Friday, December 4, 2015


Excerpt from "The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading" available ebooks at and  - read the overwhelming positive reviews at both sites.

4 out of 4 stars Review by jellybean85. "Psychic June Ahern gives readers tips on how to get a proper psychic reading in her book, The Timeless Counselor. Ahern goes into detail about everything a person needs to know before getting a psychic reading. Ahern debunks the myths about psychics and sheds light on what goes on at a reading, and why it’s important that people do their research before going to a psychic."

First published in The Berekly Psychic Instutite Newsletter. Updated in 2011.

IN THE 1980’S I was aware of an increasing interest in a new way of giving and receiving a reading; the 1-800 psychic hotlines. At first, I hadn’t felt positive about psychic hotlines and when approached in 1977 to participate in one, I declined. I did so because of the controversy within the psychic community and with the public views about this kind of psychic service. I didn’t want to be associated with the lines because they gave that “fortune telling” image. Plus, I was unsure if the readers on the lines had true psychic abilities. After a while, I met some readers who worked on a few lines. They were good psychics, honest and talented hence my opinion slowly began to change.
Since the public is given a one-sided view as the media is always focusing on exposing the abusive side of psychic readings, I decided to survey several psychic hot lines by getting readings. 
 When I was approached in the early 1990’s to help develop and manage a psychic hot line, I accepted, knowing my ethical approach and keen ear for a true psychic could make the business a success for both querents and readers. The information below will give you the knowledge to decide if an on-line reading is for you.
Some question if a psychic can give an accurate reading by telephone. Absolutely! After all, it’s energy (aura and voice vibration or tone) that is being read as I have said earlier. Many of my clients are increasingly interested in telephoning in or Skyping or Face Time (or whichever app you use) for their readings because they do not want to deal with traffic delays, or because professional demands are squeezing their personal time. Also, I read for people throughout the United States and diverse parts of the world, the majority I’ve never met in person but have read successfully for years. When reading on the telephone, some readers might hone into your information through astrology or numerology (use birth dates) while others, read the tarot cards. Later on in the chapter, I’ll discuss more about recognizing a “real” reader.
Many different kinds of people call psychic hot lines. Some want a quick fix or do not have access to a psychic in their area, while other people seek anonymity. Men call the line often, perhaps for the latter reason and maybe not being seen (physically) they can freely express emotions. Also, those who have regular readers call because it’s only one question and their regular reader is not available. Additionally, there are people who are lonely and frightened and need to hear words of support and encouragement. Of course, there’s always the addictive needy person who has to be told what to do, over and over, and by a variety of people.
There are those who make impulsive calls to 1-800 hotlines for readings when an emergency arises or they feel lonely or depressed. Don’t let impulse drive you to hurriedly pick a line only to discover you were not happy with the experience. Not that you can’t call when an emergency arises, but choose a hotline before a crisis. Then when you do want or need a reading, you’ll be prepared (refer back to the chapters "How to Prepare for Your Reading" and "Questions to Ask".
 (con't). Please purchase the ebook

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