Sunday, February 17, 2019







Heard them all. 

This is why my first book, "The Timeless Counselor, The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading" was created: addresses the many, many questions asked of me over forty plus years as a reader about how psychics work, why people get readings, and how what questions are best to ask. 

My book is a complete consumer's guide for you to get the most from a psychic reading, pick the right reader and avoid scams plus much more.

A psychic reading should be helpful, practical and guide you to living your uniqueness. 

Here's my thoughts on how often should you have a psychic reading?

I say once a year would be sufficient, if not longer.

I do not encourage clients to become dependent upon me or a psychic reading to make decisions and life choices, rather as a psychic guide my goal is to present opportunities and insights to advance one's life in a fulfilling way. The bottom line is YOU decide, not the reader. After all a reader is just that, reading your deep subconscious mind. 

What if the reader is wrong?

Don't like what you hear? Check within. Take time to review what the reader says. Is she or he way off base or is there some truth to it. At the moment of the reading it's not easy to tap into your inner knowing, that's why I always record readings for clients. 

The information received during a reading should be sufficient for clients to review what the reading revealed and to take time to think about what was said before deciding what is right for themselves, what doesn't fit their own understanding, and whether they should act upon the reader's insights or not.

How far can a reader see into the future?

The information can span up to a year and often further out. This is why I tell clients there need not be a return visit for at least one year if not longer.

I've been conducting readings and spirit communication professionally since 1975 and since 1970 studying the tarot cards and psychic development while practicing my craft.

One aspect that came to me early on in my work is how clients hang on my words as though I'm the god (or goddess) of their lives - NO! A reader is to give insights not decide how you live your life, what decisions you make and what goals are best for you. y

Should I wait to see if the reader was any good?

Another thing clients do is wait for the "outcome" rather than take the steps.Why? There was a time a client judged whether I was "right" or "wrong" by waiting - what a waste of time. I told clients to stop! They should know better if I can be trusted as a reader or not by the first insight I give.

You picked the reader - hopefully you did you homework before the appointment.  After the reading take time to reflect upon the information. Judging right or wrong at the reading can hinder it by stopping important psychic information from coming forth. I've had (very few) clients who want to talk about if the information is right or wrong, or they already know all the answers. Why come to a reading then? My book helps you find the right reader for your needs.

So many people have returned over the years to let me know how my information was helpful later than at the time of the session. 

Clients asking the same question many times over and in different wording: What my readings give is insights how to best reach a goal or avoid an outcome. 

Do most listen? No. 

Rather, clients return with the same darn questions and when I ask, did you (whatever was suggested) - "No, I waited and it didn't happen or "...didn't occur at the time we or she/he thought it should." Oi. that one gets me. Want it now, want it easy, want it though the reader advices not to. Why go for a reading then?

Just don't sit around and wait to see if the reader was right or wrong or hurry back for a reading for "more" alternatives.

I suggest you don't go back for another reading before a year between and you have followed the advice, and/or investigated alternatives. That is UNLESS something entirely different comes up and you wish for some insights outside your own intuition and intelligence.

If a reader suggests you return soon after the reading think twice if it's for your benefit or the reader's. 

Sometimes clients return after a few years or several ones. I say, "perfect timing!" because that gave them plenty of time to use the information from the reading.

Again, don't become dependent upon a reader or anyone to decide what is best for you. Look for another who'll give insights, sage advice or recommend a reasonable source. From a reader, take their insights and advice and see how it can and if it pertains to your situation.

Readings are NOT therapy, although they can be a great source to helping you heal through going to the time and situation that impacted your life, thinking and reactions. 

In my book I devote a whole chapter on how psychic readings and parapsychology can work effectively to bring around a healing and advance your life positively. I will at times recommend therapy to some clients.

Buy my book. The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading and How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts by searching June Ahern or title at or

june ahern dot com autographed copies and to review my all four of my books.

#psychicreaders #intuition #ghoststories #spiritcommunication 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


My novel, The Skye in June, had been nominated for 

a 2019 Top Female Writers contest.

Please wish it (me) luck and a successful win!


Happy to say, my first novel,  is an enjoyed story with over 500 overwhelmingly positive reviews at various book selling sites. Skye has been translated to Japanese (on Japan). 

We couldn't have had a more perfect guest. Ahern's really a natural--so cool and calm, articulate and conversational. - Karen Adams, Producer, Arts, Palo Alto Community Television     

​One of my favorite perks is traveling across the United States on book tours across and
meeting so many lovely, interesting people eager to ask questions about San Francisco - my adopted city by the bay and its  best known neighborhood The Castro. Did you know it sits just about in the heart of the city?

So many more questions - book events are always lively! I've been invited to talk at bookclubs, and taken to dinner with groups just so they can meet an author and ask what's it like to write and market a book - why did I write it? And much more is discussed.

A review on Amazon written by a guest at a book party in Brooklyn, New York said: “Ms.Ahern reads excerpts with her fabulous Scottish burr and engaged her piercing blues eyes with the audience. This stayed alive in my mind and embellished my reading experiences.”   

