Sunday, July 30, 2017



I was taken aback at the excellence of GhostPlays. It tells the sad tale in six short stories about the spirits of those who died tragically in San Francisco and continue to seek answers and loved ones. "Remember me. Don't forget me," says one ghost.

GhostPlays ends today 7/30/17 after the 2 p.m. matinee. I wished it wasn't over. I wish the plays went on for more to enjoy.  If you can get on over to the 2 p.m. closing matinee, Fort Mason, San Francisco, Magic Theatre. Details here: - send Karen Byrnes - playwright, producer and director a message you'd love to see these plays - where next?

The acting was truly superb. My two friends and I were brought to tears a few times as the sad tales unfolded. Each play, different ghosts, shows historical places in San Francisco.

Karen Brynes GhostPlay Producer & me
Karen Byrnes, not new to putting on stage plays, but from the comments of her fans this play is her finest play, contributes her writing the stories with the help of her brother, Bob, who passed away two years ago.

People are MOST interested in talking about spirits, ghostly happenings and are extremely curious about me as a medium. Since I started my book tours with the debut of the paperback version of "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts, I've answered questions and listened to many spirit and ghost stories from attendees.

After the play Karen invited me to give a short talk about ghosts and the audience kindly stayed to listen. Ying Liu, my producer of The Haunted Bay Paranormal Investigation was a member of the cast, come to stand with me as we discussed our findings of ghosts in various San Francisco locations.

You can find the videos on The Haunted Bay and Beyond. There are quite a few but search Condor Club, Barbary Coast 1 and 2;  Interview with a Psychic, Calistoga and more where I investigate ghostly happenings.

My How to Talk With Spirits sold out. Learn more about this book, my other ones, and myself at 

Sunday, July 23, 2017


People are always creating new possibilities  new experiences, new paths. 

When you step out and commitment to your change, that which you hope opens up a different or new life, other opportunities, you can come to realize you, not only are you changing mentally, but even within your entire being - as though your DNA is changing through this new experience. 

A few blogs ago I shared a spell I did for my new role with my Rosicrucian Order aka AMORC group to take a different role/position. Now that I'm into it, I realized how much more dedication is needed, and how not only unwilling duties but accepting that I'm rapidly changing in many ways, thus another ritual/spell was in order.

During my year as an AMORC San Francisco's monthly group leader I had to prepare a talk for the monthly meetings and do the members' ritual. It took prep work and some time.  This was all through the illness and subsequent death of my mother. It truly became a  time  to walk my talk spiritually. My duties and studies gave me a sense of stability and calmness -  much needed to get through one of the most saddest and energy consuming times of my life - the death of my beautiful, loving mother.

In my latest book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" I write about her long goodbye and our parting and what I learned about myself and her.

Now with my new role/position I find a different aspect of my duties - a greater focus and interaction with various members outside my SF group. I more energy and acceptance of my new role where other members, previously unknown to me are in contact. Therefore,  I decided to do another spell was in order. 

What I am creating now is truly a greater change. I'll say an elevated awareness of my power to influence. Kind of a more serious commitment and realizing one must be true to self if serving others kind of position.  Growing in me is a confidence that comes when you know your life is on track - one you are meant to be living. 

Perhaps you will think of opening to your power of whatever position you've taken on - realizing how it not only is shaping you, your life but those of others. 

In part it is from Barrie Dolnick's book,  Simple Spells For Success.)


During a waxing (growing toward full) moon after sunset, light a yellow candle. Place yellow flowers in a vase with water. Place fresh ginger root next to the flowers. You might want to light incense and/or add a crystal or bowl of water (for visions). For as long as you wish sit quietly and reflect upon the beauty before you, flickering candle, breathe, relax, enjoy. 

Now think of, and connect to, your personal spiritual guardian be that an angel, guide, a loved one in spirit or a living sage/teacher who champions your progress. This could be God, All Intelligence, Buddha, Goddess, Allah. When you have decided, call upon your spiritual guardian to join you as you prepare for life changes and new experiences. 

When you have settled upon your personal guardian(s) call her/him into your sacred space by giving her/him a name(s) or title (s) - i.e. guardian angel.

Say Aloud:

I cleanse my sacred space through my 
ability to call in only positive and helpful 
spiritual guides and teachers.

I am safe.

I call in the elements of air, fire, water and earth
to support my visions yet to manifest.

I join with the power of the universe 
to expand and enhance my connection
to that which has always been
and will always be.
In the Universal flow and energy.

I open to my power in all forms
within all possibilities. 

I step forward bravely
to fulfill known and unknown karma.
willingly release old karma and identities 
that no longer serve my spiritual advancement.
Create new karma through my new
understanding of purpose and path.

With the greater good, I ask that this be done.
So Mote it Be.
And so it is.

Let the candle burn as long as you like. Dispose of the ginger root on the full moon in the earth.

Learn more about my four books at june ahern dot com. Books are also available at follow the link:

Friday, July 7, 2017




What are yours?

