Saturday, January 25, 2020


Hey you dirty rat or is that, 

Hey ratty whatcha got? 

A big hunk of cheese?

How well will you fare in 2020 according to you Chinese Astrology  sign? Hopefully not the last influenza.  
This weekend, the Year of the Rat begins on January 25, which is the Lunar New Year, aka Chinese New Year. Little ratty is a symbol of fertility and abundance. 
People born in 2020 (previous yrs. 1984, 1996, 2008) are believed to be intelligent, creative, and resourceful, and have the ability to form strong social bonds. Squeak, squeak.

2020, Year of the Metal Rat. Look up your year Chinese astrology for a more personal prediction. 
Mine is a Metal Tiger (my birth year is metal) with a Metal Rat. All in all looks ok. 
2020 Tiger. Purrrr. Quite a good fortune: opportunities in career - for me Semi-retired but doing more lecturing and planning a class in Be a Medium,. Connect and communicate with spirit and ghosts.  
Predicts there's no need to worry about too much. Yeah, right living in the USA with the idiot in charge. 
NO big problem in health - YAY! But, the prediction warns, don’t take part in dangerous activities, - OK, more couch time.
Don’t play by the wate - there goes my water aerobic class and maybe beach time, two favorites of mine.
 Don’t quarrel with others. What ya mean by that? Hubby will be happy with that warning. All in all my romance looks decent - maybe we'll celebrate our anniversary inland away from the water.
Control the temper (daily goal) as much as possible. Don’t argue with others, and listen to advices carefully. Oh boy, more challenges. I'm a tiger, we don't necessarily listen to orders too well.
 Don’t be impulsive in investments. None that's not a problem. Socttish nature, deep pockets, short arm syndrome. LOL.
What about you? Look up your year to learn how you'll fare in 2020.
June Ahern authored four books: two novels, two non-fictions in parapsychology and paranormal subjects. check her out at june ahern dot com and for her Metaphysical Coaching praccctice see www dot sf coaching dot com. June's Ghost Hunts and Paranormal Investigations on YouTube Haunted Bay With June Ahern

Friday, January 24, 2020



2029 Poll Reveals 45 percent of Americans expressed a belief in ghosts. Many believe that ghosts and spirits can come back to haunt certain places on Earth. About four in 10 (43%) US adults say they think ghosts can come back and haunt people or places. Women (51%) are more likely than men (35%) to hold this belief. 

More than one-third of Americans (36%) say that they have personally felt the presence of a spirit or ghost. Once again, women (41%) are more likely than men (31%) to say that this has happened to them. Just over one in ten (13%) Americans say that they have communicated directly with a ghost or spirit of someone who has died. 

It's not surprising that readers of my book, "How to Talk With Spirits" Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" write to me about their own encounters and most have said the book gave them comfort and confirmation they're not crazy. 

Have you had a spirit or ghost sighting? How did it make you feel? Did you welcome it? Run away? Shake in fear? 

My life of ghostly visitations began after a NDE - near death experience after a near fatal  auto accident when I was a young woman. I write about in my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts. 

On February 25th in Pacifica, California I'm giving a talk about NDE (near death experience). 

In a few days of announcing it, the event is more than 1/2 filled.  It is a great interstate's to many, as I've learned over the years. 

People are interested in understanding how and why paranormal and parapsychology occurrence happen because either they've experienced them or believe those who have had them. With this, I'm back to teaching a class on psychic awareness and if you're a medium.

Learn more about me and my books at june ahern dot com. Books are available through me,,, Barnes and Noble and your favorite bookstore. 

My "How to talk with Spirits" book is now an audiobook. I love audiobooks, do you?

Saturday, January 18, 2020


Fulling a goal successfully 

A Wonderful Feeling.

From some time I've been wanting to make one of my four books into an audiobook because I listen to them all the time. Do you?

It's my popular paranormal spiritual book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts

Links to it are below to the audio book. .

Some of my clients and students voiced their unhappiness that it is not I who narrated, but as I told them, if it wasn't this fine, articulate narrator I chose from a dozen applicants the audiobook never would have been.

To read a full book professionally produced it takes mucho patience, time and technical equipment and knowledge to edit and prepare. 

I applaud my narrator. She is professional and most easy to listen to. 

Check it out, let me know - 

Today this email regarding How to Talk to Spirits 
"I gifted this book to a friend of mine when someone she loved died and left her feeling depressed and a void in her life. My friend decided to consult a medium and told me how the book helped guide her through what to expect and also how to manage her expectations. She was raised Catholic and has some very devout people in her family and I think it took many years for her to consider the possibility that communication with people "on the other side" was possible and natural.

I'm grateful that you wrote it because it paved the way for not only her, but also those with whom she's close to open their minds. I see how the contribution of your book creates a postitive rippling-out effect even to the lives of people who may never go to a medium."

Audio Book Links: (book also in paperback & eBook Amazon, Smashwords.
How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts and/or Amazon directly:

Other links:
website: and
YouTube The Haunted Bay Paranormal Video: Latest of the series
June Introduces her Books:
Halloween Ritual Talk Show Interview YouTube:

Free Lecture, Pacifica, Ca Feb. 25th, 2020 NDE and Life After - this topic is also in my book.


 Winter Dreams Perfect Time for Visualizing to Manifest Come Spring Spirits visit easy through dreams             The earth is quiet and sti...