Saturday, January 7, 2023


 2023 World's Number Vibration is 7  
The Chariot Tarot Card
ready to get on down the road?

"Complete receptivity is the secret of the most powerful manifestations of will. 
Control your thoughts and language. All magic is in the will.” – Eliphas Levi

The Chariot is the 7th card in the Tarot: 2023 adds up to 7.

The symbolism in the card tells you to continue on your path for achieving enlightenment to supports your life purpose, be that your goals, wish, - whatever you are building.

The Chariot symbolizes Astral Light; The Universal Will; Mentalism. It is about your ability to know your mind, to mentally create images, sounds, scenarios supporting your life purpose.

How strong is your mental control?

The message in the Chariot counsels you to change with a steady as-you-go attitude and actions - don't jump ahead or get stuck in a rut. 

Think before acting; make time for quietude and actively, stay in the middle of the road as you, by will, move to fulfill your desire, goals etc. To do that you'll need a clear mind.
How you interact with the world's 7 year is dependent upon your personal number for 2023. Not your birth number.

To learn your year vibration ADD your birth month + day + 2023. 

No doubt it'l add up to a double numbers; reduces that to one SINGLE number. I.E. born 1-2-2023 adds up to 10 = 1. 

If it adds up to 11, 22, 33 you can reduce, but those numbers are spiritual evolutionary ones. Research them to get a greater sense of that energy.

If your birthday is later in 2023 - say May, June and beyond - consider using your month + date+ 2022 up to that time.

If you have a tarot deck use the major arcana cards and place the Chariot next to your year tarot card to meditate upon. For example if your year vibration is The Empress - #3 place it next the #7 card and what do you get from both?

The World’s 7 Vibration

UNIVERSAL MESSAGE: “Do not lose hope” comes to mind for this year. What mental messages are you sending to the universe? The Universal Will is the vehicle to move forward therefore be aware of how, what, when and why your thoughts turn to fear or anger – 

    Are you being led by the news? Or others who are angry and fearful (anger is an expression of fear)?

If you support changes that involve positive and nurturing attitudes the Chariot is an excellent symbol to mediate upon to receive creative visuals to assist your process. The world energy is for making changes that nurture the earth and residents of it, which is already in progress in some areas if you’re paying attention to the groups promoting education and action in that arena. 

    Are you focusing on what you can do to save our planet? Any small action like helping another. 

    What else can you do? 

A good year to change, which can involve locations, travel, career and how you approach relationships that are outworn and no longer serve a positive purpose in your life.
Challenge: Being conscious of your thoughts and how they attract and develop experiences. Some things are not of our control, but our attitude toward them are in our control.

Details at - see Events page

June Ahern is an author of four books, and a metaphysical teacher for over 40 + years.

#metaphysics #intuition #intuitives #numerology #tarot #psychics #books

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