Thursday, November 29, 2018


Preparation for spirit communication truly makes a difference

#1. Before you begin to communicate with the spirit of a dead person be honest with knowing you are really ready. Answer: Are you truly prepared emotionally to connect with a dead love one? If you grieving heavily  - crying a lot - you most likely will not find the comfort you seek or even the message clearly.  Have you tried comforting someone who is crying constantly, sobbing? The person doesn't hear words and would do best to be comforted with a hug. Spirit messages are in words so do you think you're ready to listen?

Besides emotionally prepared are you mentally open, willing to experience whatever happens and is said by whichever spirit? Are you physically able to sit comfortably for a least an hour? Yes, it takes patience to await spirit connection. If spirit communication is made in a seance you will be sitting, maybe holding hands for at least an hour.

#2. Before the session prepare through a time to meditate or at least have a  quiet time. Open your mind to the spirit you'd like to communicate with. Mentally see recall - look at their face in your mind's eye the person. Say her or his name. You might want to say the name aloud.  Truth be told whatever spirit really wants to contact you will come through no matter how much you want another. I suggest you write the person's name on a piece of paper and take it with you to the session. You can also take a photograph even if the medium doesn't ask for one you have your loved one in hand (or pocket).

#3. Attitude makes a difference. Keep an open mind. Make it a time of wonderment - I wonder if a spirit will come through. When a person doesn't believe - is negative or disdain about the whole phenom of spirit communicaiton that kind of attitude effects the success of the seance. More in my book about how to sit.

I've witnessed and I'm communicating with spirit and feel that blocked energy have asked the guests "Who is it that really doesn't want to be here?" Often someone talks another (like a partner) into coming along.  When a person admits I ask the person to leave the room.

Be part of the group wholly.

#4. Some people are afraid of "ghosts" -"vampire entities" "evil spirits" will show. Well, a rarity those kind come through, but one never knows. A seasoned and educated medium knows how to prepare and keep out those kinds of spirits. 

If it happens it can be frightening but again, it's a rarity, so trust and relax. 

If you hold fear say a prayer, carry a good luck charm or religious icon. Spirit communication can be very emotional but shouldn't be fearful at all. 

#5. The big hope is you get a message, one you find comforting. Hopefully each guests gets a message but not always. Think of that before you go to the session. How will you feel if you don't get a message? Does it mean your dead loved ones have nothing to say to you? Probably not. They might want to contact you in private. Or, the timing is not right to communicate. Don't despair for a message can come later and perhaps from another source.

#5. Just listen to the message. Don't get into, well, he wasn't like that, she never came, you want a connection. Later you can decide if the message given has meaning to you.  I can't count the many people who have later said, "Oh, I found out you were right" or "now that makes sense to me." Overly questioning can impeded the message.

#6. Thank whomever gave you the message for I'm sure more are to come.

Other useful suggestions how to prepare for a group or solo in my book, How to Talk With Spirits. 

Invite me to talk to your group of interested friends. I do Skype or Soon book events. A good time to ask questions.

My books are available through me, or under my name June Ahern at these sites,, Barnes and Nobles and your favorite bookstore. 

Or titles, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts"  "The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading - Complete Consumer's Guide" - novels: "The Skye in June" and "City of Redemption."

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


A book is a gift you can open again and again.”- Garrison Keillor

Has your life taken a unexpected path  - one you never thought of ever? 

I certainly experienced that - never thinking when I grow up I'm going to be a psychic medium and write four books.

As I prepare to offer my Holiday Book Special I laugh at having two successful careers that never crossed my mind.  My father said, "get a job until you get married."  So, I did right out of high school then realized working in an office wasn't for me nor was getting married at that time. My goal was to be a long distance truck driver; travel, freedom, no boss asking for coffee - ah, a dream and then the car accident changed it all (as told in my How to Talk With Spirits.)

All my books were written on the advice of another. 

My first book now titled, "The Timeless Counselor: The Best Key to a Successful Psychic Reading" came to be on the advice of a client who said it would help my business as a psychic medium and parapsychology teacher grow.

