Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Excerpt from my E-book The Timeless Counselor: 

Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading

Readers/healers have much to offer the medical world as health advisors. Psychic readers and healers with their keen psychic perceptions, training and knowledge, can play an important role in helping people keep healthy physical, emotional and spiritual . They can work effectively alongside doctors and other health care providers to help diagnosis and suggest treatments.

The majority of the medical field presently view medical intuitives as quacks although Oprah had Carolyn Myss an American medical intuitive, mystic and author on her show.

The narrow viewpoint of the medical field doesn't serve any good purpose. I suggest more supervised scientific research and long term studies be conducted from which people can choose to include psychics in their medical decisions.

It seems difficult for the medical field to accept or fathom how psychic impressions are reached. Readers see health problems through visions or reading your aura or chakra energy. For example the reader might say, , “You have a health problem in your heart region. I see it's attached to feelings of loneliness. To help heal, it's time to accept that you are loved.” She might give you an affirmation to change negative thoughts to help the process of healing and also recommending a doctor’s visit.

You need not be physically ill to experience a healing. Anxiety and depression are as grave (if not the pre-existing source of some physical ailments) and can also be helped.

There are physicians who do not solely rely on scientific studies and use a certain amount of intuition – “gut feeling”– when diagnosing and treating patients successfully. Some physicians even consider the emotional and mental state when dealing with the patient’s ailment. By acknowledging those components, physicians can then recommend alternative medicine and therapy rather than only experimenting with a variety of medicines or surgery.

Physicians often have to try a few methods in order the patient heal. Several medications may be prescribed during this time. The various drugs alone, entering the system, can very well cause more strain to the patients’ condition. A reader/healer can receive pertinent information by reading the energy (aura and chakras) on which medicine and/or treatment would be most effective. If you have a strong interest in healers, I recommend researching the subject thoroughly before choosing an intuitive medical reader or a healer.

I will be extremely pleased when holistic healers have a recognized role in social and can work with the medical field for a more complete and effective healing.

Review & purchase my other books at and purchase this eBook at

Monday, February 15, 2010


Excerpts from "The Timeless Counselor: 

The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading"

Excerpt from Chapter on RELIGION and PSYCHICS 

by June Ahern 

It has been my experience that the majority of Western religions do not view reader/readings positively.  I personally have often encountered controversy regarding my psychic philosophy and work. It is not my purpose to condemn religions or sway anyone’s opinion or change religious beliefs. Rather, my purpose is to share my experiences…

Experiences have taught me that readings need not be, or are, in competition with any religious philosophy.

We psychics and mediums have been grouped together, called false prophets, evildoers, cons or Satan worshippers.

Christ, Himself, speaks to us of using the power within. He, Himself, possessed super normal powers. He healed, prophesied, He read minds, appeared after death…

Mediumship is communication with spirits. Religion talks about life after death. Clairvoyants see future visions. Prophets spoke of future events. Many religious people speak of communicating with God (or their Higher Power) mentally through prayer.

A reading can certainly allow you an opportunity to look at your spiritual growth as well as view your religion differently to deepen it through having a stronger spiritual connection.

What are your thoughts on psychic readers and religious beliefs?

June Ahern's non-fictions:

A MUST READ BEFORE A PSYCHIC READING: My complete consumer's guide: The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading.

"How to Talk With Spirit: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts": in a loving way and safely communicate with spirits on all levels
Read more about all four of my books and myself.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Big Girl Bombshell blog page (no longer open) suggested a love letter to self for Valentine's Day.

I hope this inspires you to also write a letter of self appreciation and gratitude for all you truly are. At times, I had to pause and think what to see in myself that is good and worthwhile. Let me know how your letter to self goes.

I am accustomed to writing love letters to my husband and now will write to myself in a way I would to him.

Dearest June, you Witchy Woman you,

You make my heart light as a warm breeze lifting a lace curtain in spring time, a whisper of tenderness and promise of relief from the day's heated and heavy duties.

If not for your words of kindness, always at times needed so much, I'd crumble in the face of life's harsh challenges.

For too many years, dear, you have wasted breath mumbling negative words to self - "I did not measure up." To whom? To other's expectations? Nay, my tenderhearted girl, you are a special treat like a Valentine chocolate!

Now in the years of your life where you think (see) that your body no longer holds its own on the beach, we find humor, laughing aloud at the rolls encountered in nakedness -- like rolls of waves, one after another, continual never ceasing to keep the life in you in motion with a lift of spirit.

I like how you've aged. You continue to bring joy to my being -- you're still a keen dancer; boogie on down.

 I whip a hand across my forehead to stop those miserable thoughts of self uttering self-defeating words. Wheest! You are smart and wise enough. Look at your life successes, the people you've inspired, the ones you have loyally loved, the places you've seen in the world...all of it. The challenges you've face, living with light beyond the abuse. How tenacious, sweet warrior-woman. Against many odds, you struggled at times to keep your place in the sun, continuing to find beauty - in a rose, in the giggles of children and the hearts of friends. With a keen eye you reminded me often how life is an interesting entertainment.

Yes, dearest, you are a strong woman, you kept your sense of humor, even after the beatings and cruel criticisms from those who disbelieved in you and your worth; you always believed in yourself - somewhere in your heart.

Now, I find that you are healing, truly healing because the past does not have the same powerful hold over your life, No longer do you linger long upon past hursts and grievances, rather only express the pain as sharing to encourage others to move on - live better. Give them something to really talk about - your day in the sun!

That is a beauty about living longer; willingness to support others to live fully. And why, dearest friend? Because so many have loved and encouraged your wishes, dreams and goals. Yes, I have and am, loved deeply and because of that, I love myself.And, with that, love others in more so, wholly, without judgement, with respect and honor for their worth.  Blessed be. Your V-Girl, Witchy Woman.

