Wednesday, October 24, 2018


If you missed today's radio interview, Dare to be Authentic, you can still hear it by following the link below. Let me know if there was something you especially found interesting.  

Ask yourself, do you dress for the outside or for the inside? I'll talk about what that means.

The show is about what one faces when they decide to live a life they know is right for them - as I did - get a job, a real job is what I was told over and over. Instead I develop a successful psychic reading business and taught many to read the tarot cards and more.

You can too -and by that I mean, you can live a life that is fulfilling to you, no matter what it is - and if you already do, there's more to explore within and perhaps without in the world.

Next show - about Halloween ritual and history next week 10/30/18 radio interview - will post more later.

To learn about my books and paranormal investigations go to june ahern dot com.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


 "If You Don’t Go, You Won’t Know" 

Dare to be Authentic Radio Episode interview where I repeat what I encourage others to do as well as myself -  who be bold, be brave, and take calculated risks to know what truly demonstrates the real you. Call in - talk to us! Wednesday 10/24/18 10 a.m. PST USA

How I followed my heart and to live a life beyond I ever dreamt possible. Well, I did hope, dream, and set out with some reasonable plans.

As a Life Coach and Psychic Medium I encourage people to live with what has real meaning to them - to follow their heart with a clear mind.  In fact, since as far back as I remember I've always been that kind of person - do it! 

My own life demonstrates it. Created and maintained a successful business, authored four books, - did a whole lot what others said wasn't safe and reasonable - through clear focus, sweat and tears and disappointments, setbacks and wins - I did it! 

Listen here  Podcast radio Dare to Be  and to learn more about me june ahern dot com

Here's the link if the above doesn't work.

Friday, October 19, 2018


My Ebook on about spirit communication special countdown price starting at only $1.99 and days following will go up until 10/25/18. So get it soon! price of only $1.99 until 10/25/18. 

Personally autographed special price of $8.95 until November 2, 2018 order directly through me. W/postage in USA only $12.95.  See "Purchase" at june ahern 

"How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" gives safe, positive ways to connect with our departed loved ones and how to avoid those we don't want to connect with. 

Many questions from the curious living about how, why and when are answered.  

A beautiful All Hallow's Eve (Halloween) ritual and meditation is offered to invite the spirits of loved to visit for a short time.  

Suggestions how to approach a seance, have a private session with a medium and also, how to communicate with your deceased loved ones by yourself is given.

A most informative and practical guide to an often controversial and sensitive subject: communicating with the dead. By the end of it you'll decide for yourself is talking with the  dead is for you.

Hope you like it. Let me know what you learned, if you connected with loved ones and ask a question for my insights about how to make a clear connection.

Check out my other books at june ahern dot com.
Amazon link to June Ahern - may have to cut and paste.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018




I can't walk well (double fracture ankle) but I can still talk! 

If you missed my radio interview you can listen to last night's show at Night Dreams Talk Show with host Gary Anderson. Gary was an easy to talk with host and told a couple of his own stories; he worked at a very haunted building confirmed by many other employees and he also told of his most touching, unusual story of his father's passing.

I shared my first paranormal investigation in San Francisco's strip club where a bizarre death took place and the creepy meeting of low grade entities in a SF site where the most deaths from the 1906 earthquake in the city happened. I was asked what was the scariest paranormal experience I had and that was Jamaica when on my first demon possession. Hope you have a chance to listen and please ask questions. All is covered in my book, How to Talk With Spirits.

I have two more shows in October on the below radio programs:

October 24th, 2018 10 a.m. PST, U.S.A.

Dare to Be Authentic Radio Show with Host Mari Mitchell
Interview about moving through difficulties of living authentically and true to my life purpose.

October 30th, 2018 10 a.m. PST, USA

Truthseekah Radio Program -
Interview will include the ritual meditation for All Hallow's Eve (Halloween) to communicate with the departed as read in my book, How To Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts, available autographed copy through www.june ahern dot com and also on

Read more about my books at june ahern dot com

Night Dreams link

Dare to Be authentic link



 Winter Dreams Perfect Time for Visualizing to Manifest Come Spring Spirits visit easy through dreams             The earth is quiet and sti...