Thursday, February 24, 2022



June Ahern, medium and paranormal investigator with the historical series, The Haunted Bay, invited her to the Winchester house for an "interview" for a position as a local medium for the house events and interviews. 

Happily, and with much curiosity, I happily accepted.

The media/marking manager greeted me warmly and with excitement to meet me. The interview sit down included another manager for we three to chat about what they are doing, where I could fit in with the plans and then...

... an opportunity to walk the grounds and go into the house to get a feel for ghosst who continue to linger - and they do! 


Oh yes! I picked up quite a few "spirits", a few already known, some unknown. It was fantastic to be a part of this historical most mystrical space. Rooms in attic where majority don't go, very strong vibes. I will now be on the list for local mediums for special events.

While in one room, I said, above this there's lots of activity. Off we went up the tiny, short stairs to the attic, rooms that were recently discoverd to hold some furniture + YES! a room with a table and chair, the servant quarters - I KNOW there were rituals by servants to prevent ghost invasions.

No confirmation on that but the manager will investigate.

Another attic room brought to tears communicating with a fallen soldier. Learned seances had been held in this room.

How I came to be called to the interview: My book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums Ghost Hunts caught the attention of a manager at the site. She contacted me to see if I'd be interested in ghost investigations, seances and interviews from various companies, media TV stations and the likes, who'd wanted a professional medium. 

That would be me, si?

Another great highlight was just being in this most amazing architecturally and historically mansion.

From 1886 to 1922  construction never ceased as the original eight room farmhouse that grew into the world's most unusual and sprawling mansion with 160 rooms, 47 stairways and fireplaces and so many more stairs cases that went no where.

Enjoy learning more at

Learn more about my books, a movie about a murder case I worked on and  myself  at

Monday, February 7, 2022


I'm ready for interviews. Come Get Me!

I enjoy sharing my many years of experience and education and have been interviewed often on radio, television (People are Talking 1980s), and podcasts (YouTube +) and in articles dating back to the 1980s. 

And do so with  practicality at those things related to parapshyology, paranormal, metaphysics and spirituality and often with a sense of humor.

My talks are "real" - what's up, what's really up and what's not. 

I love to teach and watch students go AHA!!  And continue with Zoom presentations.

Previously (since 1981) have taught The Tarot: ESP Development: Coaching: The Magical Formula to Successful Living and much more. 

Getting to know me: 

I've authored four books: two non-fictions are on parapsychology and paranormal subjects. 

A near death experience led me to unexpected and successful careers as a psychic reader, medium, and paranormal investigator. A movie about a murder case I worked with law enforcement and read in my book “How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, 

Ghost Hunts” is scheduled in 2022. 

After forty plus years I retired from private practice but keep my psychic interests with paranormal investigation seen on Amazon Prime, and YouTube 

with The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigations documentary series. My book “The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading” was a number one best seller of a new author 

in 1990. 

My next presentation will be on Candle Magic on Zoom. I'm so ready to let readers know 
what it's like living in the world as a psychic medium. Would you like to know about that?

Learn more about me, my books and talks:

June Ahern Websites:  june ahern dot com and sf coaching dot com


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