Tuesday, December 24, 2019



Lighten up

It's not easy for many at this time of year to feel what we think we should, what others say we should, and what we've been taught to believe.

Just doing that is stressful. Many of us suffer: Sadness, depression, grief, nostalgia, worry - all part of the season, right?

If for just ONE moment, a couple minutes - at least-  you can find some healthy relief will you take it?

Laughter is the best medicine. Honestly. 

In the morning and sometimes later, I go on YouTube to watch a funny video - I enjoy Steve Harvey on Family Feud. Also, I pull out one of Erma Brombeck's books - the younger readers might not know of her. The book  is sooooo funny! I go to sleep chuckling instead of grieving those I'm missing

Sometimes, I watch babies laughing videos - now they're the best. Belly laughs - their wee eyes crinkled up, hands waving in the air. Check a few out.

Laughter good for the belly and the soul.

It's actually a stress reliever for the physical body. Good for the digestive system. Try it. Laugh, out loud - ready? ho ho ho, hee hee, hee ha ha ha ha... feel that stomach contract? If not doing it more heartily. Once again, with feeling HO HO HO  HA HA HA HE HE HE for say 30 seconds.

And, if in public, your laughter will effect others- sure they'll think you're a bit off - but! they'll get a kick out of your crazy out loud laughing and at least crack a smile.

When you laugh, you breathe deeper, clear out your lungs. Really, do it for about 60 seconds. Go on... I dare ya.

Catch your breathe. Feel the energy in your body. Laugh again.

Bust a gut! Pee your pants.

Now, your physical body is more stress free and has a chance to heal what is out of alignment. 

My big sister who inconveniently  died on me - suddenly, -poof gone! ! How could she, being my bestest friend and fellow spiritual student and also the High Priestess of our coven. 

Anyway - she and I laughed all the time. We were quite irreverent - not mean to anyone, just about life and the silliness of some - drama, drama people - you know what I mean.

Always felt greatly loved being with her. Always. Now I think of her, yes, I feel sad for a moment but then mentally I see us siting on her country home porch in our flannel nighgowns, drinking tea with milk and honey and laughing and talking about spiritual and magic things.

Who will you bring happiness to today by laughing with them?

Merry, jolly, peace to all. Do the best you can for a few seconds my fellow humans. Be kind.

June Ahern author of four books and more about her teachings at june ahern do com and sf coaching dot com.

Sunday, December 15, 2019




I''m sure most don't - but I do and with what's going on in the world, I'm feeling the blob of dictatorship - putting wed the 'wee' folk - serfs - back in our place. 

Don't you feel the political blob taking over?

Starring newcomer, Steve McQueen.

The Political Dictators slimming over rights, pushing us back to keep citizens down and quarreling and dividing all. 

Which blobby political, leader comes to mind? 

Well, more and more I live in my "glitter world" enjoying Earth's beauties, keeping hope and staying active in my freedom to vote and demonstrate while I still can. 

Is the blob at your doorstep?

What about you?  

June Ahern is a four time author, public speaker, Metaphysical Coach and paranormal investigator (see The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigators with June Ahern YouTube).
Check out her books and about her:  june ahern dot com 

This is an excellent buy. Available on amazon.com Kindle Edition 99¢

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Traditional Winter Solstice Celebration 

With June Ahern

Darkness Gives Way to Light

Free Event In California 

12/14/19 San Francisco
 12/18/19 Lafayette

I  will give a brief presentation of the meaning of The Winter Solstice Time 
and its effect upon us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. 

Winter can be a most difficult time for many for various reasons, reminiscing what was and missing those no longer with us, stressed about the present - how to get through it all - 
and worrying about the future. The long nights, the cold weather - sicknesses.

And yet! Winter is also a magical time.  Glitter, lights, anticipation seen in children's eyes.

It's a time to reflect, the past is over, a time to plan for the return of the sun, to dream and create. To prepare for spring bringing hope and new life.

I will lead a meditation to transform from negative patterns and thoughts to a greater enlightenment for living with peace and hope. Concluding with a candle lighting celebration and a piece of the traditional Yule Log Cake.

Please join me.
sponsored by AMORC
Rosicrucian Community 

Saturday, 12/14,  1:30 - 3 pm Cultural Integration Fellowship Center, 
Fulton Street at 3rd Avenue, San Francisco. CA    Enter 3rd Ave.  
Wednesday, 12/18, 8 - 9:30 p.m., Acalanes Masonic Building, 
 925 Moraga Road, Lafayette, 94549. Enter off Parking Lot, lower level

Learn more about June Ahern, the movie scheduled for production based on one of her murder cases and her books - the latest How to Talk With Spirit at http://www.juneahern.com

#Christmas, #Solstice #HolidayCelebrations #ghosts #spirituality #books #womenfiction


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