Sunday, March 30, 2014

Coloring The Kids...

From the Indigo, Rainbow and Beyond the  Indigo books, I wonder what color was my kid?

What color was I in the 1950's?

And what the heck is it all about?

What color is your kid?

The color indigo is associated with the middle eye chakra, the left eye of Horus the Egyptian god and represents abstract information, intuition and the female principle.

The left eye is controlled by the right brain. The right side of the brain (and both sides do work together when in harmony and balance) is responsible for creative, intuitive thinking, feeling, and when using the Left Eye, female energy (the yin).

What does this mean for the Indigo Child? What is their roles in the world? How can and will they affect humanity?

In the book, The Indigo Children: The New Kids have Arrived, Carol Lee, it also includes how these children are very sensitive to diet and health care.

I'll talk more about that and other Indigo kiddie stuff on  Tuesday, April 1 - 9 to 10 a.m.  PST - a continuation of my talk about The Indigo Children and ESP on radio  Kows107-3.

The archive to the first show can be found at Readings by Yerevan
please join us

In my novel, The Skye in June, my main character, a precocious little red-head, naturally has dietary likes and dislikes.
Annie, sitting on the outside of the booth, repeated the birthday girl’s order.
The waitress nodded wearily, confirming it, “Yeah okay, hon. Cheese on white. Milkshake.”
June hadn’t eaten fried food or meat for the past year. She told her sisters it was bad to eat dead animals. At first her mother fretted her youngest wouldn’t grow properly without meat. But she finally accepted nothing would budge the girl’s decision, especially after June had refused the family’s favorite Friday dinner of fish and chips because it was cooked in lard made of animal fat. Besides June’s food dislikes, she had a list of noises, smells, and other things that adversely affected her senses. Her sisters would just roll their eyes and call her a kook.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

San Francisco's Barbary Coast Ghostly Walk

Ready to walk into the past and through San Francisco's historical Barbary Coast? Wow! Was it wild and wicked there! I saw some gruesome activity and met a really funny spirit along the way. The historical facts after the walk confirmed much.  The show is produced by Ying Lui and The Paranormal Investigation Group. The show is from The Haunted Bay series on Youtube.  Enjoy.

In my novels, The Skye in June and also, City of Redemption, I include paranormal activity. Available through as well as or paperback.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


If you think kids say the darnest things, wait to a psychic kid 

reads your aura, tells your future and lays a healing hand on you.

March 4: My radio program discussion about: The Psychic & Indigo Child radio show "Healing Arts" with host Yerevan... now here.

If link isn't working, copy and past.

On this show Yerevan and I continue from previous programs to explore the Indigo Child's roles in society, and why are they called Indigo Children. Tuesday, April 1st, 2014  9-10 a.m. PST  KOWS Radio Station Internet Radio.  Listen to Indigo Children one and two.

Yes, they are more aware about the world at a younger age and the generations before them. Yes, they are more intelligent than ever before. Yes, they are more independent and speak up! Yes, they are much more intuitive. 

My first novel, The Skye in June, centers around a psychic child who has insights that scare the parents - a hidden past, lies says the father and the mother worries what will be revealed and have her sisters rolling their eyes. 

I will give my insights to those who took my ESP Quiz. If you want the quiz comment on this blog with your score and I'll answer.

Read about my complete consumer's guide for getting the most benefirs from a psychic and the reading, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading, How to Talk With Spirits, and novel, City of Redemption. and


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