Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the  source of life            Proverbs 4:23


Thought Transference/ Telepathic Messages  

with June Ahern

Join me for this interesting free talk and fun telepathic exercises to expand your telepathic skills. Plus learn about your abilities with my ESP Quiz 

Saturday, April 27, 2019
1:30 PM - doors open 1 p.m.
Cultural Integration Fellowship Center
2650 Fulton , San Francisco, CA 94118

Are you the originator of thoughts or part of a group thought 
transference? Do you act on a thought or feeling to help another before asked? Does it seem people fulfill your mental hopes, needs, or goals before you express them? We transfer thoughts daily whether we are aware of it or not. Our thoughts are the mental language of what and how we think. Telepathic messages or mental communication can occur between people, pets, a Divine Source and even those who have passed. We will discuss the principles of clear thought projection and how to know when you receive or send telepathic messages. 

Featured Speaker:June Ahern  interest and study of metaphysics and parapsychology has encouraged her to write and teach the benefits of expanding the unconscious mind to conscious applications. June is the author of four books and is featured in several The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigation videos. See June Ahern dot com for more.

About the Golden Gate Atrium:
We hold a monthly public presentation on mystical or metaphysical topics as a public service. The topics and speakers vary and no previous knowledge or experience is required. Just bring an open mind and heart.

The Golden Gate Atrium Group doesn't charge for admission. We operate under the law of AMRA. You may give as your heart and mind direct you.

The Golden Gate Atrium Group of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a 501c3 Educational Nonprofit.

1:00PM - Doors Open
1:30PM - Public Presentation
• Celestial Sanctum Guided Meditation
• Followed by presentation

Tuesday, April 2, 2019



The boundaries, which divide Life from Death 
are at best shadowy and vague. 
Who shall say where the one ends, 
and where the other begins?

 ~ Edgar Allen Poe ~

I've been asked many times if I think children and younger teens should participate in a seance.

My answer is, no. 

Some have argued that I am wrong. 

What I can offer is my 50+ years of experiences with delivering messages from the so-called dead 
and having conducted many spirit communication - seances and other kinds.

Why do I say no? 
It isn't because the younger ones don't or can't communicate with the spirits of the dead, but because 
they are so very sensitive to all surrounding them and are strongly impressionable, emotional, 
innocent and naive to the impact of spirits - good, safe, bad and ugly. 

This is not saying some adults aren't also, but young people have such an open energy and negative, 
low-grade spirits are easily attracted to the innocents as they are also to the elderly who are ill 
and frail.

Not so well-meaning spirits and entities also grab onto the gullible, and the overly emotional 
persons who can’t or don't know how to protect their energy. 

I do believe younger people's psychic impressions and experiences shouldn't be ignored or 

When I gave Kids'  ESP classes the students were very open and trusting and eager to share 
theirexperiences. Listening, agreeing and guiding the kids to practical understanding was a lovely, 
interesting and fun time.

I've years of experience and education with psychic phenomena and know first hand how 
wonderful spirit communication can be and at the same time, know how dangerous certain  
situations can be. 

When on a ghost investigation or ghostly hunt people often bring"very aware" children. 

Here I say "maybe, depends on the kid and location." If it's an easy ghost walk or a daytime 
ghost event, that's okay. 

On a rainy London night with my ten year old son I went on a ghost hunt. It began in a 
graveyard then moved around the city with one stop in a pub's dang dark, basement with 
a few old small jail cells. 

 My son was super tired from our long flight to England and not all that impressed, but 
I was with the thrill of feeling ghostly energies.

Before we went I created a safety circle energy around both of us so neither would be 
bothered or bring home an attachment (discussed in my book.)  I've never been on a ghost hunt 
where an attachment jumped onto my energy. Although, I have had two attachments. 

But still kids can be so impressionable that afterwards can have nightmares and attract unwanted 
spirits and ghosts taking them home. So, think before going on a ghost tour or hunt with your kids.

Below is one of many the questions from the curious living answered in in my book How To 
Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts available at all major bookselling sites.

Q: My teen daughter is very interested in communicating with spirits. Is it wise to let her go to 
a séance with me? 

A: I wouldn’t encourage people under eighteen to take part in a séance. 

They “spook” too easily, are highly emotional and quite imaginative. Not that the same can’t 
happen with adults. The most important reason is young people can attract pesky spirits––like 
poltergeists. Children can, and do see spirits and ghosts more easily than most adults. 

I have a grandson, eight years old at the time of publication showing signs for being a 
gifted psychic with a strong tendency toward spirit communication. I advised him, “If you’re 
to continue to communicate with the dead you mustn’t be frightened by them” as he is at times. 

We work together to understand the different energies and spirits and how to manage the 
types of communication he is age ready to experience. His has a rare situation with a 
grandmother who can guide.

Without knowing your daughter, I would recommend a private session with a reputable 
but not a séance at this time. Also, if she's interested in psychic development and perhaps has 
already shown ESP abilities there are schools and books to assist in developing ESP positively. 

Recommend Litany Burn’s Your Psychic Abilities, and for children,The Sixth Sense of Children. 
If not these book I’m sure your search for a learning source will take you to the one best suited
for you interest.

Watch my ghost investigations with The Haunted Bay on YouTube, Amazon Prime, or Asian 
American Movies.  

My YouTube channel is June Ahern Author.

Review my books at my website june ahern.com 

"How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums Ghost Hunts - The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading  and Novels  

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