Monday, June 2, 2014

IT'S KARMA: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

If you believe you have karma, then you believe you lived before. If this could be possible how could you access information about another life time -where? who? what is your karma in this life time? Good, bad or both? Can you change karma?

I'll discuss how to recall another life time like through hypnosis, a psychic reading, karmic astrology, and/or ..... and the purpose of examining who you were, how you lived to help you understand the present life, to heal some phobias, illnesses, and relationship issues. 

Karma can and is in evolution all the time. How can you help that? You don't have to just keep your karmic situation but can change it through recognizing what it is. Once you investigate past lives you can being that process.

Tuesday, June 3, '14 at 9:10 a.m. to 10 a.m. PST Internet radio streams live (love to listen on my Ipad or Iphone) with Yerevan Arts & Healing Show. Previous shows found at Readings by Yerevan

This show will be archived in about a week. Stay tuned or comment and I'll let you know when.

Walk with a Medium (that's me) through some infamous San Francisco streets Part One and Part Two to learn about the city's history from the spirits surrounding the Barbary Coast.

Read about my novels, set mostly in San Francisco, and my how to book shows you how to get the best psychic reading for your buck at june

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