Wednesday, May 26, 2021

My Book's Movie Moving Right Along

When you stick to what you know is for you, fortune will often come out to meet you.

The latest good news on the movie based on my book

A bit about how I knew this would happen. Many years ago my mother said, "you'll be in the movies." Well, I'm technically not although some opportunities have come up over the past few years. Then in the 1980s I had a dream followed by an awake vision, of many knowing about my psychic work. Didn't know how that would come around.

Slowly over the years, publishing a first book and then three more, lectures, teaching, interviews, TV, radio - the movie industry came to me.

A movie based on a murder case I worked on with law enforcement read in my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances•Mediums•Ghost Hunts moving forward with today's positive news. 

Update: Producer Director Quentin Lee movie project foHow to Talk with Spirts was elected for the NAFF film school genre film project market at BIFAN was announced yesterday on Variety and ScreenDaily. 

I've had good fortune often in life - and with that, had to be willing to take the steps to manifest 
a fortunes opportunity to realize a result.

When/where/what has fortune touched your life?

Read more about my four books and me at june ahern put the dot add com 

Monday, May 3, 2021


Veronica Cartwright in the movie 

                          You never know what life will surprise you with.

 Sometimes it's wow, good news and sometimes not so.

Lived long enough to have experienced both.

 This is one of those good news times! 

My book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts is in the process of becoming a movie and the latest update - a cool poster of the main character.  

This is how it came to be: It's rare I do any private house ghost investigation only I agreed because my friend, Matthew Abaya, movie producer and The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigations cameraman and editor, asked for his friend Quentin Lee to investigate his family home.

The investigation was a success with questions about resolved for Quentin. At that time I didn't know Quentin was also a seasoned movie producer and screenwriter. 

About six months after we met he asked if we could collaborate on a movie from one of my murder cases from the book. 

We are - the latest update -goes into production fall of 2021. See the actors onboard.

More about Matthew Abaya and his award winning movie "Vampariah" (2016) e

June Ahern Books and Bio

Update lin

#quentinleeproducer #matthewabaya #vampariah #spiritcommunication #thehauntedbay

Saturday, May 1, 2021


 Knock on the head and my psyche mind awoke;

seeing and hearing details about people, places and situations 

with no previous knowledge. 

That knock on the head changed my life forever with many unexplained happening occurring; psychic insights and visions.

Follow my account of my NDE as I share it with Ying Liu, producer of The Haunted Bay in an interview (on Youtube) about how my psyche awoke.

After a near death experience my life changed forever. A new path revealed itself to me and I did choose to walk it; revelations, spirit communicaiton.

Does everyone who has had a NDE become a psychic reader and medium as I did? No. But one thing is for certain, once you've had a near death experience you're outlook on life - the living in this world changes. 

Please give a thumbs up and comment. Thanks!

 One of my four books, a non-fiction How to talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts,  is in the process of becoming a movie. Read more about that in an article Screen Anarchy 

Please review my 4 books: 2 fiction and 2 non-fiction.

Share your psychic experiences in comments.



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