Tuesday, November 26, 2019


A good paranormal investigation 

with confirmed facts and voices

supports, life exists after the physical body

It's not easy to confirm the information given my non-living beings because records weren't always kept or just are difficult to find. 

But the producer of THE HAUNTED BAY PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION, Ying Liu, was able to find some records about the ghosts in the Eagle Building in Alameda, California. 

Supporting to this investigation was done by separate the Alameda Paranormal Investigators who brought their electronic equipment and for one of their first times caught clear as a bell voices of the dead.

Listen and let me know what do you think? 

Remember, I've told you and have written in both my non-fiction parapsychology books, I'm a healthy skeptic about all of this. So, when I heard the voices I asked Ying, "Really? Were you there?"

Yes, it is true she told me. 

Watch, Listen, Learn, Question and Let me know what you think. Please give it a thumbs up, comment and subscribe. 

Check out my How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts available paperback and ebook. And my complete consumer guide, eBook only at this time:
The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Success Psychic Reading.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


In my book How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts 

I share many personal spirit and ghost encounters, 

most of which are pleasant and healing,

but some, like my murder cases are not at all pleasant to experience

People are often curious about how a psychic/medium, like myself, get insights to murders and what it's like for them experiencing it. 

It's not easy to talk about. It terrifying. Sad. And ugly to witness.

I know because I've been psychically murdered as well as witnessed murders.

I've worked with family and police with my psychic impressions of murder victims. In respect of the family I won't give the name of the victims or information leading to discovery.

Unfortunately, I learned, the experience of being a part of a murder investigation doesn't always leave your psyche or life easily. 

Two cases I experienced continue pop up throughout years for some reason or the other. 

Like a chance meeting of the child of one victim and an interest of a documentary producer.

Working on murder investigations is incredibly sad. You see a tragic end of someone's life.  A person hurt beyond what you'd ever want to imagine.  It will often continue to be a mental, emotional, physical and psychic disturbance for many years. 

My first witness to a murder took years to solve and finally communicating with the victim to envision her having some peace and healing of spirit.

My first murder case: How I became involved:  I didn’t know the victim nor her family but a friend's friend knowing I was a psychic medium asked her if I had any insights. 

With that question I received psychic information. It came through a most terrifying dreams – actually more of a nightmare.

This case was about a horrendous murder that include rape of a mother whose child was in the home at the time.

During the dream I was the victim. Now, if you think that’s most interesting, don’t.  It's not interesting. It's horrible.

It was terrorizing! Fighting for your life, stumbling over furniture in terror - hoping to escape being killed. The smell of the killer, the touch, the fighting back - for your life! 

The pounding of my heart so loud it drove out the screams.

Only upon waking did I slowly become aware I was not the victim. I wasn't dead. Shaken and trembling I felt physically ill - drained. 

I regrouped and was able to remove my physical reaction from the victim although couldn’t shake the emotional fear nor the mental images. I related all to the victim's family, the house, furniture, what happened, how it happened They confirmed all my details were correct. I drew a picture of the killer. It was as they and the police suspected.

In subsequent dreams I could “see” the scene from a distance, as though viewing but not being. The victim told me more about her situation, her life - what was going on - she shared her great sadness over being separated from her daughter. She still pointed to the suspect.

It was not as she or the family or the police thought but could never prove. Twenty years later and with DNA proof the murderer was a serial killer of several people, mostly women. An evil man who died in prison but was never charged of these murders rather was in prison for burglary. 

These dark visions and spirit interactions can lead to attachments. When you interact with low life vampire entities and evil humans if you're not careful they can attach their energy to you. 

When a murder is experienced by psychics mediums they also deal with the darkness of the killer and that fear and ugliness can create a sense of paranoia. Worrying, will I be next? Was it a prophecy? I sought a couple of psychics to help me resolve my anxieties.  I asked them why had the spirit pointed to the wrong suspect and both had their own theories: she somehow blamed the person said one. The other said, she was showing you a person she needed to be there to save her. 

I've never fully recovered from, in any way, adding to the misery of the family from sharing information that was accurate. My next case would be much more helpful with the conviction of the murderer who is still in prison.

I worked on a few more murder and missing persons cases with police involvement but no longer wanting that dark energy, retired from doing cases. 

Read more about attachments in a previous blog: https://witchgoddesses.blogspot.com/2017/10/spirit-attachment-when-spirit.html  

More about my book and me at june ahern dot com. Books available on Amazon, Smashwords and autographed copies through me at my website. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019



In the novel City of Redemption

It wasn't all groovy love, great music, wild dancing - 
there was a dark underbelly of the time I lived.

Someone sent me an article from the 
Mercury News, California they found while 
searching the internet about my novel about my second novel, City of Redemption.
Curiously there's been a surge of interest recently in this story 
with people asking how was it in the sixties with all the social 
and political upheavals?  The same happening today, right?

  yes, it is did. 

With what is going on presently only the now it's even bigger 
and more violent, with the rebellions around the world, standing 
up to the dominate regimes. The youth of today being heard, taking 
action, protests, and all.

I'm really glad the article linking City of Redemption to those interested in a culture, time 
and place story - San Francisco - to many throughout the world. Cool, far out, groovy....

City of Redemption is about free love, sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, lies, betrayal and murder 
during a most memorable time and  place  The Summer of Love.  

You probably thought it was all peace man, get high - there was a 
lot of that and....well, the article will cover it.

Having lived in San Francisco - yes I was a Flower Power Child 
with an edge, being more of a City chick to the peace and flower 
youth that came to San Francisco - ah the memories of all the 
great happenings like the free concerts at Golden Gate Park:  
the whole shabang.

Black Panthers on the scene, LSD awakening and expanding the mind. Sadly, for some, 
destroying minds.

It was a crazy time for sure! - Janis Joplin lived in my neighborhood, zooming around 
in her psychedelic Porsche. The same neighborhood the story takes place which is
known now to many as The Castro. 

And the fashion! Love them colorful bellbottoms

I've seen fashion in 2019 resembling that era. Haven't you?

Read more about the book and me.  

Article link  Mercury News, California. 

Certainly with the world's cultural, social beliefs and political fights 
this crazy time of great upheaval? 

Paperback autographed copy for USA readers and upcoming talks, classes  at
 my website www.juneahern.com


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