Tuesday, June 28, 2016


My recent hit on a baseball player's past life. 

It happened so quickly, the hit on Oakland A's right-handed, old syle pitcher, Daniel Mengden. 

Watching Oakland A's beat Giants' butts last night on tv I was taken by the Mengden's  A's usual pitching style. He was using the old style and looked the very part with a handlebar mustache. 

Say I to hubby, "I think he's reincarnated from a former pitcher." Hubby replies, "Yeah?"

I sat for a few seconds and got the name 'Andy' right away and very clearly. Then O' (something Irish) Maybe O'Hara, or??? I wondered.

Decided to research old pitcher, Andy O' Hara came away with interesting information.

Andrew (Andy) O'Connor, (1884-1980) right handed pitcher, one season - 1908 with the New York Highlanders, later renamed "Yankees" in 1913. He fit the bill. I felt a strong psychic connections between the two men.

Andy died at 96 in 1980, but guess he wasn't finished playing ball. Wanted another chance to prove he could stay in the game. 

 Mengden born in 1993. 

What do you think? Should I contact Mengden and give him my find?

Do you believe in, or have you experienced thoughts and/or images of you in another life time?

Although mostly retired I still enjoy my psychic impressions and ghost hunts with The Haunted Bay Investigation Crew as seen on Youtube. https://youtu.be/TU4BvpvX5AQ

My ebook, "How to talk with Spirits" will be available at the end of 2016 in paperback. If you're interesting in update,please comment of contact me through my site. To purchase go to Amazon.com June Ahern or Smashwords.com (all ebook devices & PDF)

 More about me and my books at june ahern dot com

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