Thursday, December 23, 2010


I like ghosts. They're quite easy to see and hear, if one puts their fears aside. Really. Come take a ghostly walk with me through San Francisco's infamous Barbary Coast.

Even the scary ones are quite harmless, mostly.

They are most curious about us too. That's why they hang around. I know that they should go into the Light, but until they do, let's have a hi-ho time with them.

It's so much fun when a ghost or two show up in the most
unexpected places, like the other day when I was shopping for my Christmas cookies in the baking section at the supermarket. I was between the flour and sugar with a woman. She was talking aloud as she looked for the right size vanilla - too much or too little. At first I thought she was like me, an age where one talks to self aloud but oh no! Then I saw who she was talking to. An answer came from her left, I was on her right. It was her father. Or, so he said. He said, 'Now honey, you know that the bigger size is a better investment." I said to her, "Oh, look the bigger one is on sale! My father always loved a good bargain."

She looked at me, smiling non too sweetly, and grabbed the smaller bottle. Was I off? Did I not channel the correct information? The spirit evaporated before I could ask what the problem was.

I sensed that he and daughter had "issues." Merrily I departed that aisle to see what canned fruits would produce.

Take out the old photo albums and remember all the laughs you shared with a loved one who passed and no doubt, he or she will be visiting you soon. Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.

Please read a chapter of my book at Join me for my once-a-month radio show streams live 9:15 a.m. to 10 a.m. PST (previous shows available) - next talk 8/19/14 Talking to the Animals, Live and in Spirit. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010



Hark! Hark to the wind! 'Tis the night, they say,When all souls come back from the far away
The dead, forgotten this many a day!

– Virna Sheard, Poet –

Chapter 10 Excerpt - 

Halloween – dress up to the stars  - dress down to the bone, it’s all for amusement, right? 

This time of year was a sacred time for many such as the Celts to honor their elderly, ancestors, and the dead with special rituals and celebrations. Festivities and rituals of these  can be found in Celtic paganism history and later Catholic holy days were a combination of pagan beliefs with a day to honor the saints.

In the Celtic pagan tradition it was thought that the veils between the two worlds - the living and dead - thinned so spirits of the dead could walk the earth to visit their living relatives. Then they crossed back over to the “underworld”.

What if you could spend time with your loved ones who passed - even for a brief moment? 

During the spirits’ visit spooky things happened, as you can imagine. The living would dress-up in hopes that some spirits wouldn’t recognize and haunt them. But if they wanted the spirits to visit they would invite them with a similar ritual below. 

To connect with the spirits of your loved ones to say hello and/or ask a question sit quietly indoor or out in nature (under the night sky is lovely) and do this beautiful sacred ritual. Reconnect during the most psychic energic time of All Hallows Eve (10/31), All Saint's Day (11/1) to Dead of the Dead (11/2).

A nice short ritual is below. A most beautiful longer ritual can be found in my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts
(read more at www dot june ahern dot com)

Begin with clearing a space near a window such as a  table top or another level place to place a white candle. Near it put one or a few more photo(s) of your loved one(s) that you are wishing to visit. Also, include a treat such as a glass of wine, cup of tea or coffee, with a wee sweet for your spirit visitor.

Quiet yourself for a few minutes or longer, and then image you are sitting in a circle of warm light and say, ‘Only good can enter herein.’

Sit quietly. Open your heart, mind and inner ears. Do not judge any words or images that come to you. You have time afterward to review what happens.

Stay as long as you like, thinking of your loved ones, talking to her or him. To the best of your ability, endeavor to be calm, upbeat and peaceful. Spirits often can’t get through to their loved ones because the grief is so strong. 

Focus. Keep your words calm, loving and pleasing. The shorter the message the better. You are telepathically talking and too many words can certainly be confusing for the spirit to hear what you're saying. My many years of communicating with spirits has taught me, they are quite to the point It takes much energy for them to communicate especially to those with jumbled thoughts.

In return: If you hear, think or sense a message was given, take note it for later examination.

If nothing is forthcoming later that night or a few after you might dream about the spirits. It's easier for for them to communicate through dreams 

If you think or feel nothing has happened don't despair. A dream that night or within a few days very well can reveal your loved one is contacting you.

You might get a message meant for another (relative or friend); if you do, share it.

Spirit communication is often stronger when conducted with others so perhaps another might want to do this ritual with you.

After your ritual remember to snuff the candle.

Wishing you a merry frolicking good time and a cauldron full of blessings.

How to Talk With Spirits -  to receive a personally autographed with a personal message from a spirit order by November 30th of any year through Or, if you wish ebooks available on Amazon or  Also Amazon has paperbacks. 

Invite me to talk to your group about this book or another one of mine. 

Learn more about my ghosts haunts videos, novels, The Skye in June, City of Redemption and consumer's guide, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading.  

Monday, October 18, 2010



Memories of Most Holy Redeemer school and life with the BVM nuns made for a much lively conversation. 

From 6/09 Last Saturday at Eureka Valley Recreation Park I was along with Susan Maher & Marie Callaghan sat on a panel of old residents to discuss life in this famous neighborhood before it became known as "The Castro." 

Although the other two panelists' memories where of the difficult and often cruel times with the nuns and Catholic church, I remember some positive ones also. 

 The days at EV park was a huge positive memory for all especially for Marie who fondly reminisced about two of the directors, Dody and Clair’s, encouraging influence on her life. 

We all talked about how the Castro theater filled every Saturday with kids and Susan laughingly referred to Saturday picture day as the “babysitter.” 

 Memories of the neighborhood stores like Cliff's who put on the annual Halloween parade, costume and ice cream eating contests and the mechanical dinosaur were spoken about as were Mueller’s Swiss deli, Rossi’s meat market, ice cream shop (softies w/birdseed) and mentioned were the nine bars in two block radius. Eureka Valley was mostly Irish, Swiss, Swedes, some Italians and a then us, the Scottish immigrants. 

 I mentioned that my family's first home in the US was on Market Street, (featured in my novel The Skye in June) is now a center for psychic classes (ESP/Tarot) and readings, a coincidence since one character in my story experiences psychic phenomena lived at that very address. Then I read an excerpt from my novel. 

