Thursday, December 31, 2015


Happy Hogmanay All! 

Some rituals:

 The first-foot to cross your threshold in at midnight as you walk into the New Year is to be a tall, dark haired man to herald in good luck for the rest of the year. Beware of a red-headed person crossing the threshold first - threatens the year will have bad luck. 

Gifts to Bring a Scot on New Year: A Coin, Shortbread, Black Bun, Salt, Coal, and Whisky,  
which represent financial prosperity, food, flavour, warmth, and good cheer respectively

The Chapter from my book,  The Skye in June,  below will give some other rituals the Scots do at the end and beginning of the New Year. In it you will learn how the MacDonalds continue their special rituals and celebrations in their new countries. Click the link under the photo to learn more about Hogmanay origins and celebrations. Enjoy!

"Skye" is about a Scottish immigrant family living in San Francisco - mid 1950's to early days of the '60's.

Read more about the story at june ahern dot com. Available in eBook and paperback. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, order from your favorite bookstore.


THE MACDONALDS PLANNED to host their first party in America on New Year’s Eve, 1955. The family worked together to spruce up their flat in the weeks before the gathering.

Cathy busily washed the bay windows with June at her side, trying to be helpful. The soapy water dripped down the girl’s arms and into her rolled-up sleeves. 

“We have to make the house nice and clean for all the people coming. Is that right, Mommy?” June asked.

“That’s right, my wee clootie dumpling,” Cathy said. She watched June’s determined face as she carefully scrubbed at the glass. Her mind drifted back to when the idea of having a party on Hogmanay first arose. 

When it came to June, she prayed Granda and Granny B would visit for Christmas. Her wish brought up a conversation during dinner about past holidays in Scotland. Jimmy said how much fun the Scottish New Year was. Annie, who was old enough to remember, reminded her father that in Scotland, the New Year celebration was called Hogmanay.

“What a holiday it is! We have special things––traditions, like paying off debts before the first of January,” Sandy told the children in seriousness.

“We won’t have to worry about that tradition, eh, Jimmy?” Cathy said. Her husband didn’t believe in accumulating debts and lived frugally, day-by-day. He prided himself in being able to send weekly payments to Granda B for the money he had loaned them to make their move to America possible.

“Mommy, what were the parties like at Hogmanay?” June said, crucifying the name the Scots called New Year’s Eve and the days following. It sounded like she said, “Hug many.”

The adults laughed so cheerfully that she joined in, thinking how happy everyone was with her question. 
They began to reminisce about Hogmanay. The descriptions of the holiday spilled out across the dining table as Jimmy, Sandy and Cathy related their stories about Scotland’s most popular holiday, which was celebrated as though it were a religious event.

When Jimmy said the streets of Glasgow were busy with people going from house to house starting on New Year’s Eve, visiting and bringing gifts, June gathered that Hogmanay was like Halloween night.

“What kind of gifts?” she asked.

Annie piped in, “Granny always baked special things like holiday oat cakes and black buns.”

“Whiskey cake and her famous shortbread. Oh yum!” Cathy jumped in, winking at her daughters as she licked her lips and made a wide circle on her belly.

“Good whiskey,” Jimmy added.

Sandy told a story about the time they went bathing in the Clyde River, just to see who could endure the cold water the longest. “It was so bloody frigid. If it hadn’t been for the whiskey keeping my blood moving and Cathy’s brother, Peter, jumping in to pull me out…”

Nancy interrupted the story with a sharp, “Sandy! That’s not a good example for the children.”

“Right dear. We were silly boys then. It’s a very dangerous thing to do,” he said seriously.

Cathy covered her smiling lips with a napkin and made big eyes at her daughters.

“Tell us more, Mommy,” June said, enjoying the cheery conversation.

Her mother clasped her hands and placed them on the table in front of her, her blue eyes glittering in the candlelight. Everyone sat still and listened as Cathy’s soft Scottish voice told the story.

“There’s a very special ritual on Hogmanay that begins at midnight on New Year’s Eve, acted out in the homes across Scotland. It’s customary that the first guest, called the first foot, enters a home shortly after midnight. It’s tradition that the first foot is a dark haired man who comes bearing gifts. It’s usually a lump of coal to keep the host’s home warm through the long cold winter and a bottle of Scotch to warm their souls.”

Jimmy interrupted, “Ye hope it’s a dark haired man who enters first, because then you’d have good luck throughout the upcoming year.”

Cathy kept talking, “Girls, your Granda B was a most welcomed guest as the first foot because he was tall and had black hair.” She was looking dreamily into the candle flame. “Until his hair turned white, that is.” Although she said it lightly, June sensed sadness in her mother’s voice.

