Wednesday, December 6, 2017


I'd like to address something of interest to you. 

The Timeless Counselor wishes to serve your requests - within limits of course.

Am planing to write blogs with more about spells, the days, time and about planet energy and how to use words to create your own spell/affirmation/prayer.

Also, I'm going to write about exorcism and who, why and what. But not the latter in this Holiday Time. I'm an optimistic, keep moving person.

Hit me up with your thoughts and questions. What interest you in the psychic, paranormal realm that isn't (or might have been) answered in my blogs? 

Remember! USA take advantage of my Holiday Book Special as seen at www.june ahern dot com - purchase page - buy three of my books mailed in USA for only $35 PLUS a psychic reading from me - a psychic/medium with over 40 years experience. How good is that? 

What's your 2018 plans? How will you put it into action? See my Ask the Coach page for some ideas.

My intention is to offer tarot and other classes via video.  To teach and lecture more so - that is already a growing action.

Happy, Merry, Joyful, Peaceful to you and yours.

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