Tuesday, December 1, 2015


        June Ahern’s ESP Quiz

Are you a stronger a receiver or sender of ESP/telepathic thoughts? The ultimate goal is to balance sending and receiving abilities.

 Quiz by June Ahern as seen in ,"The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading" and paranormal ebook, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts" available at Amazon and Smashwords and june ahern dot com. A full explanation of your ESP is in the books.

The Timeless Counselor: 
http://tinyurl.com/h5cedz6 Barenes and Noble

How to Talk With Spirits. Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts

Learn more about me june ahern dot com

This quiz cannot be reproduced or reprinted without the expressed permission by its author, June Ahern. 

Please comment if you learned something new after taking the quiz.

Have fun learning about your ESP abilities. Choose your closest reaction with an answer of  4 – always, 3 - a lot, 2 – sometimes,  1 – rarely     

1. Do you have a split second mental picture, thought, impression or feeling when the telephone sounds or mail arrives that you know who it is? ____

2.  Are you surprised but not too much when the telephone sounds or mail arrives because for a while you had been thinking of the person? ____

3. Do you have strong urges or thoughts to contact someone just out of the blue only to find the person had been thinking of you for a while? ___

4. Do  people respond to your wants or needs before you have a chance to ask? ____

5. Does it seem people say things that you were just thinking? ____

6. Does it seem people say things that you have been thinking about for a while? ____

7. Do you purposely will people to act upon your wants successfully? i.e. “I wish someone would bring me some water.” and somebody does? ____

8. Do you find your wishes, dreams and/or goals come true easily? __

9. Are you a good caretaker/nurturer; giving people what they need without being asked? ____

10. When wanting the attention of someone without speaking or gesturing, are you successful? ____
   10 b: How do you get the person’s attention? 
         1. Mentally say her/his name or a statement e.g. “Look at me!” ____2. Mentally
      picture or imagine the person looking at you ___ Answer 10 b in C (see below)           

11. When you sense or think that someone is looking at you, are you right?
11 b: How do you sense the person’s attention? ____
         1. Feel the person looking at you ____ 2. Mentally hear your name called ____ 3. Mentally see the person’s face or name ____4. Have an urge to go to the person __ A
nswer in C 11b (see below)                               

12. Have seen or sensed non-visible movement or presence? ___Answer in A and C

13. Have you had vivid night or day dreams, mental pictures, images or visions, sounds or hear inner messages and experience the same event or situation later?  Place a number 4 through 1 in C:  ____

* * * * *
Category A. Place your answers:
 1 ……
 3 ……
 5 ……
 9 ……
11 ……
12 ……
Total: _____

* * * * *
Category B. Place your answers:
 2 ……
 4 ……
 6 ……
 7 ……
 8 ……
10 ……
Total _____
                                                          * * * * *
Category C. Place your answers :
11b ……
12b ……
13 ……   
No total in this category
                                                                 * * * * *

Category A: Receiver: A higher score in this category indicates that you are a stronger receiver of messages initiated by another’s thought. 

                                                              * * * * *
24 -20: You are a very keen receiver and possibly even to some degree, a mystic, channeler, or visionary. Then again, you may be receiving too much if you...

19-14: You are clearly receiving information but may be confused to the validity of it. Strengthen your confidence and validate your messages ...

13-7: Two situations may be occurring - you are receiving so much information that you are mentally shutting off, or you are too ...

6-1:  Somewhere along the course of life you have lost focus on your true self and life purpose. Perhaps by spending too much time on your own thing. Have others said that you must always be  ...

Category B Sender: A higher score here indicates that you are a stronger sender of telepathic messages. .
                                                                 * * * * *
24- 20: You are a highly developed sender, connected to a Higher Source, consciously or not. That source is sending you what and who is ...

19-14: You are aware that what you want you usually get, but with some effort and as the Rolling Stones’ song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” “…but if you ...

13-7: Perhaps you are not direct with what you want from life or you may be taking care of others too much by being overly involved by giving advice or doing you what think is  ...

6-1: Who is running your life? Do you think that life is just by chance or dominated by fate or others? Most likely you give too much of your ...

* * * * *
Category C: 
10b: #1 clairaudio (clear sound) ...
                                                             * * * * *
#2 clairvoyant (clear seeing)––you mentally see messages an image, symbol, picture or even on-going action like ...

11b:  #1: clairsentience (clear feeling). Can be a most difficult ... #2 clairaudio -  #3clairvoyant #4 clairsentience.

12: Your number answer will help determine the level of ESP. Feeling the presence of non-visible energy indicates that you have, to some degree, the ability to communicate with non-physical entities.

13: Dreams or visions that manifest indicate that you have moved beyond telepathy into precognition ...

This test is only one of many ways to learn about your potential ESP abilities. It does not necessarily determine if you have strong psychic skills. Some very talented psychics might not score well because they often don’t test well. Use it as a guide to learn about your abilities while having fun.

For a full explanation of your skills read The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading and How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts

Watch June's paranormal investigations with The Haunted Bay on Prime Amazon and YouTube. Look for her mini-workshop on telepathy and other subjects on Zoom.

June has two novels, review them at june ahern at dot com.

 #ESP #Psychics #paranormal #telepathy #NDE #psychicreaders 

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