Thursday, February 11, 2010


Just about everyone has an opinion about 

psychic readings, pro or con

Life as a psychic reader is not always easy

To begin many people think it's an odd profession

Some think there's no such thing as a person who can know personal information about another without prior knowledge. My thoughts too when knowing happened to me after a NDE. 
     People openly make fun of me at social gatherings: "What am I thinking?" my response with a smile, "Not much nothing there, luv." And, this is a kick, eh? "What's the lotto numbers?" Response, "If I knew, you think I'd be here talking to you?"
"Woooo, where's your crystal ball?" at home, too heavy to carry around.
     And, the more angry ones: "You're full of sh&%" or more nicely, "BS." "People like you are con jobs." 
     "Liar", "Fake" "Nut job" to name a few titles bestowed upon me usually in an argumentative tone.
Rusty Dennis Whole Life Expo 1990s
I wonder if they'd do that if someone said, "I'm a teacher (or a doctor, corporate president, or lawyer - well maybe the latter. ha ha.)" 
     Of course there are people of certain religions that need to save your soul - after all psychics, in their eyes and opinion are damn sure you are working with the Devil. "You're going to Hell!" - a hot topic - "Jesus will save your soul," already did when I had a NDE and came back to life with this psychic ability. And, "It's against our religion. We only listen to God through our minister/priest." 
     I've worked with the police with positive results but still I'd begin to feel guilty with the suspicious eyes from some officers who acted as though I might be in cahoots with the dark side.  
     Although, the majority of my clients are super duper, there's a few that test my holy patience - not that I have too much. For instance, I answer a question and if not to the client's liking I'm asked the same questions with words readjusted to sound like it's kinda a different inquiry. I'm like, answered that already, which isn't accepted easily. You wonder why I'm retired now, right?
     When I had spirit communication sessions aka seances. I'd described the spirit coming through and the living person would look blankly at me - huh? So, I go back for more info from the spirit - finally the living one would say, "Oh! My God! That's my....whomever... - but she had light brown hair not dirty blonde like you said" or "green eyes not hazel."
     Cherry picking which spirit the living will communicate with: When giving a message from a spirit I've heard, "I don't want to talk to her or him." I tell the living that the dead aren't into "issues" the same way we living are. Or, a spirit from the person's past comes forth and hear, "Oh, that was - my 3rd grade teacher, or next door neighbor and there's no reason she or he should contact me." Well, dear living one, he or she is and listen to the message for you might need it.
     The clients who hang on your every word. I discourage dependency as my book Timeless says and why and how to not become dependent on a psychic reader.
     There are many reasons that being psychic isn't all that easy, but all in all, it's a wonderful profession because you do help many keep hope, expand horizons, sooth worries, have understanding of another's intention and/or situation, and most important be at peace in spirit.
     "How to talk with Spirit: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts" by June Ahern available paperback and ebook. Explains how, why, and when and when not to communicate spirits and entities. 
   My compete consumer's guide to getting the most from your psychic reader, choose the right one and ask the right questions, avoid a con and much more.  A psychic reading can be an alternative counseling my ebook:
 "The Timeless Counselor: the Best Guide to a Successful Reading"  e-book search June Ahern on,   Barnes&  Read more at 

#psychics #psychicreaders #spiritcommunication 

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