Originally titled "A Professional Psychic Reading: Alternative to Therapy" published  in 1990 was handwritten and later put onto a borrowed  clunky PC with floppy disks. A small San Francisco publishing company rolled out 5,000 copies (all sold) and was  put together over a few weekends in my basement with several friends, music blaring, wine and pizza. 

The book did prove  to expand my business.  I appeared on the television talk show, "People are Talking" with a mention of my book and was the most sold book of an unknown author at the NY Whole Life Expo.

My next book, a novel, that I had no intention of writing. It started out as a screenplay.  A friend who is a published author said  novels have a better chance of being bought for a screenplay.Reluctantly, I began to write the story and had two (wonderful) years of developing my Maconald family - speaking the dialogue out loud, often as I was making dinner. Thus the popular "The Skye in June" came to be with many readers ask for a sequel.

Second novel again was first a screenplay first written on request from a Scottish actress I met in Los Angeles when The Skye in June was, in part, played out on stage. I loved the story so much I once again decided to write it as a novel. It's a Summer of Love thriller titled, "City of Redemption."

Next non-fiction: I received a FB PM from a client telling me he had a dream that I should write a book about spirit communication became my last book. I said, no way, no more books, no, no several times and then OK a really short eBook. It turned out to be very popular with much interest from so many interested in the paranormal. Have done quite a few book events as well as radio shows (still more scheduled) on this subject.

HOLIDAY SPECIAL:  .Personally autographed, gift wrapped with a note to your recipient mailed in USA (ends 12/31/18)  see purchase page. ORDER DIRECTLY FROM ME. Does not include print books ordered from other outlets.

Links to my books: - eBooks and Paperback

​Smashwords - eBooks in all forms including Nook, PDF, ePub & more!

Barnes and Noble: eBooks & Paperback

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Whose Séance Is This Séance?

The Guests?

The Mediums? 

The Spirits?

Recently, I sat at a séance as the medium. Eager to receive messages from departed loved ones guests' eyes trained on me and I felt the tingle of energy - not only from guests but as the spirits came into the space.

Then the mood changed when I made an announcement surprising guests. "Let's all be open to receiving messages from spirit not only through me, but from each of you."

 I explained that spirits communicate with whom they want to and not just one person like me, the medium. This I've learned over the many years I've been involved with spirit communication. 

Guests had that HUH? look. 

Are you a portal for psychic messages? 

This is how it could happen: a physical sense (i.e. hair on your neck might rise up) of an unseen something or someone in the room; a mental message like an image of someone's face, someone you don't know. It could be a voice different than your own. A name, a short message (most spirits don't overly talk.) 

I asked guests if they had this kind of experience to share. Maybe they would feel it was directed to one person in the circle.

I saw the hesitation and knew from previous séance the worries; "I'm not a medium. Not psychic. What if I'm wrong?" 

The biggest fear people have about sharing their psychic impressions is, "What if I'm wrong? What if the person doesn't relate?" "Will I appear foolish?" 

Chances are you're not mistaken. Each of us has a psyche. We do pick up unseen energy all the time. And, what if you are wrong? What if I, the medium, is wrong? Way off base? It can happen although for me, a rarity. You offered what you thought or felt was from spirit. Leave it at that.

So, I let them off the hook and added, "If you'd rather wait until after we're done, please go to the person you think the message is for to share what you picked up."

There's been more than plenty of times I relate a message with a life experience only to have the living say, can't remember, it never happened, she or he wasn't like that and later hear back from the denying one - OH!!! I get it. Now what was that message? 

It's gone. Yes, I can't keep all those messages from spirits in my memory bank. Can you image what that would do to my brain?

So yes, a shared spirit communication time is open for all to use their psyche and connect with the physically unseen for a period of time. This means a medium, a psychic, and you who possess the ability to receive messages.

Therefore, a seance - a spirit communication where two or more meet for the purpose of receiving messages from the dead BELONGS TO ALL INVOLVED.

As I say in my book, "How to Talk With Spirits" it's not the spirits that are difficult to understand, it's the living. Yes, we living have limited and linear ways of looking at our lives, at our relationships. 

