Tuesday, June 30, 2020



Recently, I did a psychic remote viewing of a house in San Francisco built in 870s. 

Yes, I see dead people and other paranormal things. 

I did it for my own paranormal entertainment and because with my regular crew The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigations being on hold (the virus thing) my psychic energy needed to be released. See those videos on YouTube or Amazon Prime (The Haunted Bay)

I asked another to find a person who thinks their space has paranormal activity. 

Part 1 are my sightings with Part 2 the feedback on what I encountered remotely of the house presented.

It shows people how one doesn't have to be physically present to pick up psychic information. 

Please watch and give a thumbs up, and leave a comment. Thanks.

https://youtu.be/FJuMantW50o - Part 1

https://youtu.be/xQZKazq7lrQ - Part 2

For many years I conducted telephone readings of which I was asked, "How does that work?" Quite well, say I. 

More on that can be read in my complete consumers's guide book, "The Timeless Counselor: A Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading." eBook only at this time. Amazon & Smashwords. Links below. My other book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" connects people to their deceased, talks about my NDE, includes an ESP Quiz and much more!

Check them out at june ahern dot com

Saturday, June 20, 2020


I'm writing about suicide because I understand both sides.

Don't leave Earth. You can help heal it. 

For the first time after fifty years I publicly reveal my own experience about attempting suicide to offer guidance to the living about the loved one who took her/his life.

What are your thoughts about suicide?

There is stigma about those who attempt or commit suicide; what was wrong with her/him? It’s so selfish. Guess they were crazy, they didn’t care or think of those who love them etc.

Louis Hay says in her book, You Can Heal Your Life, those who commit suicide are "Tunnel Visioned" - only darkness, no options and that is true.

As a troubled young woman soon after my near death experience, I attempted to leave the pain of living in, what I saw, a cruel world. I was pained mentally, emotionally and physically -  feeling squeezed by all sides, no way out but to follow the darkness to a hopeful quiet place of rest.

After all Heaven was so blissful and now back to this? I saw no joy, thought no-one understood me, felt no love. 

Lost, I was soul lonely.

Luckily,  I was found and received the needed help to become the person I am today.

As a medium grieving relatives and friends of suicide victims ask me to help them understand why she/he committed suicide and to connect with the spirits to learn if they're at peace or still in pain.

In my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts you'll learn more, but now I share to help the grieving find some solace for your aching heart.

When the suicide spirit first leaves the body they continue feeling lost; drifting in darkness, maybe to some degree free of the pain the sought to flee from.  Untethered from the physical body they remain confused and lost.

Eventually most find what they’re seeking, but some don’t and they can plague the living as ghosts, but that’s another subject for another time.

I’ve learned from spirits the comfort they seek remains unfounded until they surrender to the Light and Love Of The Divine Source –– God, Buddha, Allah.

Do they miss loved ones left behind? After the initial out of all that stuff lessens, they do. They feel guilty and sad for causing pain. They hear loved ones voices crying to understand WHY??? This can add to their already painful state as they float with no anchor of peace.

My advice to the grieving living is, send comforting thoughts to those who took their lives. Try to understand it's not you, it's the person's decision and inability to stop the tunnel vision, to believe they can't be released from the pains.

As best you can in time with calmness in mind and heart even if for only a few minutes begin sending mental messages of love while holding a hand over your heart.  Say mentally or aloud her/his name you wish they find peace and comfort

 From your heart to her/his heart connect with love perhaps in a color vibration– yellow like the sun; pink as in joy, blue peace, green healing energy.
 Sit quietly in a semi-dark room. Light a candle to send your message and connect in a calm loving way that you know she/he left because life seemed cruel to them, not perhaps you were cruel or unkind - but to them life - but the world or another. If you know you were not as loving as you could have been, ask for forgiveness.

Recall a specific memory to share with happier time photos. Talk to the spirit as though she/he were sitting with you. Acknowledge the contributions with their unique abilities and skills. Thank her/him for time spent with you; how much you appreciated her/him. 