 There were many questions and sharing from the audience. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence with their headdresses, white faces and colorful dresses and who generously contributed and sponsored the event - Friends of the Library, had questions about life with the nuns and the first signs of the changing of the neighborhood into the gay mecca it was to become. 

Others in the audience shared historical facts and stories. One saying that Eureka Valley was the heart (center) of San Francisco. It holds a huge part in my heart. Former owner of Thomas’ Cleaners spoke and had a table with antique irons including one heated by a Coleman gas contraption as well as some cast iron ones and early electric ones. Author Jim Strange (Strange de Jim) presented a slide show and his book, San Francisco’s Castro.

UPDATING: more books since this post: 2020 - read about my books, oof events and more june ahern website. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Not once but twice the man committed to the witch. 

Bound to her through a handfasting ceremony he later signed a legal form pulling the knot tighter.

Was it because of his love or the Love Potion Spell the witch cast?

Perhaps bit of both. But, I think he likes being married to a witch. 

I know hubby has taken quite a bit of ribbing being married to a witch.

He likes being married to a witch. He can handle it. That’s what he tells the guys.

Standing around the barbecue pit with his buddies flipping burgers, I heard him asked, “So, like, does she put spells on you?” followed by a bucket full of manly ho, ho ho’s. 

Husband just smiled. He knows that indeed I did put a spell on him shortly after we met – with his permission of course. In fact, he supplied me with a snippet of his hair. “Go ahead, put a spell on me,” brave-hearted potential lover said, and then dubiously eyeing the anthame (witch ceremonial knife) added, “A good one.”

I didn’t use all his hair at once. First, using a few strands, I cast a spell that he’d be happy, healthy and play good golf. Then after a while I coveted him (yum yum), so I wrapped the remaining strands of hair around my finger making a ring before carefully slipping it off.  Soaked it overnight in Cleopatra oil.

 When the moon was lustfully plump and bright one Venus night I knelt before my altar and chanted (actually cooed) words of love to him. 

 When I mentioned the love spell he laughed saying , “Cool” whereas a sister witch declared “Oh my goddess alive! You'll never get rid of him." And, to this day, I never do want to get rid of him.

Before marrying legally (muggle way) we had had a handfasting ritual, and although my wedding day was superb, the handfasting was magically beautiful with lots of laughter during the holy affair.

 It took place in the early crisp winter morning of New Years Day 2001 in a wooded countryside with the wedding party and guests in their sleep attire covered by down jackets and complete with woolen gloves. The bridesmaids were several Barbie dolls dressed up in glittery costumes like Fairy Princesses, which I'm sure they really were.

The deep green winter clothing and earthy scents created a lively energy to the ceremony. The rapid running of the overflowing river was our music. A circle was drawn around the area where our personally written vows would be exchanged. The officiating priestess-witch donned in flannel nightgown and woolen leggings read the vows aloud before binding our hands with a red ribbon signifying we were as one. It was a fun, loving, enchanting event.

Handfasting is an ancient ritual for a couple to agree to live together for a year and a day. During the ceremony the couple's hands or wrists are bound together with a ribbon or cord wrapped snugly in a figure eight hence giving the ceremony its name. Today “tying the knot” comes from the tying of the cord or ribbon. 

The vows were similar to modern day marriage. If all went well the agreement was renewed. If not, I guess they divided up the furniture, goats and chickens.

 It was a common practice amongst the ancient Celts for many centuries and remained a legal union in Scotland until 1939. Although there are a few ideas of the purpose of handfasting - an engagement or actual marriage contract - it was a time to decide if they’d make a good life together. 

There are other handfasting rituals, such as drawing a circle around the ground where the wedding party stands symbolizing a power place where only good can enter there in. And with a marriage that’s all we still hope for.

June is the author of four books, two non-fictions on paranormal and parapsychology subjects and two lovely novels. She's a paranormal investigator for The Haunted Bay seen on YouTube and Amazon Prime. check her out:

Handfasting and spells mentioned in my novel, “The Skye in June.June took up the comb untangling a couple of strands of hair. She tossed them into the ashtray and set them on fire with the red candle. Smoke smoldered up and the smell of burnt hair mingled with the incense.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Religion-Fair & Equal to Women?

Religious people too often condemn me for being a pagan and witch. Even when I hope to soften my spiritual choice by saying, "I'm a Wicca", a title I hope sounds a bit more acceptable, they look skeptically or at times fearfully, at me and draw away.

How could this happen to a nice former Catholic girl such as myself? What demon seduced to me to prance around under the moon naked to the world? What evil spirit took control of my innocent Catholic soul calling me to cast spells? Honestly, it was a progression rather than a possession.

I have heard a lot of bad stories from former Catholics and especially from those who attended Catholic school. I have a few also, along with and funny ones. Most of my thoughts are cherished memories such as about the nuns who taught me. Of course, there was always "that nun" who I found unusually cruel and should not have been around children, but there was also "that nun" who carried me forward, guiding and building into her teachings a love for literature, or once finally my fear of math transformed under kindness.

When I chose to leave my religion I took some reasonable philosophical and spiritual concepts. Catholicism began my connection to a deep caring for, and practice in, spirituality. For this I am forever grateful. Later mixing and matching other teachings, I created a satisfying spiritual practice.

It wasn't the spirituality of Catholicism that turned me from the Church. It was the "ol' boy" attitude that started my exodus. It wasn't the nuns that caused me to fear my beliefs; it was the how females bought into that attitude - men are superior proven by the fact that they decide all-important decisions.

I experienced Catholicism is stuck in a religious dogma that does not allow for progressive social changes. If you are a practicing Catholic and attend Mass regularly look around you. What you more often than not will see are many more females - old, middle-aged and young girls. Yes, there are often male children, a few younger or middle-aged men and senior males. The Catholic Church is supported more by the participation of females than of the opposite sex. Then why don't the females have stronger roles? Don't give me Jesus built his church upon the men story again -that was history - a time when men had the freedom to do that.

That in it self and also being a freethinking and outspoken woman, I turned away from the religion I was born into.

