.

Monday, October 14, 2019


Handfasting is an ancient Celtic tradition 

for "tying the knot" - wedding ceremony, 

As an officiant at weddings and as part of the 

handfasting I add image candles. 

More Traditional White Wed
It's a lovely tradition where different colored ribbons or cords are loosely tied around a couples hands as vows are exchanged and/or sacred words are spoken with each ribbon or as the cord is draped over the hands. Then the ribbons (cord) is loosely tied.

There are various ways to tie the knot and how it is done is up to the couple and/or officiant. 

I've enjoyed officiating at weddings since 1992, which started because one of my sisters asked me to do it. Since then, family, friends and recommended others have invited me to be their "minister" - officiate. Each wedding has been a bit different in vows and celebrations and all, wonderfully lovely.

What I've always included is couple candles also known as image candles; an added sacredness with vows or special words spoken as the candles are lit.  
Red: passion

Sometimes I use a man and woman candle of different colors. After they have burned completely down I do a psychic reading of the mixed  blended colors of the candles wax for the couple. 

Who lights whose? Each person can light her or his own or exchange lighting. Vows/words can be spoken as they do.  I.E. "You are the light of my life" or "You light me up."

At my last wedding the message was quite clear early on during the melting of the wax.

 See how the wax on one (bride) candle dropped over to the other (groom) in the shape of a heart? Beautiful, isn't it and if not for a guest seeing it, I wouldn't have captured this magical message - giving her heart completely to her husband.

There are many different kinds of couple - wedding - candles to choose from.  You don't have to wait for a wedding. Hubby and I marked our anniversaries by lighting the image candles. Enjoy celebrating your love!

In this blog there's more about handfasting and pagan weddings.

You can choose the color to best describe your love relationship.

A passionate orange coupling. 
June Ahern, an author of four books, is a psychic medium
with paranormal investigations as seen on YouTube.
She is a Metaphysical and Life Coach and professional speaker.
Review more about June and her books at june ahern dot com

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Are you a medium? 

I'll talk about what can happen 

when you are contacted by or wish to contact 

a spirit or a ghost.

Radio interview Tuesday, 15th of October 2019,  I'll talk about what it's like being a medium and later answer questions from the audience (call-in to the show) then lead a meditation to connect with departed loved ones. 

6 p.m. PST, 8 CST, 9 EST and wherever you are in the world - your hours.

Review my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts and my other three books at june ahern. com.

Watch my introduction of my books on YouTube (link below) where you're also find my ghost hunts with The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigations with June Ahern.

Links:  Intro of June Ahern's Books  https://youtu.be/EboHgqlXu30
Condor Club, San Francisco, CA - The Infamous Strip Joint https://youtu.be/OR_33Vbjc90

Monday, September 30, 2019


What was one of the best part of writing The Skye in June 

about a Scottish immigrant family living in 

San Francisco, California circa 1960s? 

Which character do I most identify with?

Why did I dedicate to ....

Listen to my 15 minute book interview

Readers have a lot to say why they love this story over 600 overwhelming positive reviews.

My words of inspiration to any of you reading this is, record something special - that one time, maybe one day of your life and share it with a friend or two, a family member. 

Maybe it was something funny, or a chance meeting of a special person or you revived an award - what makes you an interesting person?

Another suggestion is look for colorful, enticing words - that means read other books for ideas and/or "listen"- yes, listen o conversations - like in ears drop. What word catches your ear? 

It's fun writing - you don't have to think about publishing but do think about cleaning up your story so grammarica errors don't override the enjoyment of the story.

Okay, on to listening to why I wrote my most loved story (over 600 overwhelming positive reviews from various book sites. Check them out, Amazon, US, UK,Japan, France, Goodreads, Barns&Noble,Smashwords, june ahern dot come to name some. 

Interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/E-3rw7zMpKk
About my other books june ahern dot com

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Photo from 7 Witches Coven

Born in Scotland, my heart belongs to the Celts. 
Raised amongst strong, vivacious and loving women 
I celebrate women's strength worldwide. 
My soul led me to the Goddess, to know 
I am a Witch. 
Blessed be.

