Thursday, July 4, 2019


How'd you feel being rejected at the Pearly Gates 

and sent back to life on Earth?

When I had my near death experience (NDE) people just didn't talk about such "stranger than life" things.

I was in a series auto accident and died in the ambulance. I didn't talk about it for many years.

How can you tell people you went to heaven?

Although, there's a lot of stories about near death experiences NDE it's much more acceptable with more scientific studies and interest from those who have had such experiences and those interested in hearing about them.

What prompted me to write about NDE today was for two reasons: 1) I came across a story about a woman's story of dying, seeing the "other side" and returning. 

2) recently I've been asked to share my story for a group,  IANDS, which studies and sponsors on talks.

What would I share that would be of interest? I've thought about that. When interviewed to be a possible speaker I was asked if I saw a light at the end of a tunnel. No. But, I did enter into a field of brilliant white light surrounding dead relatives. Only, I didn't get to stay.

Boo hoo. But I did come back with a mission from this incredibly beautiful and peaceful, which I describe it in my book,
"How to Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts."

After being waved away from the gates (really a fence) I awoke in the hospital and had a long road to physically and emotionally recover. I tucked my heavenly visit to the back of my mind. In a short time strange things began to happen in my life. Like knowing personal information about people I never met or in any way knew about.

Who am I now?

Still, with this new found interest it took more years to realize why I was sent back -what's my mission.

Mission purpose #1: Do some good for others. This led me to a career I'd never even thought of. Happily, I've been told numerous times I've completed that mission of assisting others to live in the light of themselves.

Have you had a NDE and would you share it? Would it be easy to tell others you've seen heaven, nirvana, the other side?

To learn more about me, my YoutTube Paranormal Investigation with the Haunted Bay, and my books - available through me and major book selling sites  - go to  Please leave a comment if you find this topic of interest.

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