Outside of Wicca I have not found religions to be fair and equal for a female to hold a strong and influential role such as a pope, mullah, or rabbi as religious leaders and not in the role of wives and mothers. I'm opened to learning about religions that support a woman in decision-making roles for the religion's laws and dogmas.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Autumn Time Predictions

photo by Jennie Yuen

June Ahern's two books, The Skye in June and The Timeless Counselor/A Professional Psychic Reader more at

Autumn a time when night comes quickly and the cold lingers longer – time to think and dream, time for soups, hot teas and memories of the summer days gone past. A time of remembering those that have passed away from our lives as the leaves drop from the trees to the earth – as one. A time of celebration of the bounty we have, of the love we share and the caring we give and get! No matter how small you think your blessings are, be thankful for each one. Blessed be.

Stirring up the waters of life in my cauldron these autumn visions were revealed to me: (read the sign you're born under & your rising one, if you know it.)

LIBRA: Energy is sparked by opportunities brought to light through your recent travels, studies and chance meetings. Expect communications of like-minded others business and personal. Ask questions; be sure your agenda is on their agendas. Listen, learn and lead. Ooze your charm and glory to the beauty of the Libra! Art of all kind stimulates a desire to be into the fullness of autumn.

SCORPIO: Summer relationships were fun but exhausting of your delicate nervous system. Take control now and days off from the constant needy people. A wise teacher comes into your life. Brew some tea, sit and chat and open up (it really won’t hurt) – color time change in the wardrobe – yes closet clearing time. Freshen up, loosen up and live it up! It’s all about the laughs - your four L’s – what other “L” word comes to mind?

SAGITTARIUS: Whiny away, who cares? Tossing your head with ideas but the hooves can’t get off the ground to success? Oh my, a trainer can set you on the right path if you’d only LISTEN once in a while, dear hotheaded friend. Take your fire and turn it down a notch, you are well love, well like and respected. Get a hug; give hug and merry meet with friends. Go to new places, see new wonders and get a new attitude. It’s all about the NEW YOU. Art by Jennie Yuen

CAPRICORN: Which way she (he) go? Two steps forward, one to the left, back up, now you’re in deep -. Yes, the “C” word will come up as you smile and agree with others, they’ll want you to stay, be a part of and oh no! Lead the way. More things to do, but who can do it better? It’s okay to be needed. You have the ability to be in control, get things centered and grounded and know you saved the day. Accept the adulations gracefully.

AQUARIUS: There is no then; it’s all about now, in the moment. All year patience has been the key word and the tilt toward –BUST A MOVE – is on the horizon. Better spruce up the wardrobe – ask a Libra about colors and styles. Chat it up, accept the challenges of new relationships while deciding which ones fit and also which old relationships can go into the recycling bin – it’s okay other people will pick them up. The spin is in movement and you are stepping into it.

PISCES: Bigger, stronger, better if you ate your spinach that is. (Read my spring and summer predictions for spinach advice) This has been a powerful year for you little fishy’ez – it was a step-up and be counted at the head of the line. Tough decisions had to be made as your focus was on what is best for you and not for everyone else. The waters as smoother this autumn as you flow into a restful dreamy state, dancing under the moon, falling in love with even just being in love with life. Take a gamble, your lucky number and day is now.

Please read a chapter from my novel, THE SKYE IN JUNE, at links to left - WICKED BEHAVIOR IN HOLY SAVIOR.

ARIES: Stop holding your breath – jump – it’s okay you’ll survive. Strict regime didn’t kill the Spartans and it won’t kill you. Others hold the lead line right now as you move up the line toward the truth of self. The constraints of others rules can either give you a headache or give you exactly what you need to flourish. Warm nights by the fire, speaking slowly and thoughtfully and counting that somebody, besides yourself, sees clearly the truth of your heart is what your soul is searching for. Be still, be silent and dream big.

TAURUS: What can I say other than; you were right, life is a field of daisies. Sorting it out, figuring where everything goes, setting down the rules, pushing the crumbs off the table and sweeping it up – plans come together. Don’t rush the process. If you don’t have a calendar, get one. Schedules are important to keep on track. You do work well alone so keep busy bodies at bay. You know what you are doing. Still, when you need assistance, accept it. Come late December your gifts will be plenty.

GEMINI: Frazzled yet? Yes. No denying the Gemini’s are in many directions naturally but you’ve overdone it and really are rather scattered, would you not agree? A much needed rest time is upon you and hey! Listen you can still have a good holiday cheer. Be a monk, a silent nun, an alone traveler, step away from others energy to the best of your ability. Smile but offer no words of the wise, help a friend but wear a watch and say adios early. Your energy can be renewed and great ideas, professional changes and personal relationships fall into place my mid-November or I’m your Uncles’ monkey!

CANCER: Why? Why? And more why? Listening to good advice is not easy when you pull into your shell and cover it with sand. The cool days and long nights are perfect for you to fix what you ignored during the summer time if you’re smart. Come into the moon beams, spread opened your arms and let in the light of the night sun. Remember that class (course or learning time) you took four years ago? It holds an answer for you progressing professionally at this time. Personally – a bit too demanding of others leaves the crabby girl or boy floating between stubborn digging in the claws or wishy-washy boo-hoo I’m hurt. They’re not listening. Wipe off the sand and dry up the tears and present a reasonable solution and/or plan. They will move on with you in a supportive way. You are so charming almost Libra like.

LEO: Giggle, giggle, toss the mane, and twitch your whiskers. You’re back in your glory whatever that means to you. You are in the center, the limelight, the see I told you smugness. All eyes are on you but hopefully you don’t get so caught up in it you forget the many invitations to social events. Balance big cats – the “My audience awaits me” with “I need ME time.” It’s great that you are being acknowledged but there could be some real needy traps there. Love is diffidently in your corner, at your doorsteps and even popping out of the closet. Wear the autumn colors, hold a séance, have a Halloween party – it’s LEO PARTY TIME!

VIRGO: You have much to offer, wisdom, loyalty, organization and what else? Dig into your gold chest and bring forth new ideas as you continue to grow spiritually and with grace attract a better group of people (this includes long-time relationships improving.) This is a simple quiet time that is also very powerful. Your intuition is soaring. Check your dreams for important messages and clues to upcoming events. An old lover wants to set it straight, rekindle the relationship and/or apologize for not recognizing your importance in his or her life. Don’t hold grudges; don’t jump back into it but just listen and say, “Thank” or “I’ll get back to you.” Patience my earthy being. The seeds are only beginning to sprout for you. New Year’s Eve will blast away the past and you truly will begin a new adventure.


