Saturday, April 1, 2017


CORRECTION: April 30, 2017 to June 30, 2017

GIVE-AWAY ON - 4/30 to 6/30 '17

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'How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts' 

by June Ahern, Psychic/Medium

Talking to the dead is easy for June Ahern

In this book question answered - is there a difference between ghosts and spirits? To me, yes. Read answer in the excerpt below.

If you're not a gambler and are eager to read this most interesting book, please purchase an autographed copy directly through me.  june ahern dot com -

Also available: eBook and/or paperback

Want to confirm you've been contacted by a spirit? 
Unsure how to get rid of a ghost haunting your house?

In it read - the many submitted questions from the curious living,  like this one
The boundaries, which divide Life from Death
are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say
where the one ends, and where the other begins?
– Edgar Allan Poe –

• I’ve heard you talk about spirits and ghosts. Is there a difference? To me there is a difference. Although a ghost is the spirit or energy of a person, it has not gone onto a place of peaceful rest. The entity is suspended in a limbo state––not moving onto a heaven, or another dimension or living a physical life on Earth. Long after it has left the physical body it lingers on Earth reliving the same painful, misery and/or death scene over and over again. With that said about the belief of stuck ghosts, I’ll add a friendly encounter of one who had no plans to move on. (con't in book).
 More about what you'll find in the book:

"How to Talk With Spirits: Séance, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" by June Ahern, psychic/medium.  Have you felt spirits around you? A chill at seeing a ghost? Talking to spirits and dealing with ghosts is easy for Ahern, how about you? This informative and practical guide to an unusual and often, sensitive subject will help you understand and communicate with unseen entities. In it, questions from the curious living about the dead - human and animals - are answered. Learn how to conduct a séance, understand how mediums relate spirit communication, take safe and successful ghost hunts, and avoid vampire entities. Read about the author's most memorable ghost encounters, and hauntings by murder victims. Test your own psychic abilities with the author's ESP Quiz. By the end of the book you will decide if you want to or can communicate with the dead or leave well enough alone.

See June Ahern's other books at june ahern dot com.

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