Tuesday, November 17, 2020


                     Traveling with Ghosts

Is it possible for a ghost, poltergeist or entity to travel with you rather than be contained to one location?


Although not often will an entity (ghost, poltergeist) attach itself to you or an object to travel with you to another location.

A few years ago I was invited to talk about my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" at an antique store located in a Northern California town founded in 1850s.

After my talk the audience joined me for a walk about of the store where I'd stop when feeling a psychic pull to a piece of furniture, clothing or jewelry, or a photo and quite often a toy. Then I'd "read" who, what, and where was attached to it. In other words, giving a history psychic reading like I do on my paranormal investigation (on Amazon Prime and YouTube, The Haunted Bay).

Sellers were able to confirm how accurate the information was (I did really well) but unfortunately some of the history wasn't known to the antique dealer. 

Does this mean the spirit/ghost/entity is still attached? 

Not necessary. My psychic abilities include precognition - knowing the past. When I do psychically feel or know that an entity is attached, right away I distance myself to observe what or who it is. 

This observation is a way of not inviting or allowing that entity or ghost to enter into my physical space and/or body.

Why and how do attachment happen?

If it's through an object it is because there's an intense identification from spirit to it and even death will not separate that feeling. If it's an entity something with that object happened that was not pleasant  - good - and has attracted negativity. 

Read more about attachments in my blog https://witchgoddesses.blogspot.com/2017/10/spirit-attachment-when-spirit.html

Majority of spirits do not want to attache themselves to life - people or objects - when they pull away from the physical body and world, but those who do follow objects and then, follow certain people away from the location are usually not pleasant ones to deal with.

The worst attachments will even want to harbor within the new location and even a person's body and that is not good at all. But, it happens.

What to do?  You can cleanse your area and body by doing such things as smudging, Feng Shui and if need be, call in a medium educated and experienced to work with that kind of haunting.

For more about this subject and what to do review my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts." This book is an email, paperback and audio. For an autograph copy order directly from the author, June Ahern.  

The Timeless Counselor - BEFORE you go for a psychic reading this book is a must to get the most from it. You'll be glad you read it. 

June's an author of four books, learn more about them, her monthly metaphysical, psychic Zoom events at june ahern dot com.

Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Today for me, and many other US citizens, I am  more optimistic  than many of us have been for the past four years.

In my meditations I prayed and envisioned intelligent leaders willing to move this world to making future decisions with intelligent for Earth and Earthlings. I do use images of the Cosmic when seeking a spiritual understanding and guidance. What do you image in your visualizations for a clearer and/or better place for you and others?

in my constant meditations, prayers and visualizations I saw myself in the Cosmic Energy as part of Jupiter's moons, I being one,  circling Jupiter ready to expand our Earth to a new World. 

Astrologically speaking, the message assigned to Jupiter: associated with principles of growth, expansion, healing prosperity, good fortune and miracles. Includes long distance and foreign ravel, higher education, religion and the law.

Breaking that done to: make decisions that better the life of workers to have a chance to make a decent living. For workers of color to be judge on their worth and not their color. 

Let me say. today I'm full of hope for the United States to continue to advance in people's rights (which is fails too often.)

Learn more about me and my books, latest podcast interview and my medium investigations on The Haunted Bay at june ahern dot com.

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Remembrance Board




Send an invitation to your departed loved one especially at this time of Halloween, originally known as All Hallow's Eve, a Holy Eve before what is All Saints' Day and Day of the Dead: November 1st and November 2nd when the spirit readily come to walk Earth and visit.

Begin with a written invitation: write her or his name; dear...hello...greetings - however you greet a loved one, a friend your pet. It's nice to write a short note, perhaps a favorite memory. This creates a heartfelt connection with the spirit of the departed. You can place it alongside a candle or, like the hot of the Remembrance Board above, on or above your altar.

Along with your note you can add a photo of your loved one to sit in front of you. 

Place a white candle (safely) in a window as a beacon, telling your spirit, here I am, come visit.  

Close your eyes, take a few or more relaxing breathes and softly call the name of your loved one 3x. If you're crying, wait, redo, be calm; sit still and open your mind and heart for a visit from spirit. Enjoy the moment.

You might "feel" an energy change, a presence, or see in your mind's eye your loved one, and then again you could "hear" a message within or smell a particular scent associated with that person.

If you have a question, phrase it simply. If you have a comment, again make it simple without a whole lot of details Spirits do best  with simple messages.

If you have what you think, no connection, perhaps in your dreams, (the easiest way to connect with spirits) you'll connect. 

In the days following stay aware of "coincidences" that remind you of that person or pet. Spirits often communicate through symbols. For instance, a bird perches close to you, a bird your person used to enjoy - or the color of it. 

In my All Hallow's Eve celebration and ritual I create a Remembrance Board as part of my special Gala Ritual Celebration; this time on Zoom. 

In front of it is an altar representing the season's colors and candles. Usually, my Halloween altar is a bit more elaborate but this year for the purpose on Zoom I didn't add as much.

More about creating a Halloween Altar in my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" paperback, audio, eBook.

Learn more about my other books, my Zoom events, and me at june ahern dot com



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