Now I honor a Celtic woman friend, who's poems and books I enjoy MoonWillow.

Excerpted from From Voices of the Ancients & the Shining Ones - New Edition, MoonWillow
    Celtic Women are strong and truly independent women who live their lives to be free
    We are born into this world knowing this is our birthright and how it is meant to be
    We wear our battle scars of protecting those we love with such a deep and avid pride
    We are fiercely protective of our kin and those we love and will defend this with our lives
    We are stubborn independent women and to some we may come across as quite fierce
    We're blessed with affinity with the natural magick that comes to us all instinctively
    We work with the blessed powers of the ancients and our ancestors so rhythmically
    We know to walk softly upon mother earth as she blesses and nurtures us with her grace
    We know we're all as one as we connect with each other no matter your origins or race 
© Moonwillow 2011
Some books by Moonwillow:
Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes
Gullveig Twin Souls Twin Flames
(The spell-binding sequel to Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes)
Voices of the Ancients & the Shining Ones - New Edition
The Enchanted Forest of the Winter Fairies - Pagan & Yule Edition
The Enchanted Forest of the Winter Fairies - Christmas Edition 
June Ahern is an author of four books, psychic medium, paranormal investigator as seen on YouTube and Life Coach. Learn more at june ahern dot com

Friday, September 13, 2019




Author, astrologer and psychic reader Yerevan writes about the September 13th moon: "Right now the Harvest Moon is growing full now in the sign of Pisces, heightening moods and memories. This is an extra Neptunian Pisces Moon and the perfect time for prayers, meditations and rituals involving release and spiritual healing."

Why is this day deemed unlucky? Murder, betrayal, lies and grief happened.

Some Christian believe it's the day Jesus was betrayed and/or crucified on Friday the 13th. A sad time indeed for those who follow Jesus' life teachings, but it's also believed He knowingly and willingly gave His life so others might be enlightened. 

In what way do you sacrifice for the betterment of another or others? Today be grateful you share love and kindness for you are also loved. Let another or others treat you royally! Accept help, act needy for a moment, treat yourself. Accept thank you without saying, "It's nothing." for your kind acts are truly something important. So Mote it be.

October 1307 on Friday the French King Philip IV ordered Grand Master Jacque de Molay and many other French Templars to be arrested, charging them with financial corruption, fraud and secrecy, and idolatry. They were tortured and later burned at the stake. I believe it's easy to say  it was the great wealth of the Templars that led to their deaths. 

Who has betrayed you? In what way have you suffered consequences from being unfairly judged? Today, stand up for your self, whether that be out loud or by  pulling away from those who injured you emotionally, psychically  and/or mentally. Free yourself from their betrayal by no longer speaking their name(s). In fact, write their name(s) and if you have a photograph, place both name and photo in a fire safe container, burn them, erase them from your life - or if you are still in that relationship write the deed of betrayal and burn that to free yourself from that time so it hold no more power over you. So Mote it Be. 

Find a quiet or joyful place or person or animal to hang out with to return to your true self.

Luck: I've always said I'm a lucky person. Make this 13th Friday a lucky day for yourself. Luck is about timing, knowledge, belief in your dream or goal and bravery to act. Carry a Lucky Charm - that something you think or believe gives you a bit of luck. 

The Harvest Moon: Before electricty and in some countries, still, the time comes to harvest crops before the cold and long dark nights set in. The bright light from the moon gave the farmers that chance to be out later to gather their crops. 

Skyclad: Naked to the world. Clad only in the beauty of nature under the light of the moon and stars or the bright warmth of the sun or the beauty of your sacred space. During this full moon, dance and sing, pray and mediate your full glory - the birthday suit, free of clothing. You can wear a sacred or magical piece of jewelry if you wish. 

June Ahern is an author of four books, medium, teacher and ghost buster. Review at june ahern website. 


 Winter Dreams Perfect Time for Visualizing to Manifest Come Spring Spirits visit easy through dreams             The earth is quiet and sti...