Friday, April 16, 2010


Which Witch am I?


People often ask that when learning that I’m a witch.

Does that mean that we witches practice either white or black magic? Some do, some don't.

Each witch must answer for her or him self.

If one is a gossiper, liar, and/or controlling then she/he is just that, whether she is a witch or muggle (ordinary person). For instance, a person in a group gossips, judges and says negative things about another member, is it reflective of the group or the person’s pettiness and mean-spirited attitude?

Unfortunately, an ugly rumor was started that all witches are evil or live on the dark side––not to be confused with the wild side, where many witches enjoy being.

Alas, I must confess, it’s not always easy to be a goodie, goodie witch all the time, especially when knowing you can wield a certain power of bending and shaping your world around you: A witch should only strife to create with integrity.

Most witches run along the gray line when casting a spell.

True, there are witches practicing on the darker shade of white magic. Black magic can be very powerful and carries strong ju-ju (medicine, power or magic.) It is controlling without the care of negative effects upon another, others or environment (a familiar ring with our political/spiritual world conditions?).

An example of white or black magic could be a love interest. A person desires to retain the love of another, who may not be reciprocating (perhaps is involved with another). A black magic spell would control or bend, with no thought of whom it might hurt, the heart of love interest.

A grey area can be, you do set in motion an intention to win the affection of that lover, maybe even wish, and cast a love spell. It doesn't take shape, or not as you wish for, let it go through magic and investigate if the love interest is available or even interest in you. Logic, practical magic pays off.

Whereas with white magic: forgo securing that lover if she or he isn’t a willing participant, but do create a loving partner into your life. And, with the witches decree, with harm to none, is better applied.

Witchcraft includes a three fold times belief; whatever you do/cast a spell for, comes back to you three times and therefore, like any thing we want whether we attain through setting goals, praying or casting a spell, it begins and will end with a person’s integrity and values.

An educated and honorable witch understands this and doesn’t rush to cast a spell without consideration and preparation and having done everything humanly possible.

So, which is your choice?

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