Monday, November 30, 2015


Book Reading Party


about many topics, and times in history, 

 fiction and non-fiction. 

What about you?

Ebooks are a good idea for an easy to send gift for your family and friends. A good story lingers long after "The End".

My books are novels - immigrant stories, family saga, and a thriller. Or choose from one of my non-fiction paranormal and parapsychology books.

Please review my books at, or  june ahern dot com for your ebook gift ideas. Paperback holiday special at my website.

Also available at ; Barnes and Read the many reviews on those
sites as well as and my own website "comments".

To give a gift of an ebook on Amazon or Smashwords (many choices of ebook devices),
1. have an  account.
2. go to the ebook you wish to gift, says "Give as a gift" on right hand side
3. click that
4.  you'll need the email address of the person you are gifting it to. They most likely have to have an ebook device - like a Kindle or on Smashwords many choices even PDF

If not for the many who have enjoyed my writings (see comments reviews on all sites above plus it encourages my writings. Many have requested the sequel to The Skye in June - and it has begun.

Thank you.

June Ahern


Chrissy as Chris said...

We should be the ones thanking you - so here it is - A Big Thank You!!!

Chrissy as Chris said...

thats me(Chrissy) June - don't know how to do this techie stuff

Unknown said...


June, The Pen Goddess said...

Thank you, Lorelei Korn for reading the post. Christopher I too am techincally challenged, but to give a gift of an ebook on Amazon or Smashwords (free to sign-up for many ebooks and choices of ebook devices) and Amazon, you must have an account with them (having bought something). Go to the ebook you wish to gift - right hand side see "Give as a gift" - click that - you'll probably have to sign in again - then you'll need the email address of the person you are gifting it to. They most likely have to have an ebook device - like a Kindle.Smashwords, same -choose book, right hand side of screen see "give as a gift."


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