Wednesday, April 19, 2017


The energy of a pet doesn’t dissipate  quickly after death

In my book, How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts, I answer many questions from the curious living about spirit communication, which includes keeping in touch with our pets. Can they really communicate from the afterlife?  
Excerpt from How to Talk With Spirits - where I answer many questions from the Curious Living:
• Can pets that have passed away communicate with us? We animal lovers dread the moment when our beloved pets––our companions––die. We fear our pets are lost to us forever. The grief can be as powerful as losing a beloved person. 
I assure you, pets can communicate after they have left their physical bodies
Communication from a pet can be just as emotional as one with the spirit of a human loved one, and the reasons we want contact with them are the same. 
The energy of a pet doesn’t dissipate quickly after death. 
Animals have a strong spirit presence and in my experience, often their spirits are felt easier than the spirit of those who had been in human form. 
During séances as well as in private psychic sessions I have shared many messages with teary-eyed pet guardians from beloved animal friends. The spirits of dogs or cats commonly appear without an inquiry. Usually, they come to sit by a particular person. If not, after I describe the animal, someone happily claims the animal spirit.
When you communicate with your spirit pets, you will receive images, a particular action of the pet and/or hear their animal sound. You might smell the scent of that pet or feel the rub of them on your physical body.

If communication is through a pet medium, she or he will receive particular information to identify contact with your pet has been made. The medium might see your pet’s personal habit or a favorite belonging.

Pet mediums are certainly one method for communicating, although I encourage you to do it on your own as well. 
Sit quietly in the room you and your pet favored. You can place your favorite photograph of your pet in front of you or hold it. You might want to hold your pet's favorite toy or blanket.  
Take several easy breaths to relax.Once you feel your body relax, sit for a moment more and enjoy that sensation. Now, say your pet’s name a few times. Stop, breathe easily, relax then let your mind drift to an image of your pet; a special playtime, a walk or look at that photo taking in all you love about that pet.
Feel in your heart that loving feeling:Does you heart seem to expand and glow with loving energy?  Imagine stroking your pet, feel the fur and warmth beneath your fingertips. You could feel the wet nose of your dog nudging your hand. You might hear the purr of your cat. If a retile, feel the coolness and look at the beauty of the skin's patterns.
There is no doubt you will experience the presence of your pet as you move through memories.
What will you want to know about your pet?  (cont'd in my book).

The book is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook. For personally autographed see At many book, or ebook only, and audio at
Watch my ghost investigations' historical series with The Haunted Bay (they give great Ghost Tours in Berkeley and San Francisco) -, Amazon Prime, Asian American

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Monday, April 10, 2017


Excerpt from "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts 
by June Ahern

Chapter 1
The boundaries, which divide Life from Death
are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say
where the one ends, and where the other begins?
– Edgar Allan Poe –

PEOPLE ARE CURIOUS about and perplexed by what happens after death, or if anything does happen at all. They wonder what the spirits of the dead might appear as, how they will manifest and what kind of messages will they give. They want to know why the spirits communicate, and if the spirits or ghosts should be feared. Although this book is mostly about communicating with our beloved ones who have passed with ways in which you can lovingly stay in contact, some people have experienced the darker side of spirits, which I can help understand and even avoid or dismiss.

I have always seen and felt ghosts around me, even in my dreams. Some have been very scary and mean. People have told me I need help, so I’m asking you. How do I stop it? You might not be able to completely stop spirits from communicating with you or seeing ghosts. I hear often from people who are having unwelcomed visitations from bothersome spirits and at times, vampire entities. They feel no power to stop these visitations. I’ll suggest some things here and in later chapters how you can tone it down for pesky ghosts and send them away from your space.
Let me assure you that most spirit/ghost sightings and/or hauntings are quite harmless, although unnerving. Animals and the young, especially babies, see them all the time. Creative people also have a tendency to experience them maybe because they are much more aware of “unseen” energy and colors. The positive visiting spirits can be rather joyful and interesting.
You don’t have to put up with the visits and manifestations. With your psychic abilities, you can curb and control them. It takes willingness, education, and guidance (see my ESP Quiz at end of book.)

The best thing you can do for your ghostly encounters is to learn how to control the visits. That will include which spirits/ghosts you wish to communicate with, when, and how. If they bother you stand up to the ghosts and tell them forcefully to back off or to be gone! Although sorry to say, it doesn’t always work that simply. Still, I’d start there. In time the spirit/ghost will listen and comply. Then again, and this is what I usually start with, negotiate with them sharing your space or bothering you. Say, “Don’t make so much noise!” or “Don’t touch me.” Personally, my advice is to never give permission to an unwelcomed or unknown spirit to touch you! 

Later in the book more about vampire entities:
If you are aware of low-grade, vampire entities please don’t focus on them or engage in any way. They thrive on frightful and curious reactions from the living. When someone shows no fear (or less fearful because it is quite creepy) they usually just slither along to another source to haunt. If it’s a poltergeist (mischievous, bothersome) entity eliminating it might need the cooperation of those sharing your living space. Many cases of poltergeist haunts involve pre-teen and teen members of the family. (advice cont'd in book)

To purchase this book paper back or ebook:
Autographed: june ahern dot com. Also paperback:, - eBook also, eBook only.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


CORRECTION: April 30, 2017 to June 30, 2017

GIVE-AWAY ON - 4/30 to 6/30 '17

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'How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts' 

by June Ahern, Psychic/Medium

Talking to the dead is easy for June Ahern

In this book question answered - is there a difference between ghosts and spirits? To me, yes. Read answer in the excerpt below.

If you're not a gambler and are eager to read this most interesting book, please purchase an autographed copy directly through me.  june ahern dot com -

Also available: eBook and/or paperback

Want to confirm you've been contacted by a spirit? 
Unsure how to get rid of a ghost haunting your house?

In it read - the many submitted questions from the curious living,  like this one
The boundaries, which divide Life from Death
are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say
where the one ends, and where the other begins?
– Edgar Allan Poe –

• I’ve heard you talk about spirits and ghosts. Is there a difference? To me there is a difference. Although a ghost is the spirit or energy of a person, it has not gone onto a place of peaceful rest. The entity is suspended in a limbo state––not moving onto a heaven, or another dimension or living a physical life on Earth. Long after it has left the physical body it lingers on Earth reliving the same painful, misery and/or death scene over and over again. With that said about the belief of stuck ghosts, I’ll add a friendly encounter of one who had no plans to move on. (con't in book).
 More about what you'll find in the book:

"How to Talk With Spirits: Séance, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" by June Ahern, psychic/medium.  Have you felt spirits around you? A chill at seeing a ghost? Talking to spirits and dealing with ghosts is easy for Ahern, how about you? This informative and practical guide to an unusual and often, sensitive subject will help you understand and communicate with unseen entities. In it, questions from the curious living about the dead - human and animals - are answered. Learn how to conduct a séance, understand how mediums relate spirit communication, take safe and successful ghost hunts, and avoid vampire entities. Read about the author's most memorable ghost encounters, and hauntings by murder victims. Test your own psychic abilities with the author's ESP Quiz. By the end of the book you will decide if you want to or can communicate with the dead or leave well enough alone.

See June Ahern's other books at june ahern dot com.


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