I offer talks online and special events in person about such subjects as intuition developing, the tarot, candle magic, Halloween Ritual Celebration. Updates found at my website. june ahern.

Read about my novels (where self-love and care is to be found) and non-fictions at june ahern dot com. Also can found on and and other book selling outlets.

Friday, February 12, 2010




available as eBook on Amazon and Smashwords

“My psychic reader said…” 

Ears perk up when a statement of this kind is made. It certainly invites discussion because of the personal opinions people have about psychic readings and readers pro or con.

Readers are in no way, a new fad. Since the beginning of time and throughout history people have, and still do, consult these timeless counselors. For eons and in every country of the world men and women have sought answers and guidance from prophets, seers, shamans, to astrologers to confer with the stars, cast stones or cards, and brew magical herbal potions to promote strength, sexual prowess, energy and good luck.

People are often unsure of what to expect of a reader’s appearance not realizing that there assortment of individuals who are readers. To many, the idea of a reader conjures up images of a strangely dressed gypsy or a witch, sitting in a darkened room with a crystal ball in front of her while weird music plays in the background. When people learn that I am a psychic they invariably remark, “You look so normal.” While some readers might appear a little strange in dress or behavior most look and act like everyday people. Most readers and healers live quiet, normal lives with families and friends. Many have another career totally unrelated to their psychic work. You may even be living next door to one.

Hollywood’s version of a reader is often portrayed as woman dressed like a gypsy looking into a crystal ball delivering an ominous message or predicting a handsome rich man for come the querent. People then think that all readers are fortunetellers. Fortune telling does focus on predicting future events. The results of a reading like this can be very disappointing or even provoke anger if the predictions of the fortuneteller are not realized. It has been my experience that when people are looking for someone to “fix” their problems and tell them what lays ahead in life, they choose a fortuneteller.

The public hears only about the more famous psychics and the majority of readers remain generally unknown. This doesn’t mean that the unknown readers are any less talents and effective than the better known ones.

The reader you choose and method she uses depends upon your preference. And although the reader can help you understand how powerful you are and assist you in creating a fulfilling future––it is you who are the ultimate decision maker, not the reader!"

www. consumer's guide The Timeless Counselor: Best Guide to a Successful Reading, How to Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts. Novels: The Skye in June, City of Redemption.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010


Just about everyone has an opinion about 

psychic readings, pro or con

Life as a psychic reader is not always easy

To begin many people think it's an odd profession

Some think there's no such thing as a person who can know personal information about another without prior knowledge. My thoughts too when knowing happened to me after a NDE. 
     People openly make fun of me at social gatherings: "What am I thinking?" my response with a smile, "Not much nothing there, luv." And, this is a kick, eh? "What's the lotto numbers?" Response, "If I knew, you think I'd be here talking to you?"
"Woooo, where's your crystal ball?" at home, too heavy to carry around.
     And, the more angry ones: "You're full of sh&%" or more nicely, "BS." "People like you are con jobs." 
     "Liar", "Fake" "Nut job" to name a few titles bestowed upon me usually in an argumentative tone.
Rusty Dennis Whole Life Expo 1990s
I wonder if they'd do that if someone said, "I'm a teacher (or a doctor, corporate president, or lawyer - well maybe the latter. ha ha.)" 
     Of course there are people of certain religions that need to save your soul - after all psychics, in their eyes and opinion are damn sure you are working with the Devil. "You're going to Hell!" - a hot topic - "Jesus will save your soul," already did when I had a NDE and came back to life with this psychic ability. And, "It's against our religion. We only listen to God through our minister/priest." 
     I've worked with the police with positive results but still I'd begin to feel guilty with the suspicious eyes from some officers who acted as though I might be in cahoots with the dark side.  
     Although, the majority of my clients are super duper, there's a few that test my holy patience - not that I have too much. For instance, I answer a question and if not to the client's liking I'm asked the same questions with words readjusted to sound like it's kinda a different inquiry. I'm like, answered that already, which isn't accepted easily. You wonder why I'm retired now, right?
     When I had spirit communication sessions aka seances. I'd described the spirit coming through and the living person would look blankly at me - huh? So, I go back for more info from the spirit - finally the living one would say, "Oh! My God! That's my....whomever... - but she had light brown hair not dirty blonde like you said" or "green eyes not hazel."
     Cherry picking which spirit the living will communicate with: When giving a message from a spirit I've heard, "I don't want to talk to her or him." I tell the living that the dead aren't into "issues" the same way we living are. Or, a spirit from the person's past comes forth and hear, "Oh, that was - my 3rd grade teacher, or next door neighbor and there's no reason she or he should contact me." Well, dear living one, he or she is and listen to the message for you might need it.
     The clients who hang on your every word. I discourage dependency as my book Timeless says and why and how to not become dependent on a psychic reader.
     There are many reasons that being psychic isn't all that easy, but all in all, it's a wonderful profession because you do help many keep hope, expand horizons, sooth worries, have understanding of another's intention and/or situation, and most important be at peace in spirit.
     "How to talk with Spirit: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts" by June Ahern available paperback and ebook. Explains how, why, and when and when not to communicate spirits and entities. 
   My compete consumer's guide to getting the most from your psychic reader, choose the right one and ask the right questions, avoid a con and much more.  A psychic reading can be an alternative counseling my ebook:
 "The Timeless Counselor: the Best Guide to a Successful Reading"  e-book search June Ahern on,   Barnes&  Read more at 

#psychics #psychicreaders #spiritcommunication 


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