Friday, October 27, 2017


You know when you get that “kick in the pants” reminder?

Well, I got mine good and hard when I didn’t take time to protect my mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and psychic energy before embarking on a ghost tour.

Last blog I said I’d share self-protection spell if asked; someone asked.

I had planned to write it while on holiday. Too bad, said the hands of fate, all good plans of mice and men go awry.

My first day at a lovely, quiet place I learned family and friends’ lives and homes were threatened by a raging Northern California fire (worst in the states’ history). In the midst of contacting family an offer to teach a workshop set for early November and I had to send a proposal immediately. Internet connection was down.

Rather than come home refreshed I was mentally and emotionally drained from worry and planning for the workshop.

To top it off I was part of The Haunted Bay’s San Francisco Ghost Tour going back to a place I had previously investigated (see link below). This time I was punched in the head and pushed by an unseen entity. “Oh no! This doesn’t happen to me!”

Then why did it? Worn done mentally and emotionally, I did a brief protection ritual without much focus.

Funny how fate will slap you with one hand while with the other offers redemption.

The next day at my “Wellness” class the teacher went through self-protection techniques, some I’ve forgot and another learned.

I share from the class and from my book, “How to Talk With Spirits: Séances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts” (free on Kindle until 10/28/17 - See link below:)

Before and after interacting with others in spirit, ghostly, and healing way, or at any potentially unpleasant meeting, cleanse your energy. . Mentally clear your space before channeling and receiving psychic information. You can pray, chant and/or sing - all raises positive vibrations in and around you

Imagine sitting in a clear white bubble. It can also be a pastel blue or pink.
Smudge with a smudge stick or encircle yourself with incense if you wish.
Ground yourself by visualizing your feet (or go outside and stand barefoot on the earth) standing firmly connected to the earth. Say, I am safe.
Using water to clean more than the body: Cup the water and let it dribble up your arms as you move to the crown of your head, now wipe down your arms and out through your fingertips, flicking off as though riding yourself of all negative thoughts and feelings.

Protection Spell

Sit in a quiet space with a white candle lit and incense and flowers if you wish. You might add a crystal and/or a serene image.
Enjoy the beauty of that space. Pay attention to your breath, regular breathing, in and out, calming and easy. Do this for about five to ten minutes or longer.
Then visualize a safe space, a circle of light colored energy surrounding you.
Say aloud: Only good can enter herein.
Call in the Divine One whom you connect to: guardian, angel, guide, God, Jesus, Goddess, Buddha, or Allah - you chose:
I call in _______ to be with me. Together we create energy to empower my spirit and protect me from all that can potentially harm me.
I do this with confidence and pureness of intention with harm to none and only for the greater good.
I wear this shield of protection whenever needed.
So Mote it Be. Therefore it is.
Sit for as long as you like enjoying the positive energy around you. Snuff out your candle before leaving.

Book on Any problem with link? Search June Ahern 
Investigation, Great Star Theatre, Chinatown, San Francisco, Youtube:

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