Book review for the Skye in June from Goodreads: ...this book was different than any book I have read before, which is such a plus in this day of cookie cutter mass market paperbacks. ~ Jessica

Monday, September 20, 2010

Autumn Moon Walker

I love the changing of seasons and Autumn is my very favorite time of year. The nights grow longer, giving me more time to snuggle in bed, enjoy a warm fire and silly as it might sound, take a walk in the night time. When I walk around and see lights on in houses I imagine the lives of the people inside them. Are you sitting happily around a dinning room table exchanging life stories, tales of adventurous vacations? The smells in the air of firewood burning and the increasing crispness of the air surrounding me helps my steps to quicken, rounding the corner I look forward to being home, a cuppa (tea) and my unfinished novel. Pulling my coat tighter I move along the street, passed a barking dog and step back as a cat skids in front of me. The cool night gives way to a clear sky where a gibbous moon promises to round out in a week. An autumn full moon - a boasting light in a black sky. And of course there's Halloween on the horizon. Yipee.

In my novel,The Skye in June, my main character, June crawls out her bedroom window at midnight to dance with the moon on a starry night.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


JULY 30, 1920 - SEPTEMBER 27, 2016




A Tribute to My Mother who we called "mammy"

Article: July, 2010

We just celebrated my mother's ninetieth (90) birthday at her favorite tea room and concluded the luncheon by exchanging tealeaf readings, which we learned from mom.

Being a Scottish family a good hot cuppa of black loose-leafed tea blended perfectly with milk and sugar, This was our breakfast brew.

Sometimes when the cups were emptied my mother would read our tea leaves -only for fun she'd remind us, being a good and faithful Catholic. No shenanigans with that "old black magic beliefs!" She was devoted to Mary, Our Lady, Jesus' mother, and when any of her children were in dire need for help Mom would be asked to speak to Our Lady on our behalf. The problem was more often than not cleared up. Now, you couldn't ask too often or for frivolous things. Yes, Mom had an in with Mary.

As far back as I can remember Mom has loved the mysterious and supernatural. Her love for spooky and "unusual" sparked an interest in her children, an interest that continued to grow as we did. Like some of my siblings (the rest are in denial I think) I read the tealeaves, (of course), tarot cards, aura's, and see spirits as did my mother.

Although she'd never admit to having special psychic abilities, Mom also had prophetic dreams and saw spirits - the first she mentioned was her brother Alec who drowned during WWII.  Whilst on her honeymoon she saw him appear at the foot of the bed hours before the news of his death came to the family.

When we were kids we'd sit with mouth's hanging open at the breakfast table as she recounted, in great dramatic detail, the previous night's television program One Step Beyond (too late for us kids). Afterward we'd have to scamper down the steep San Francisco hills to a day with the nuns, head full of spooky images with the promise not to speak a word of it.

Friday nights we'd get to stay up late and with her would watch The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

She's not crazy about me being a witch though or preferring the free thinking Rosicrucian knowledge and practice. Mom is mostly dismayed about some of her daughters being witches and pagans, wishing we'd have remained faithful to Catholicism as she has. But on an odd day Mom says, Maybe I'm the head witch, eh? Giving her sweet smile.

Living through the bombings of Glasgow during World War ll, emigrating to Canada on an ocean liner with five kids (father looking for more lucrative work), back to Scotland with one more kid and once again following my father to the USofA now with seventh kid (the one in pic above with Mom) where #8 and last baby was welcomed, surviving the crazy and wild times of her teen children during of the San Francisco 1960s,  and all the other things that come with eight kids and a strong-willed husband, I think my mother is a most wonderful woman. Blessed be.

How has your mother influenced your abilities and talents?

MY BOOKS: Available on Amazon, Smashwords, your local bookstores and me june ahern dot com

THE SKYE IN JUNE, my novel, about a Scottish immigrant family in San Francisco with one child that has unusual abilities




Tuesday, July 20, 2010


permission by

Witches do marry -whether it be a handfasting ceremony and/or a legal affair (according to the man-made laws of the land).

My husband and I married both in a handfasting country New Year's Day ceremony  in ‘02 and a civil ceremony in ’06.

Brides everywhere always have a great concern: What to wear? 

What to wear? Witches can and do, wear traditional wedding clothing. The bride: a white gown or full ritual witch clothing. Where to buy witch clothing? You can put together a gown that might look like Elvira's maybe in white though rather than her black. Of course, wear black if you wish or visit a Renaissance or Celtic faire for capes and dresses. And, let us not forget that special sexy (witches are very sensual beings) undergarments, something a bit deliciously wicked!

permission by travel

Like other brides and grooms witches (includes pagans, Goddess' Worshippers and Wiccans) wish for their wedding vows, rituals and celebrations to be beautiful, memorable and reflective of their spiritual beliefs.

To have a wedding that is a true expression of witchcraft (pagan - Wiccan) beliefs and values witches begin with creating their own wedding vows––words that reflect true intentions and magic.

Vows: Create vows to be a sacred message for all to hear of your devotion to the goddess(es) and for some, the gods. Vows which declare the power, faith and devotion of your love for the intended as well as  the purpose of uniting families. End your vows with saying Blessed Be or So Mote it Be (it's the truth or the truth is spoken), which is like saying Amen. You've sealed it.

Perhaps you would want to include a few ancestors - those who have gone on to the Underworld or Slumberland (heaven etc) who inspired and loved you. Those who have passed on can certainly be a positive part of your wedding as you bring them in through calling their names(s).  Blessed be.

Another suggestion: after exchanging vows place the paper your vows are on in a circle on your wedding altar. The circle can be drawn before or at the time of the ceremony and made from small stones, crystals, shells or rose petals. Or you can choose to burn the while at the altar in a fire-proof container such as a table size cauldron or a larger one, like a fire pit. We burned our papers afterwards in a cauldron to send the words up to the ethers - the cosmos.

