Tuesday, November 26, 2019


A good paranormal investigation 

with confirmed facts and voices

supports, life exists after the physical body

It's not easy to confirm the information given my non-living beings because records weren't always kept or just are difficult to find. 

But the producer of THE HAUNTED BAY PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION, Ying Liu, was able to find some records about the ghosts in the Eagle Building in Alameda, California. 

Supporting to this investigation was done by separate the Alameda Paranormal Investigators who brought their electronic equipment and for one of their first times caught clear as a bell voices of the dead.

Listen and let me know what do you think? 

Remember, I've told you and have written in both my non-fiction parapsychology books, I'm a healthy skeptic about all of this. So, when I heard the voices I asked Ying, "Really? Were you there?"

Yes, it is true she told me. 

Watch, Listen, Learn, Question and Let me know what you think. Please give it a thumbs up, comment and subscribe. 

Check out my How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts available paperback and ebook. And my complete consumer guide, eBook only at this time:
The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Success Psychic Reading.

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