Monday, December 2, 2013


Since my recent retirement from private sessions for psychic readings I've been enjoying a couple of ghost bustings with a paranormal investigation film crew, The Haunted Bay. 

After my visit to the Condor Club the producer asked me to sit for an interview about my psychic history.

She asked, How did I realize I was psychic?

Many people have had some kind of encounter ghost or spirit. It's not unusual.  I'm in contact with them all the time. Some are pesky, some just passing through, and others stopping by to say 'hello' or ask to pass on a message to a loved one.

Why do they talk to me? I'm open to hearing and seeing them. I'm (mostly) not afraid. Majority are just ordinary everyday spirits. Just like the people they were. When they are around the air can and often does chill. Maybe just a part of your body will feel the chill, or like a slight breeze can raise the hair on your neck or arm; a feeling someone is there, staring at you. You might get a strong impression, like think you saw a movement, or in your mind's eye see the face of someone (loved one who passed or a stranger); think you heard a whisper. Usually though, the spirit comes in dreams as it's easier to communicate, we being in a rested state like mediation.

You can communicate with them if we want, but like all abilities some have a greater sense to this kind of vibration.

I had an interesting and fun time recently investigating one of San Francisco's most infamous, historically crime ridden areas, The Barbary Coast. There are many, many aimless spirits afloat there. While walking the area I actually walked into a dimension from an era gone past. All of what I was able to pick up, and after much timing consuming research, were validated; historically the producer had no prior knowledge of. She did plan the walk to areas she had confirmed historical facts, only I stopped in many places, alleys, buildings, that she hadn't planned in her investigation.

We did get into two buildings: Art and Craftsman Supply, 555 Pacific Ave. - and wow! downstairs mucho activity with history dating back to tunnels for bad people and their victims.

We did also get into the famous strip place, The Condor Club (Carol Doda). That too has some real interesting ghost activities and sightings. I didn't even want to go downstairs at first; the basement had been the first floor in the building before the 1906 earthquake.

All in all, each event was good for me in my retirement to still use my psychic gifts in a playful way.

Still writing and working on the sequel to my popular novel 'The Skye in June'

Check out my books  june ahern dot com to learn more about my other novel, 'City of Redemption' and, How to Talk With Spirits and my complete consumer guide to a psychic reading: 'The Timeless Counselor' - in it my ESP QUIZ - find out how psychic you are!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

RADIO - LOOK SO GOOD ON THE RADIO! Talk show 11/12/13

I like being a guest on radio.

I look so much better than on TV talk show (although I gladly accept invitations!) plus the host and I can laugh during breaks and then the best! I reach so many people. They get to know me.
I'm in the blues of the sky and the ocean. Come Play with me!

This time  I talked a host into letting "call-ins" be part of the show. I used to be on many talk shows with the audience calling-in and the shows were a big success.  This time, with only one phone line into KOWS 107.3 fm, Occidental CA, the radio station, we Skype and left the line open.  A few minor glitches, but nothing major, and the show rolled on. A big success!

We talked mainly about my book The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading - all about psychic things, readings, me as a reader for forty years, and then took a few questions from the audience. You can listen to the show here: Please listen to the show at Readings by Yerevan's blog page.

Learn more about me, and my books at June Ahern Dot Com - as a Life Coach.
You can review my Life Coach work at sf coaching Dot Com

Thursday, October 3, 2013


                               The Timeless Counselor
           The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading
"I have been inspired by June’s ability to awaken the awareness of many people and to train them to use their metaphysical gifts productively. Her readings and classes allowed me to recognize my own gifts and taught me how to utilize them effectively. Now I successfully do reading and healing for others. June is a loving and knowledgeable person. We could all benefit through the information she shares with us." – Rusty Dennis, mother of Rocky whose story was portrayed in the movie, Mask

The best consumer's guide ebook to learn how to get the most from a psychic reading. ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW about psychic readings and psychic readers. Where do they belong in today's society? What do you ask them?  How do you find a good one?

Check it out - the latest edition w/ ESP Quiz. - available until 10/5 -13

search June Ahern books. Enjoy! Learn! Let me know what you scored on the quiz.