If not indoors, sitting in nature is a lovely way for communicating with spirit.

Difficult as this is in time you’ll find some comfort in memories. Know that you have helped to free your loved one from their pains and to travel into a peaceful place.

The will move into the Light to be comforted with Great Love. After a period of rest and learning from other spirits they’ll begin to their return to life perhaps like me, to comfort and teach others in pain.

After a while most likely you will hear from her or him thanking you for lovingly understanding. 

I'm glad my life on Earth didn't end because I found purpose through love a wonderful son, a great husband, grandchildren, nature, animals and my life purpose; work 
I enjoy. 

Blessing to you who feel there's no answer and to those left behind who feel terrible pain of loss. 

Follow June's blogs, read about her books at june ahern dot com, see her investigate paranormal activities on Amazon Prime The Haunted Bay also on YouTube. 

#suicidevictims #grievingsuicides #spiritcommunication #lifeafterdeath #neardeathexperiences #NDE #paranormalinvestiations #thehauntedbay

Monday, June 15, 2020


How Can the Living and the Dead Accept a Sudden Death?

I've mediated between the living and the dead quite a few people after the sudden or unexpected death of a beloved one.

Sometimes the death was an accident or an undetected illness like a heart attack and at times, a murder.

Very soon after the death the living person will want me to contact the spirit of the person.

A sudden death of a loved one is devastating in ways only those who've suffered from it grasp.

The shock and pain lasts for years, sometimes until the living also become spirits. A part of the living, especially with murder victims, dies also.

The ones left behind, the living that is, are in a tremendous shock; unable at times to even talk coherently and often physically effected with uncontrollable tremors.

In shock and disbelief both the living and the spirits ask how can this be? Why did it (the death) happen? Repeating it over and over.

That shocked spirit in - disbelief says; where am I? Why can't she or he (the living) hear me? See me? Please, help me. I need to be with (a loved one.) I'm afraid.

Often in an accident the body was damaged, mangled, deeply hurt - perhaps their body was crushed in an accident, or died by fire or in some case the person had been shot or stabbed to death and the spirit looks at their bodies shocked at what they see: Why does my body hurt so bad? Why can't I move my arms or legs. Why am I bleeding so much?

The spirit wants to understand how they "flew" out of their body - still feeling attached to the physical  body with no time to adjust to being near death like with a lingering illness or age related.

Chaos.Confusion. Fear. Disbelief. On both sides: the living and the dead.

And, how can I be of help - how do I interact in a calm and healing way for both sides?

It's sad and difficult to tell the living, please give him or her time to adjust being gone from their physical body.

To the spirit I say, you no longer exist as a physical being. You had an accident, a heart attack, or were killed.

Anger on both sides. Stay calm, I tell myself listening to the wails and rants of injustice, the blaming.

My advice isn't readily accepted nor is it appreciated, at least for a while.

Gently I say, please give him or her (the spirit) time to accept the death, the transition.

I mediate between them - carrying messages back and forth in some reasonable way to sort through muddled words, sobs -  to listen to both sides and make sense of it:
The living -who murdered you? The spirit: Why was I murdered?
The living - did you feel a lot of pain?
The spirit: It was a terrible pain and then I woke up in a different place.

In time, some of the high anxiety settles. Shock shifts to grief, grief shifts to acceptance for most on both sides and then the yearning to stay connected leads to a more peaceful communication.

Learn more about how I've dealt with sudden deaths including suicides in my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts."

In process a film about one of my murder cases I worked with law enforcement. See me investigate paranormal activity in a documentary series with The Haunted Bay and June Ahern on YouTube and Amazon Prime, The Haunted Bay.

June is an author of Four Books. Paperbacks and eBooks. Spirit book also an audiobook. She teaches and lectures on the benefits of developing and training the psychic mind.

june ahern dot com

#murderedvictims #suddendeaths #spirit communication #mediums


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