“Aye, he was always the life of the party, getting everybody to sing and the ladies up for a dance. It’s his favorite holiday,” Jimmy said nostalgically.

The room quieted as the storytellers became lost in their own memories. June didn’t want the enchanting Hogmanay tales to end and she asked, “Can we have a party?”

Her sisters cheered the idea loudly.

Jimmy and Cathy looked at each other across the table. She hesitated, fearful of letting down the girls if she took a spell of depression.

“No a bad idea,” he said enthusiastically.

Looking at the girls’ excited faces staring at her, it was hard not to give in to them. Cathy decided that celebrating Hogmanay in America would start a family tradition in their new country.

* * *
more about the party with the other Scottish immigrants continues in the book. 

What are your traditions on New Year's Eve and day? 


Read more about June Ahern and her books at
The Skye in June
City of Redemption
How to Talk With Spirits
The Timeless Counselor

Friday, December 4, 2015


Excerpt from "The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading" available ebooks at and  - read the overwhelming positive reviews at both sites.

4 out of 4 stars Review by jellybean85. "Psychic June Ahern gives readers tips on how to get a proper psychic reading in her book, The Timeless Counselor. Ahern goes into detail about everything a person needs to know before getting a psychic reading. Ahern debunks the myths about psychics and sheds light on what goes on at a reading, and why it’s important that people do their research before going to a psychic."

First published in The Berekly Psychic Instutite Newsletter. Updated in 2011.

IN THE 1980’S I was aware of an increasing interest in a new way of giving and receiving a reading; the 1-800 psychic hotlines. At first, I hadn’t felt positive about psychic hotlines and when approached in 1977 to participate in one, I declined. I did so because of the controversy within the psychic community and with the public views about this kind of psychic service. I didn’t want to be associated with the lines because they gave that “fortune telling” image. Plus, I was unsure if the readers on the lines had true psychic abilities. After a while, I met some readers who worked on a few lines. They were good psychics, honest and talented hence my opinion slowly began to change.
Since the public is given a one-sided view as the media is always focusing on exposing the abusive side of psychic readings, I decided to survey several psychic hot lines by getting readings. 
 When I was approached in the early 1990’s to help develop and manage a psychic hot line, I accepted, knowing my ethical approach and keen ear for a true psychic could make the business a success for both querents and readers. The information below will give you the knowledge to decide if an on-line reading is for you.
Some question if a psychic can give an accurate reading by telephone. Absolutely! After all, it’s energy (aura and voice vibration or tone) that is being read as I have said earlier. Many of my clients are increasingly interested in telephoning in or Skyping or Face Time (or whichever app you use) for their readings because they do not want to deal with traffic delays, or because professional demands are squeezing their personal time. Also, I read for people throughout the United States and diverse parts of the world, the majority I’ve never met in person but have read successfully for years. When reading on the telephone, some readers might hone into your information through astrology or numerology (use birth dates) while others, read the tarot cards. Later on in the chapter, I’ll discuss more about recognizing a “real” reader.
Many different kinds of people call psychic hot lines. Some want a quick fix or do not have access to a psychic in their area, while other people seek anonymity. Men call the line often, perhaps for the latter reason and maybe not being seen (physically) they can freely express emotions. Also, those who have regular readers call because it’s only one question and their regular reader is not available. Additionally, there are people who are lonely and frightened and need to hear words of support and encouragement. Of course, there’s always the addictive needy person who has to be told what to do, over and over, and by a variety of people.
There are those who make impulsive calls to 1-800 hotlines for readings when an emergency arises or they feel lonely or depressed. Don’t let impulse drive you to hurriedly pick a line only to discover you were not happy with the experience. Not that you can’t call when an emergency arises, but choose a hotline before a crisis. Then when you do want or need a reading, you’ll be prepared (refer back to the chapters "How to Prepare for Your Reading" and "Questions to Ask".
 (con't). Please purchase the ebook

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


        June Ahern’s ESP Quiz

Are you a stronger a receiver or sender of ESP/telepathic thoughts? The ultimate goal is to balance sending and receiving abilities.

 Quiz by June Ahern as seen in ,"The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading" and paranormal ebook, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts" available at Amazon and Smashwords and june ahern dot com. A full explanation of your ESP is in the books.

The Timeless Counselor: Barenes and Noble

How to Talk With Spirits. Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts

Learn more about me june ahern dot com

This quiz cannot be reproduced or reprinted without the expressed permission by its author, June Ahern. 

Please comment if you learned something new after taking the quiz.