I'm offering free for the month of July my ebook,  The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading with 46 - 5 star reviews at (see link below); more at Amazon (US & UK) &

Timeless was the #1 Best Selling Book from an unknown author at the Whole Life Expo 1992 NYC. It's the best consumer's guide to a psychic reading available on the market, covering everything you would want to know about psychic readings and psychic abilities. Take the ESP test at the end.

It is my first of four books and I wrote it because people were constantly asking what a psychic reading entails, what can psychics tell you, how do you know if the person is really a psychic and not a phony and how does one find a good trustworthy psychic?

What can you ask a psychic? I suggest you make a list of questions, areas of your life you'd like insight on. For instance do you want to change jobs? Secure a job? Rather than ask will I get a job, ask what do you see around work for me? That leads to a greater perspective than, yes you'll get a job, no you won't. Framing your questions to get the most is important for the reader's visions to expand. Will I get married? I always say, if you want. But to say, in the area of love and sharing my love with a life partner what do you see? Also, time, when? Ask, about what time frame?

These are but a few of the questions I address. I also tell you what information a reading can reveal,  how to find an ethical reader, avoid a scam, how to ask questions to get the most from a reading, and what to do with the information after the session is over.  also make recommendations of other books.

FREE EBOOK to 7/31. 46 overwhelming positive reviews. Go to - join for free. All kinds of ebook devices, PDF - check it out. Click this link: 

Please leave your comment', even one line, and/or a review at Smashwords and your favorite book sellingsite. Help me spread the word about the benefits of a psychic reading. Thanks!

Read more about my books, the popular How to Talk With Spirits plus two novels and me at

Thursday, July 6, 2017

I HAD A DREAM! Foretold my future. Dream Meditation Ritual


Sharing a long ago dream that revealed my future plus my latest radio interview about why I wrote four books.  

 I had a dream, literally, many years ago that one day I'd share 
inspiring words and offer information for people to think beyond 
their preconceived limitations and live fully in their unique powers.

In the dream I stood on a stage encouraging others to see with their psychic eye, to developed their telepathic abilities, to believe in their intuition. But the dream was so powerful that when I awoke I recorded it on paper never knowing how, why and where it would take me.

When I had this dream I was a single mother pulling pennies together to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. To dream about being on stage talking to a big audience seemed, well, silly. What would I offer? Why would people want to hear me? Wasn't I being silly?

Since then I've written four books, two screenplays, taught many about psychic development, tarot cards and much more in the spiritual metaphysical arena. I've been invited to lecture on stage, present my experiences on TV shows and my favorite  be a guest on many radio programs! My latest radio interview link is below.

Do we always get what we set out for? No. As a Life Coach (1997) and for over forty years conducting psychic readings for people across the USA and diverse parts of the world  I've just about heard every dream and every reason why people give up on their dreams.  

Not smart enough  overly intelligent, no one gets me, I'm too different, don't fit in, too responsible for others, too old, too young, too fat, too thin, not educated enough, wrong sex, wrong color, wrong time, wrong, wrong, wrong....

It's easier to tell why you didn't accomplish what you hoped for than realize if you kept to it much will be revealed.  If you had the faith and willingness to keep an open mind during the process, taking small or big at times, steps you would/will learn more about yourself (fears and strengths) and realize opportunities come along for those who are willing to explore. 

What is your dream? Following your dream can take you many places and teach you much about your wonderful self, your very own abilities and talents, the world, places you hadn't considered to explore, people you hadn't thought were helpful, teachers, interesting.

Here's an easy meditation for staying in the glow of your hopeful heart:

Sit quietly in a space you won't be bothered by people, pets or phones. 

Place a budding flower in front of you, a white candle and a colored one (yellow is inspiring, red is motivating, blue is encouraging and so forth). You can add an image of what you are ready to accomplish by placing it front of you. And/or place a mirror to gaze into your eyes (at a height that is comfortable to do so).

Now, relax - take a breather - slow nice rhythmic breathing, shake away the day, mentally see your dream, your wish, your goal as clearly as you can and/or look at your image.

Say Aloud:
My heart is full of hope
My mind is clear
My soul is inspired
My spirit creates
I manifest my vision
With faith as I walk the path
ready for whatever and whomever
I meet on it to be part of my journey
to realize my vision.
As it takes form, 
I take form, transcedning
challenges, transforming
to my true self.
May this or something
better happen in my life.
So Mote it be.

 Stay a while, enjoy the flickering candle flame. Snuff the candle out before you leave your special space. Let the flower open in the days to come. When it has reached its zenith and petals drop return it to the earth or place in a moving body of water. 

You can repeat this two more times, but don't look back. Meaning, don't dwell upon when will this manifest? How? Who? And all those I have to hang on to making it happen. Just take steps forward, do what you can to manifest it and keep the faith. 

Every book I wrote was because another or others suggested I do it. That is all but one, which was truly my own inspiration, images collected from the great imagination.  Which one is it? LINK TO SHOW listen on your computer, iPad, iPhone,  scroll to my name June Ahern. 


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