Saturday, May 9, 2015


European sales outsell U.S. sales of my book, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances. Mediums. Ghost Hunts"

Sales are good in the States but still I wonder why? Are Europeans more aware and accepting of spirits and ghosts? Read a sample at  or Amazon

I was born in Scotland and ghost stories were thrilling to hear, even as youngsters. We kids loved them, but of course, were scared too. My mother was a great storyteller complete with the stops, the stares, and the tones in her voice creating an ominous  atmosphere.  

 When we emigrated did we bring ghosts with us? Seemed to be our new homes in the U.S. always came with ghosts.  Can they cling to you? Travel and move with you? Ghosts do surround me and thus for over forty years I've been in communication with them.

When researching for my book I came across Scottish Ancestory site that said Scotland is thought to be one of the most haunted country's in the world. 

Scottish Ancestry:
Scotland is widely thought to be one of the most haunted countries in the World, and home to more ghosts, ghouls, banshees and long-leggety beasties than anywhere else. Much of the folklore surrounding the ghosts of Scotland have appeared in literature stretching back centuries, and have their roots in the mists of time... The history of Scotland has oft been bloody and violent, with clan wars and centuries of fighting with the English. 

 Russia - one can only imagine - has its ghost hauntings too (from Hauntings in Russia).
 Our reporters found out that there are many ghosts in Russia. Capitals have the majority of them, however, there are also many ghosts in Russian province, local legends and people say. Little remained from ancient Moscow, except for the Kremlin. Ghosts love the Kremlin.

In my book you'll learn much more about how to communicate with spirits of your dead loved ones and how to avoid vampire spirits. 

Review my others books and me as a psychic/medium as seen on youtube. 

My novel, The Skye in June, features a psychic child and her challenges.

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