Monday, September 30, 2019


What was one of the best part of writing The Skye in June 

about a Scottish immigrant family living in 

San Francisco, California circa 1960s? 

Which character do I most identify with?

Why did I dedicate to ....

Listen to my 15 minute book interview

Readers have a lot to say why they love this story over 600 overwhelming positive reviews.

My words of inspiration to any of you reading this is, record something special - that one time, maybe one day of your life and share it with a friend or two, a family member. 

Maybe it was something funny, or a chance meeting of a special person or you revived an award - what makes you an interesting person?

Another suggestion is look for colorful, enticing words - that means read other books for ideas and/or "listen"- yes, listen o conversations - like in ears drop. What word catches your ear? 

It's fun writing - you don't have to think about publishing but do think about cleaning up your story so grammarica errors don't override the enjoyment of the story.

Okay, on to listening to why I wrote my most loved story (over 600 overwhelming positive reviews from various book sites. Check them out, Amazon, US, UK,Japan, France, Goodreads, Barns&Noble,Smashwords, june ahern dot come to name some. 

Interview on YouTube:
About my other books june ahern dot com

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