Scatter the ashes in a moving body of water or bury in the ground.

The altar: prepare it before before the ceremony. Place a white candle in the center and on the four corners of the altar place candles in the four directions: East (can be white or yellow), South: red, West: blue, and North, green.

Include four elements, fire (white candle) incense (air); water; a cup or bowl of water and Earth can be salt or a crystal. Flowers are beautiful on altars for all celebrations and they're a gift from the goddess. Add whatever else has meaning to you.

After our civil marriage ceremony my husband and I exchanged vows again at our reception. They were written on special paper (parchment)with selected colored pens. I also read an old Celtic poem.

We it a unity candle (two figures intertwined). The image candle was a man and woman united in wax. It burned throughout the reception in a safe fire-proof container away from guests bumping into it but where it could be seen.

At our the handfasting we had two separate image candles - ones we chose independently - my husband chose a green man and I,  a red woman. They were placed in a pie pan facing each other. Oh, how fun to see the different colors of the candles blending together, becoming one melted wax design.  A niece and nephew dressed up some Barbie dolls and placed them around the bottom of a tree trunk where we stood for the ceremony. The dolls, they said, were the forest fairies. It truly was fun and cold!

If you want to include family or friends to light the unity candle symbolizing the brining together of important people in both of your lives,  ask from each family a parent, grandparent or child to light at the unity candle.  My husband's daughter and my son lit separate candles and then presented them to each of us, which we lit the unity image candle.

As a minister when I officiate a wedding I provide two image or figure candles set on a platter and later after they have burned down, I “read” the wax combination for the couple. The reading includes how the couple will blend their lives together.

If older family members or guests of another religion perhaps consider including a piece or part of a conventional rituals or religious aspects in a show respect. It can help to bring them into accepting and celebrating your pagan union in a joyous way. The word God might be said, as would The Lady and The Lord, or a particular goddess, such as the Greek goddess Hera aka Juno Roman name, goddess of marriage.

Hanfasting: If you are exchanging rings afterwards blend in the handfasting ritual. Clasp hands and with the free hands tie a ribbon around the united hands. There are different colors of ribbons you can use. Research which ones appeal to you.

Jump the Broom - old pagan wedding ritual - at the altar stand within a circle drawn beforehand or the bride’s attendees can draw a circle around the couple before or after the vows are exchanged. After the vows one of your wedding party can lay the broom down for both to jump.

Jumping the broom marks the beginning of making a home together and symbolizes that the groom and bride physically and spiritually crossing the threshold into the land of matrimony. As they sweep away the old and the welcome the new they begin a new life together with a clean sweep!

Four Corners: Witch, Wiccan or pagan ceremonies and rituals begin the magic with Calling in the The Four Corners (Elements.)  This can be done by the officiate - the High Priestess or Priest.

A wand or finger can be used as one moves around the four directions and a colored candle (see above) placed in each direction is lit.

• Face East - As we welcome the sun each morning, the dawn of a new day we welcome in energy of the east.
• Face South - As we welcome the spark of the day to spark the fire of my actions we welcome in the energy of the south
• Face West - As we leave my dream world we bring them forth into our waking day to manifest within the right time. We welcome the energy of the west.
• Face North - As we bring into form that which is manifesting, that which we work to create we welcome the energy of the north.
• All around: We welcome the powers of above, the powers from below and the powers all around.

After each direction is welcomed by the officiant or one or both of the couple the guests can participate by saying "Welcome!"

Here's a website to gather more information:

Anther four corner ritual: acknowledge the corners again in a different order. This is said by the couple:

• Face South: Fire:
 From fire comes love and warmth. The spark that created our passion. Welcome Fire!
• Face West: Water:
 Water is the giver and purifier of life, sustaining us, as it will this marriage.
• Face East: Air breaths new life into love.
 Giving both _______ and ______ the freedom to be themselves.
• Earth:
The earth upon which we walk provides us with our home and our future.

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again. Wishing you a very joyous union of love.

Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera's Blessing by Raven Kaldera suggests how to create a holy pagan/witch/Wiccan wedding.

 June Ahern and her books at june ahern dot com

• How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts

• The Skye in June - Girl with psychic abilities, Scottish immigrants in San Francisco

• City of Redemption

• The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading  

Friday, July 9, 2010


Do Fat Witches Fly Lower? Bumpy, bumpy

fat butt dragging along.

Marielle fat Witch says no!

At my heaviest weight I said, “F@*# it, and bought “big jeans” and red lipstick, and then met a wonderful man, who I would later marry.

Recently I was interviewed by Big Girl Bombshell

"What have been a few struggles with your weight and body image?" I was asked.

HA! A few? LIKE: Weight - Acceptance of Self and acceptance of others with not "acceptable social image"  

Weight and Romance. Weight and Social Standing. Weight and Professional Success. WAIT! A lot of wasted years hoping and praying to "fit in." If only I were thin- even the years where I was thin - stick legs a friend called me - it was a constant wish; to be thinner!

Wasted Years: What would we be doing if not thinking and fretting over, Is my butt too big? Does my belly stick out? Are you sure I look good in this?

Thinking and feeling badly about yourself can take the good of the day and turns it into an unhappy less fulfilled one? Could it be one of the biggest waste of time?

What else would be doing with your precious life time if your thoughts were not on your physical image to the world?

Sadly the majority of women (and some men) have an issue around their weight. Fat, skinny, flat chested, top-heavy, bottom-heavy; even beautifully built women speak negatively about their body image.

We're not perfect. Period. As a former psychic reader I've read - for thousands over my forty plus years - models, beautiful women and gorgeous men - and they were as insecure about something on their bodies as as fat ones.

As a witch I enjoy my physical world by noticing the beauty Mother Nature gifts for us, whether that be a bird twittering or the sound of the wind through a tree. In doing so, I appreciate the beauty of my own self more so. I can see, hear and walk. 

In fact, in that enjoyment I've learned to take better care of myself body because as a witch I go skyclad at my altar and also in the company of my coven. Skyclad: in my birthday suit.