How to have a successful connection to departed loved ones is easier than most think and why it doesn't happen thus people seek mediums is all addressed in my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts.

If you read how I offer spirit communication in a seance, open form of spirit communication, and/or solo they'll be no reason not to expect a connection with whomever in spirit you'd like to connect with.
It doesn't always end up being who you thought like in my latest session where two teaches of one guests came to her, which ended up confirming and supporting her recent professional choice.

Included in the book are pointers who to avoid negative entities, like vampire and low grade ones who can sneak into a spirit session.

I wish you well in your spirit adventure.

My books available: Amazon  Smashwords
autographed copies through me. 
One of my ghost investigations in San Francisco's infamous strip club, CA.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


How Light, Color and Sound Affect Life 

Presentation on a Mystical/metaphysical topic

I'll be here on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please join me for this free talk, which includes refreshments. This talk will look into how we are affected physically, emotionally and spiritually by all three.

Where? 2650 Fulton/3rd Ave (door on 3rd) San Francisco

Topic: Light, color, and sound play a crucial role in our everyday life, But what exactly are these phenomenon? More importantly; How do they affect Life both physically and spiritually? Frater Jesse Grossmann will answer these questions in presenting an old article entitled "How Light and Color Affect Life" written by Frater John H. Schneider B.S, M.S which appeared in a 1928 Rosicrucian Digest. With his experience as an audio engineer, he will include the addition of sound waves, to give a well-rounded view building upon the original article.

Let's look at how:

Well, we certainly know how music affects us and we all have our own taste plus depending upon our mood and reason for choosing music, know the affects upon us. That's simple to understanding.

Did you know that each note also vibrates and corresponds to our chakras? Deep bass the lower earthly chakras - the drums for example - violins with a higher note vibration the upper chakras - the heart, the mind, the memories.

Each aspect of sound, color, light has also an impact upon our psychological state. Think about a room where you feel so relaxed - what is in it? Colors, sounds, the light? Think of a space, a room, you feel uncomfortable in and again, what is the colors, sounds and lights surrounding you?

Certainly the advertising world (I studied it in college) knows how to use all of that as does the movie industry - all to solicit a psychological emotional response. 

My first read of sound and color was from a book on the subject by Corinne Heline who was an American author, Christian mystic and occultist mystic who published 28 books.

Become more aware of your surroundings and as best you can match them to your desired state and health  of mind and body.

I look forward to learning more from speaker, Jesse Grossmann who is a Rosicrucian and also a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason and as both a mystic, musician and trained audio engineer, he has spent most of his life developing an intimate relationship with Waveforms both for scientific and esoteric means.

My books, paranormal investigations and me at and

Thursday, November 1, 2018


I hope you had a fun, sacred Hallowe'en - Day of the Dead time.

I hobbled on over to an event planned for the past four months through my injury and surgery. Nothing was going to stop me.

Three of us led and performed a ritual of the season's message. This first time offered private event was sold out by September first and held at a favorite wine bar in my home town. 

Fun was had, tarot readings, book sales, wine flowed, The Haunted Bay video entertained people and all leading up to a beautiful ritual to remember ancestors and departed loved ones. 

The story of the season - why do we celebrate by dressing up and handing out candy was told. It is based on the weather, the survival of life from pagan times, and the belief in spirits of loved ones continue to flourish on another plane of time and space.

The Altar was a glow with beautiful candle lights.

As part of the ritual we invited the guests to partake in a guided meditation to connect with departed loved ones. It was most moving as guests felt the sorrow and the joy of sensing, or feeling a connection.

The proprietor said she looked forward to doing it next year. She hadn't ever seen a ritual as such nor realized that Hallowe'en time was much more than dressing up and having fun. 

I led a lovely Hallowe'en  ritual to connect with loved ones that really can be done at any time of the year.  

Read the ritual in my book "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts"by June Ahern available through Amazon, your favorite bookstore, or me.

Blessed be.

Here's the latest radio interview with a most interesting host on YouTube. We speak about paranormal, the good and spooky bad, possessions, ESP, Halloween rituals and customs, and the Bible connections,

Learn more about me and my books at june


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