Sunday, March 15, 2020


If you're going through hell - keep going. 

- Winston Churchill -

Many worldwide are going through hell with this epidemic disease. 

We all know of some (and maybe it's yourself) where fear and anxiety has taken over logic and reason - planning and caring.  Fear this worldwide illness will kill ourselves and/ our loved ones.

Fear gripes and overwhelms us. We become chained to panic believing its power is greater than our own, like the people in the Tarot's Devil Card. The Devil got me by the toe.

I think in part that's reasonable to fearfully worry about our vulnerability as humans, don't you?

But, does it help? The answer is , no.

Carry on.

How to turn that to a more reasonable way of dealing with the very stressful situation?

The sixth Tarot card The Lovers card is the mirror opposite of the 15th card The Devil (reduce 15 = 6) 

In the Lovers card the man looks at the woman, she at the angel.

What does this mean? It's has a few meanings but it truly is about Communication.

The  balance between the man (yang) the physical world's knowledge, education, worldly experiences and the woman's (yin) inner world of wisdom, feelings and intuition. She looks to the angel, Rafael. Angel of healing.

Evolve spiritually through intelligence, reason and intuitive wisdom

This YouTube video on handling fear and anxiety can be instrumental in creating spiritual evolution and understanding to balance to your soul and intelligence. 

Please let me know what you gained or didn't from the video. Blessed be.

June Ahern is a public speaker, teacher, and author. See her YouTube video on Telepathy. Her teaching on ESP: Your Powerful Abilities are gaining greater attention with invitations to speak.  Review more about June and her books at june ahern at dot the com

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