In my novel, The Skye in June, one of the daughter's body image leads to more physical abuse. My non-fictions are on the paranormal and metaphysical subjects. Review them at june ahern dot com

ART WORK FROM: Lady at Large

Saturday, July 3, 2010


WIN A FREE BOOK! My novel, The Skye in June, is in 10 countries & 33 states.

 I'm ready to add some new states as a summer read give-away-gift. 

Free book for those in: Oklahoma, So. Carolina, Tennese, Vermont, and West Virginia . First come, first get. One book per state. GOOD UNTIL 2010.

The Skye in June, is a story about a Scottish immigrant family set in Glasgow Scotland and San Francisco during mid-1950's to the start of the Haight/Ashbury scene early '60's when the four girls come of age. 

Receiving five stars reviews on Amazon + Goodreads and at 

Please leave a comment /review on Amazon, Goodreads, or other review sights.

 SUPPORT INDIE AUTHORS! Summer savings at Learn about the Scottish culture and words ~ the changes happening in "the Castro" all while having a GREAT read.

Other June Ahern books: City of Redemption - summer of love thriller -non-fictions: How to Talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts. The Timeless Counselor The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Please join me Sunday, June 27th, 8-9 p.m. for a radio interview and reading excerpts from my novel, The Skye in June, in my best Glaswegian burr on (stream on right). KGGV-LP 95.1 FMKGGV-LP 95.1 FM "The Bridge" Guerneville, CA

- Stirring up the waters of life in my cauldron these Summer visions were revealed to me: (read the sign you're born under & your rising one, if you know it.)

Summerr is about fun and pleasure, family, sensuality, and friends, and lovers. Be glad to be alive! No matter how small you think your blessings are, be thankful for each one. Visit friends, eat outdoors, walk in nature and enjoy the summer time.

GEMINI: Hi ho, hi ho and off to fun we go – finally! THE GODDESS JUNO DOTH DECLARE! With your great wit, Gemini dears, entertain family & friends over a cauldron of wine coolers. Contact old friends and memorable lovers for a jolly good (even if brief) time. Seek new summer hangouts. Be adventurous; be naughty as you are already. Catch the dancing rainbow beams and love life fully!

CANCER: A spot in the warm sand calls you to dig in. But not too deep. Relax and release your creative flow of ideas. Invite like-minded artist for long talks about joining for potential money-making projects. Kudos for your clear sights and fab ideas will follow, as will initiations to new horizons. Go for it ALL! An earth sign lover will wander into your space with a good joke. Take a peek. P.S. Don’t overdo - sleep at tad in that warm spot.

LEO: Fires out of control? Which one do you put out first? Don't be so dramatic. It's only more invites for you most popular kings and queen of the jungle night. Party hearty. Buy new clothing that sparkles or says, "Star!" People are falling in love with you, again. Radiate in all shades of yellow, gold and deep purples and greens, you are the picture of health. It's okay to speak your mind to an eager audience. Swoon into romantic nights. Dream BIG! The wish star is traveling toward you. A new romance or romance renews.

VIRGO: Laying low you’ve gathered the information you need to get the goods on those who haven’t seen the truth of the matter. Don't spring into action just yet with your insights and information. Settle back. Take a breather and sip of a mint tulip, you deserve a wee break. The check is in the mail and the award is being packaged. An instant lover wants to take you skinny-dipping, be wickedly spontaneous. I won’t tell if you don’t.

LIBRA: Lighten your load for the summer. Indecisive Libras can leave it at that, no decision while you enjoy outdoor concerts and merry-making. On the work front, you do need to say “yes” to a new project even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Play, if only in your imagination until the bell rings setting you free. Love for you is about play and romance and why not? Wait for the "big" talks when you have found a balance of energy, coming in August.

SCORPIO: Ending some relationships might not be your first choice, but it is a good one to accept at this time, all good and not so good things must come to an end - at least for the summer. Take long walks uphill to help in releasing your stress & tension, your sorrow, frustration, and anger. Think “this is the first day of the rest of my life” each summer day to see the glow of happiness in places you haven’t seen for a while, or at all. Embrace old loves and new suitors with a "maybe" on your lips. But invite back to your hearth ONLY if he or she has proven a healthy track rate since your parting of ways.

SAGITTARIUS: If you must work, do it with a whistle, a smile on your lips and a willingness to share your strength to those who are needy. Summer is a time for self-healing. A massage, a facial, - any R&R retreat away from responsibilities. Let others do for you and don't jump in to help or tell them how to do it, please. Family, friends, and strangers need your open arms but you need theirs too. No telling or judging, fixing or denouncing, rather give great love and that is what you will receive back three-fold times. A lover of days gone by would like to stop by for a warm night.

CAPRICORN: Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again. Let it go. Yes, even those BIG plans. As you walk the summer road greet new people, experiences, and ideas with a wide grin. They are your muses, come to inspire you with "another" way to live. You've been a good friend, but alas, some friendships have turned sour. Still, your rewards show up in invites to picnics in the park, swimming in lakes and calls from friends you thought forgot you. A gentle hand stirs your wild imagination and you realize that sensuality IS you. Go for it.

AQUARIUS: With a gentle move forward you are aware of the beauty in life, past the stress and disbelief of the world’s current status. You realize that you do influence people, that you are a leader. Invite others into your space, accept who shows up, bless those who leave and breathe deeply, you are progressing (if you were patient this year as advised.) Your love life needs sprucing up. Pick a romantic spot to share with a lover or potential one.

Please read a chapter from my novel, THE SKYE IN JUNE, WICKED BEHAVIOR IN HOLY SAVIOR at

Book review from Goodreads: ...this book was different than any book I have read before, which is such a plus in this day of cookie cutter mass market paperbacks. ~ Jessica

Sunday, June 13, 2010


At a book party for my novel a guest piped up, "Oh! I wish you weren't a witch!"

I replied, "I wish you weren't a Catholic."

"But you seem so nice to be a witch," said she.

She learned that you can't judge a book by its cover.

After I had finished reading an excerpt of my novel the many questions and comments about life in San Francisco during the book's era commenced.