Have fun learning about your ESP abilities. Choose your closest reaction with an answer of  4 – always, 3 - a lot, 2 – sometimes,  1 – rarely     

1. Do you have a split second mental picture, thought, impression or feeling when the telephone sounds or mail arrives that you know who it is? ____

2.  Are you surprised but not too much when the telephone sounds or mail arrives because for a while you had been thinking of the person? ____

3. Do you have strong urges or thoughts to contact someone just out of the blue only to find the person had been thinking of you for a while? ___

4. Do  people respond to your wants or needs before you have a chance to ask? ____

5. Does it seem people say things that you were just thinking? ____

6. Does it seem people say things that you have been thinking about for a while? ____

7. Do you purposely will people to act upon your wants successfully? i.e. “I wish someone would bring me some water.” and somebody does? ____

8. Do you find your wishes, dreams and/or goals come true easily? __

9. Are you a good caretaker/nurturer; giving people what they need without being asked? ____

10. When wanting the attention of someone without speaking or gesturing, are you successful? ____
   10 b: How do you get the person’s attention? 
         1. Mentally say her/his name or a statement e.g. “Look at me!” ____2. Mentally
      picture or imagine the person looking at you ___ Answer 10 b in C (see below)           

11. When you sense or think that someone is looking at you, are you right?
11 b: How do you sense the person’s attention? ____
         1. Feel the person looking at you ____ 2. Mentally hear your name called ____ 3. Mentally see the person’s face or name ____4. Have an urge to go to the person __ A
nswer in C 11b (see below)                               

12. Have seen or sensed non-visible movement or presence? ___Answer in A and C

13. Have you had vivid night or day dreams, mental pictures, images or visions, sounds or hear inner messages and experience the same event or situation later?  Place a number 4 through 1 in C:  ____

* * * * *
Category A. Place your answers:
 1 ……
 3 ……
 5 ……
 9 ……
11 ……
12 ……
Total: _____

* * * * *
Category B. Place your answers:
 2 ……
 4 ……
 6 ……
 7 ……
 8 ……
10 ……
Total _____
                                                          * * * * *
Category C. Place your answers :
11b ……
12b ……
13 ……   
No total in this category
                                                                 * * * * *

Category A: Receiver: A higher score in this category indicates that you are a stronger receiver of messages initiated by another’s thought. 

                                                              * * * * *
24 -20: You are a very keen receiver and possibly even to some degree, a mystic, channeler, or visionary. Then again, you may be receiving too much if you...

19-14: You are clearly receiving information but may be confused to the validity of it. Strengthen your confidence and validate your messages ...

13-7: Two situations may be occurring - you are receiving so much information that you are mentally shutting off, or you are too ...

6-1:  Somewhere along the course of life you have lost focus on your true self and life purpose. Perhaps by spending too much time on your own thing. Have others said that you must always be  ...

Category B Sender: A higher score here indicates that you are a stronger sender of telepathic messages. .
                                                                 * * * * *
24- 20: You are a highly developed sender, connected to a Higher Source, consciously or not. That source is sending you what and who is ...

19-14: You are aware that what you want you usually get, but with some effort and as the Rolling Stones’ song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” “…but if you ...

13-7: Perhaps you are not direct with what you want from life or you may be taking care of others too much by being overly involved by giving advice or doing you what think is  ...

6-1: Who is running your life? Do you think that life is just by chance or dominated by fate or others? Most likely you give too much of your ...

* * * * *
Category C: 
10b: #1 clairaudio (clear sound) ...
                                                             * * * * *
#2 clairvoyant (clear seeing)––you mentally see messages an image, symbol, picture or even on-going action like ...

11b:  #1: clairsentience (clear feeling). Can be a most difficult ... #2 clairaudio -  #3clairvoyant #4 clairsentience.

12: Your number answer will help determine the level of ESP. Feeling the presence of non-visible energy indicates that you have, to some degree, the ability to communicate with non-physical entities.

13: Dreams or visions that manifest indicate that you have moved beyond telepathy into precognition ...

This test is only one of many ways to learn about your potential ESP abilities. It does not necessarily determine if you have strong psychic skills. Some very talented psychics might not score well because they often don’t test well. Use it as a guide to learn about your abilities while having fun.

For a full explanation of your skills read The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading and How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts

Watch June's paranormal investigations with The Haunted Bay on Prime Amazon and YouTube. Look for her mini-workshop on telepathy and other subjects on Zoom.

June has two novels, review them at june ahern at dot com.

 #ESP #Psychics #paranormal #telepathy #NDE #psychicreaders 


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