Where can I get this fine novel? you ask... 

Amazon (international);
• (all kinds of ebook options); 
• your bookstore! 
• Order there and... a personally autographed copy (USA mailing only)

Please review my other three books, learn about me and my paranormal investigations on YouTube (The Haunted Bay) and  at june 

AGAIN, PLEASE SUPPORT "SKYE" BY SENDING GOOD WISHES. Envision my smiling face with a Winner 2019 top Female Writer banner across me - might as well throw in champagne too! 

Friday, February 8, 2019


In my latest radio interview the host and I talked about the 

challenges a psychic child faces in family life and society. 

Interview on Paranormal Soup Radio Show YouTube 

Do you have a psychic child? Then what I talk about in the radio interview will be of interest to you.

The host had been a child with strong psychic impressions and thankfully he had a mother who listened and supported her son. Now as a parent of two children he wanted to give them the opportunity to feel comfortable with their psychic abilities.

My son was also a highly developed psychic child who actually received pertinent information about a murder case I was working on. He was only 3 1/2 years old when he first received visions about this case and it went on to he was about 5 years of age.  He willing talked about what happened to the woman murdered. I did not feed him any information or encourage him to talk about it. I listened.

I offered the information to the police, but protected my son by saying it was my information although I did record my son giving his impressions. Working with the police can be quite jarring for a psychic as they want "just the facts, ma'am" and often psychic take time developing the "facts".

What he received helped officers find an elderly witness whose testimony was videoed because of his age and illness and later presented in court.

I also gave detailed information known only to the police and continued to work with law enforcement to secure an arrest. The perpetrator is, to date, in prison.

How parents can support their psychic child: Parents might not believe in the paranormal, maybe never having any experiences themselves, but how does a parent handle a child that talks about visions about things that happened before their birth or things to happen that do occur?

Listen, do not say, "Don't talk about that" or "You're only imagining it." Instead, if you know about the history give credence to the child visions and talk together talk about the people, the place, the time.  If it's the future, say,"We'll see in time, won't we?"

Do not encourage frightening dreams or perhaps an entity your child is fearful of. Rather, give the child comfort and offer to create a safe space by having the child imagine sitting in a white bubble, safe from all that can harm her/him.

One time a very nasty entity came to my house and I dispelled it, only it went into my young son's room and caused havoc. But, that's another story in the interview.

Or, ones who communicate with spirits?

An example of a kid talking to spirits was a grandson, not by blood but a 'bonus' grandchild that through marriage.  He was only four when my eldest sister died suddenly. Her death wasn't discussed in front of him so when he "saw" her in his psychic eye then related a message we were surprised.

One night after a visit from my son, his wife and my bonus grandson  I was bidding good night when he appeared to be falling asleep while standing; his eyes fluttered and his head fell forward. He then raised his head and said clearly, "Your sister is standing next to you. She's smiling and said not to cry for her."

I was grieving heavily and not at that time, but most days were spent in tears. I quietly thanked him for sharing the information. In that way I validated his connection to my deceased sister.

His mother had no idea he was a psychic kid. Maybe because he was with me, someone who would understand, his ability was revealed. At that time all I say was "Thank you." Since then we've shared many a psychic experiences and I support his ability through teaching him how to contain, understand and call upon it while I listen with an open mind.

I share much, much more about these kinds of paranormal experiences in my book, "How To Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" available through me, Amazon, Smashwords, your bookstore. Review at june ahern dot com

During the show you'll also enjoy the call-ins to me asking questions and me, giving a few mini readings. We talk orbs, NDE, what I saw on the "other side" of living; "vampire" entities I've encountered and other paranormal occurrences.

Listen YouTube Please leave a comment and "like". Thank you. If YouTube is not for you, Paranormal Soup shows (my interview) is on Facebook

Friday, February 1, 2019


From ghoulies and ghosties

And long-leggedy beasties

And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!

– Scottish Poem, Anonymous –

Many have had "unusual" - unexplainable - 

frighting paranormal experiences. 

Have you?

At book parties guests are eager to share personal experiences and ask my thoughts about them.  them.

I've had plenty of paranormal ESP experiences and would like to share them with you on this radio interview, Sunday 3rd February. See times in photo.

"Something weird happened. Things in my house are moved around during the night. Can this be a ghost?" - maybe or maybe not, June, says before asking questions to clarify.

"How do you know if a spirit really is visiting?" - there are a few ways. Usually, they don't appear in a "body" rather in mind. You think of the person with a strong sense of him or her around you.  I have more to add to that question. 

Sunday, 3rd February USA time I'll be a guest on Paranormal Soup radio podcast to talk spirits, ghosts, vampire entities and ghoulies.  

I'll talk about why I wrote my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts (available paperback, ebook Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, autograph copies through mewhen I said no several times to the requests.

Join us please live or later on YouTube video. 

If live, call-in with your questions. 

See my paranormal adventurous investigations on YouTube's The Haunted Bay. 
Here's a favorite:


 Winter Dreams Perfect Time for Visualizing to Manifest Come Spring Spirits visit easy through dreams             The earth is quiet and sti...