My book parties seem to attract, not only avid book readers, but often women who have attended Catholic schools (or are Catholics) With my book parties in and around San Francisco I've encountered many who know or know of, the same people that I do. We really are much like a large family with relatives and mutual friends spread out throughout the City.
The latest party in San Francisco was with a book club that has been meeting for about twenty years and is made up of of mostly former San Francisco Catholic students.Within a few moments I also discovered that one woman worked with one of my sister-in-laws at a school in the City. The same in-laws that had lived only up the block from where the party was held.

Upon mentioning the SF parochial grammar school (was in Eureka Valley area) that I had attended, right away a few names were tossed at me.

Yes, her I know, - he was in my sister's class - no I don't know him but I'll ask my husband who was one year behind me.

Once again, the major theme of my book - prejudices (don't judge until you experience a person for yourself) was played out right there. You see, one never really knows about another, different in religion, color, etc is truly like until a meeting takes place. Some in that group learned that witches can be good fun people. And from a few comments (quietly) said to me, I do believe there were a couple of goddess worshippers (Wiccans.)

BOOK CLUB special prices. Invite the author to your book club event:

LISTEN on June 27th, '10 - KGGV. 95.1, The Bridge, Guerneville, CA - She Said - Women Writers Reading. June Ahern with host, Roberta Schepps. Click on Streaming to right

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Yesterday, I participated in my first Wicca Passing Ceremony and Ritual. 

 It was for Ellen, my beloved eldest sister—the first born of eight children and the first to die.

She was our coven's High Priestess.

Born into a Scottish Catholic family, Ellen had been a Wiccan and witch for the past fourteen years.

When a family funeral ceremony was being planned Ellen’s eldest daughter, also a coven member, said it was only proper that her mom have a Wiccan funeral.

It’s not the norm for Wiccans/pagans/witches to openly celebrate such events such as weddings, new child, or deaths in our way with the blessings or acceptance of family, society or other religions, 

We usually keep them private because of the misunderstanding or non-acceptance from those with different religious and spiritual practices. 

But I agreed because recently before her death Ellen had told me that she no longer would hide her Wiccan witch life and practices. It was decided our "send off to Ellen" would take place before the memorial celebration. I undertook the task of preparing a ceremony while keeping in mind that after our Wiccan Ritual and Ceremony, there’d be a Rosary in respect for our Catholic mother and relatives. 

The entire Scottish clan was invited. Ellen’s sisters and brothers, her children, grandchildren and a few select friends. Our mother, brothers and their families did not attend for their religious beliefs could not be crossed over.

As grieving family began to arrive at the Wiccan ritual each person was smudged before entering the chapel. Her coven, donned in capes, gowns, witch hats or flowed wreaths and the few grandchildren participating gathered around the casket while in the pews, guests sat.

Ellen laid quietly (she always was a quiet, watchful person in a crowd) in a forest-green cape and gown with a beautiful mother-of-peal shelled necklace.

An altar was set in front of her. It held a vase of white lilies (new life), chalice, salt, athame and various colored candles - including three image (people) candles: black for transition, white symbolizing her spirit transcending, and red for rebirth.

Frankincense and myrrh incense wafted lightly throughout the chapel. The four corners were called in and the circle was cast, the spell made fast and only good could enter therein.

Three of her grandchildren drummed and another rang a bell before a blessing of Ellen was said by one of her coven. Hallowed words were spoken over her as she was cleansed with a special incense, ocean water and oils.

A granddaughter dropped rose petals around the coffin. A sacred guided meditation was delivered followed by several Oms that vibrated throughout the room. The group sang the song, We All Come From the Goddess (Linda Lila) three times. 

The circle was closed. All held hands singing The circle is opened not unbroken, may the peace of the goddess be ever in your heart. Merry meet, merry part and merry meet.

It was truly magical holy ceremony fitting for a most respected High Priestess. So Mote it be.

She is greatly missed, her gentle guidance, her irreverent humor and her great, undying love! She inspired me in life and continues to commune in this world's death. Her spirit lives on.

Learn more about me, my books, and work  at june ahern dot com and sf coaching 

My book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts" will connect you with the dead in a loving and safe way. 

Monday, April 26, 2010


picture from

Day One for the Rest of My Life has already started with the quietness of time.

How do I want it to be? Smooth and easy....take care of some biz (responsibilities) to keep the flow moving and also, include reflection time. To sit for a moment looking at something enjoyable - whatever that might be - for time to breathe deeply. What do you see? What do you feel? Come within self, touch your soul, even for a moment, a second. All is well in your world.

What a wonderful world if you allow yourself to stop and see the wonder of it. Blessed be.

Music encourages and supports my creative muses to come play. What about you? Does music also inspire your life? In what way?

The Skye in June - with a help from 1960's tunes - a story was created about a young girl, ostracized from her family's religious beliefs, finds solace in the goddess.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I like to have fun with my psychic abilities - not all work you know. So here's some fun predictions for May.

Stirring up the waters of life in my cauldron these MAY visions were revealed to me: (read the sign you're born under & your rising one, if you know it.)

CAPRICORN: Don’t mix and match goals, rather stay steady with one or two until a result is realized. Take a Pisces to lunch for new ideas.

AQUARIUS: Patience is your 2010 word, but for now move forward with gusto to get commitments from others. If none is given by the end of May, well there you have it ~ move to those who will support your goals.

PISCES: Get away, get over it, get on – distance yourself from other’s “issues”, giving them time to be reasonable. Play with those who enjoy your charming intuitive reflections and praise your kindness. Let the others eat ....alone!

ARIES: What you see and hear IS IT. You can’t get others to change to your likings at this time, even your fiery charms will not turn them on. Spend time blowing off steam with fast physical activities.

TAURUS: You can’t fix Humpty Dumpty to perfection. Life isn't perfect right now. Can you let it be okay with cracks and missing pieces at this time? The answer(s) comes later in May of how, why and when.

GEMINI: People are not listening, so take a break with a furry friend and a walk in nature to talk to the birds and bees. A spark of life not found this year begins to be ignited.

CANCER: Spruce up the place; prepare good food, and you will charm those who support your goals and dreams. They're just waiting for someone like you.

LEO: Sorry, it’s true, your fame is not glowing because you’re only hoping rather than strategizing. Settle down to one goal, no matter how small and don't try to tackle all at one time. By the end of May you will be into a new groove.

VIRGO: You said WHAT? Check your communication with loved ones because feelings have been hurt. You might have been right, but what is important, right or a good team to support your cause? Yes, someone has to leave, but have her or him leave without burning bridges.

LIBRA: The scales are tipped in your favor as far as another needing to please you rather than visa versa. TAke a gamble, ask for more than ever from relatives and good friends. Don't take "we'll see" - it's yes or no.

SCORPIO: The road to financial gain continues to put pebbles in your shoes, but know that you’re gaining ground. Make sure you pat the earth around you securely by not adding another debt or going for the gold. Steady. See Aquarius.

SAGITTARIUS: Love is not to be conquered, rather it is to be romanced, purr like a Leo, stroke like a Gemini and love blossoms. Have a "Maypole" party, dance, laugh and be the usual life of the party.

Please read a chapter from my novel, THE SKYE IN JUNE, at links to left - WICKED BEHAVIOR IN HOLY SAVIOR.

Book reveiw from Goodreads: "...this book was dif

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There are other terms used for creating magic; creative visualization and manifestation is one as is, where there is a will there's a way.

But even with the will there must be clarity of purpose.

As a life coach one of the first things I ask a new client (and also present ones creating new goals) is tell me about it. All about it. What you see, hear, feel, sense - how your goal looks, how you feel moving toward it and also, perhaps achieving it. If my client is not clear or, I cannot see it (and I am an open person with a good visual sense) then that goal is not clear.

This clarity is also true when creating magic and that is why the process of preparing for the creation whether that be a spell or a vision board (a goal map) or even journaling about it, is so important.

If you are creating through a spell there are "tools" and other useful items to collect. You want your space to have a relaxing, mysterious and magical energy. Therefore a few candles and incense will add to the ambiance. And according to your particular spell you might gather other objects like a photo of what you are doing, a piece of jewelry that represents your own energy, a plant to grow things, like money or flowers representing the blooming of your enterprise.

All in all be as clear as you can about what it is you want, name it - I create more money, say - see how your life will be with that money - write your statement several times to concrete your commitment and with a smile, create.

Please read about my novel, The Skye in June. It's receiving five star reviews from readers/ amazon and goodreads.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Which Witch am I?


People often ask that when learning that I’m a witch.

Does that mean that we witches practice either white or black magic? Some do, some don't.

Each witch must answer for her or him self.

If one is a gossiper, liar, and/or controlling then she/he is just that, whether she is a witch or muggle (ordinary person). For instance, a person in a group gossips, judges and says negative things about another member, is it reflective of the group or the person’s pettiness and mean-spirited attitude?

Unfortunately, an ugly rumor was started that all witches are evil or live on the dark side––not to be confused with the wild side, where many witches enjoy being.

Alas, I must confess, it’s not always easy to be a goodie, goodie witch all the time, especially when knowing you can wield a certain power of bending and shaping your world around you: A witch should only strife to create with integrity.

Most witches run along the gray line when casting a spell.

True, there are witches practicing on the darker shade of white magic. Black magic can be very powerful and carries strong ju-ju (medicine, power or magic.) It is controlling without the care of negative effects upon another, others or environment (a familiar ring with our political/spiritual world conditions?).

An example of white or black magic could be a love interest. A person desires to retain the love of another, who may not be reciprocating (perhaps is involved with another). A black magic spell would control or bend, with no thought of whom it might hurt, the heart of love interest.

A grey area can be, you do set in motion an intention to win the affection of that lover, maybe even wish, and cast a love spell. It doesn't take shape, or not as you wish for, let it go through magic and investigate if the love interest is available or even interest in you. Logic, practical magic pays off.

Whereas with white magic: forgo securing that lover if she or he isn’t a willing participant, but do create a loving partner into your life. And, with the witches decree, with harm to none, is better applied.

Witchcraft includes a three fold times belief; whatever you do/cast a spell for, comes back to you three times and therefore, like any thing we want whether we attain through setting goals, praying or casting a spell, it begins and will end with a person’s integrity and values.

An educated and honorable witch understands this and doesn’t rush to cast a spell without consideration and preparation and having done everything humanly possible.

So, which is your choice?

Review about me and my books at - books available on Amazon, Smashwords, and other book selling outlets besides my website. 

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Wicca is now my spiritual path, but if not for my early Catholic religious training I might not have connected to it as I have. I grew up in a devotedly Catholic household and attended parochial school until the eight grade. Both prepared me for a strong spiritual life.

My seventh grade nun piqued my interest in theology by introducing religious practices different from Catholicism. Curious, I wanted more than learning about other religions--I wanted to participate in them, something not encouraged or acceptable at school nor home.

At that time I didn't realize that what I was seeking was a spiritual practice that would empower me as a female.

In the United States many Catholics place God in the highest position as the supreme being. Jesus second followed by Mary, His mother. My own mother, who was completely devoted to Mary, taught her children to pray first to God's mother in times of need. Her devotion to the Mother stems from her Catholic European influence where Mary is a pivotal holy power. Mother's loyalty to Mary had a great affect upon my trust in, and bond to, female deities and made for an easy transition to a goddess religion.

Catholics also pray to other female deities known as patron saints. Many countries and cultures have their own goddesses and female saints who serve as protectors and guardians. To me they are sisters to the goddesses: Saint Joan of Arc from France is sister to the Greek goddess, Diana, warrior and hunter: pray to them for strength and courage during life's battles. Saint Rita of Cascia and the Hindu goddess, Kali help deliver abused women from maltreatment while Mary's mother, Saint Ann and the Greek goddess, Hera, are patroness to married and childless women.

The Catholic holy women, though held in great esteem, are not afforded the powerful positions as the goddesses who are equal to the gods.

With this unequal share of gender power as well as with great faith in Mary, and with appreciation of my Catholic foundation, I chose a strong female spiritual path to put my faith in. I am now free to dance with wild abandonment under the moon skyclad, if I wish. I can conjure up magic and be a powerful woman instrumental in the progress of humanity. I am whole.

In my novel, The Skye in June, my main character is a Catholic who also has a pull to the goddess.


 Winter Dreams Perfect Time for Visualizing to Manifest Come Spring Spirits visit easy through dreams             The earth is quiet and sti...