More on this book and my two novels, The Skye in June and City of Redemption as well as my latest non-fiction How to Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances, Ghost Hunts  june ahern dot com. Also available on book selling sites +

Friday, September 6, 2013

City of Redemption Dudes _ HELP!

City of Redemption - 1967 Summer of Love mystery novel and screenplay has some really cool young dudes - even Ricky the Rat and Chaz the ruthless undercover cop are manly men! Drugs, lies, betrayal, Black Panthers and great music. Read more about it at www. june ahern dot com

 Let me know if you suggest another actor or which ones below you like best.

Sam, seen in the very beginning, aged and sick, is not the '67 Sam. -  a handsome 27 year-old Vietnam Vet with the gait of an athlete is the 1967 hippie complete with John Lemon glasses.  The yoga practitioner observes the family with a mellow attitude that hides his lies. I chose actors to the left  Garrett Hedlund - or below Paul Walker. What do you think? Who'd you suggest?


RICKY MARTINEZ  - a dangerously handsome 23 year-old Latino neighborhood drug dealer and womanizer: Ricky strokes his slicked-back hair, mustache and divides his goatee it in the middle, smoothing it back with his "Ricky-knows-you-want-him" smile. His commune family doesn’t know he’s more to him....  side by side my choices - really need a hot Latino actor 25 - 30?

Next posting will be Mason, the gay hairdresser, Bobby, Toni's Black Panther boyfriend and Chaz, the undercover cop who's been under too long. 


Tuesday, August 13, 2013


You know that question interviewers ask - 'Who would play you in a movie'? I've thought about it and my picks - Elizabeth Taylor for one -  have passed on to the big stage in the sky or are ancient!

But I do know the actors I want for my novel's screenplay, "City of Redemption."  Read about the story that takes place during the Summer of Love 1967.

 I've searched wide and far for that right one! for each role.

 There are two main females roles and a smaller role.

LIZ MACKAY: Scottish actress Mhairi Calvey is a purrrfect match for my sassy, sorrowful and when she's needed, brave Liz. Writing the screenplay it was Mhairi in my vision.  Liz's 8 yr old son, Patrick dies under mysterious circumstances and Liz seeks solace in San Francisco, seeking to loss herself amongst the groovy people. 

She's not just a pretty face. Mhairi has that edgy energy - that Glaswegian cheek.

Toni Bourdeaux, my tough sensible Black Panther member, was a quite more difficult to cast.  Lauren London is a beauty, but can she be tough when needed?
Toni is also vulnerable when...have you read the novel yet?  I do love Annie Ilonzeh too. Both women are true beauties, which will wear the largest Angela Davis Afro?

Cat is a great character! Ditzy and sweet. What will becomes of her being that cad drug dealer's girlfriend?

Katie Garland, a young actress I met when in LA four years ago for my other novel. Katie, like Cat, is funny and sweet but Katie is a sharp talented actress.  I hope she doesn't steal the show!

Come on back so we can talk MEN! There are five male actors: The male The handsome often silent watchful Sam, Ricky a dangerously handsome Latino, a great gay guy named Mason Decauter Perry,  the intense Black Panther boyfriend of Toni Bobby and Chaz a big meanie undercover cop. Will upload them in a later blog.

Please read the overwhelming positive reviews of "City" and my other one, "The Skye in June", at, as well as at June Ahern comments.

Saturday, June 1, 2013



 Liz MacKay’s lies lead to her son’s death and a man’s murder. The once cheeky Liz leaves
Scotland in a fog of grief to lose herself in the crazed days of the of the Summer of Love.

In San Francisco, thoughts of a “jolly good time” evaporate and she’s in over her head with dope-smoking roommates and a plot to bring down the Black Panthers.  

“City of Redemption” is a about a lonely woman with a shameful past in a city seemingly full of free love and groovy people only Liz is drawn to the dark underbelly of violence and devastation. 

My books continue to receive an overwhelming five star reviews since since publication.

"City of Redemption" combines strong plotting and  dialogue to create a memorable and revealing exposé of seedy side of the Summer of Love.

A film is planned for this story.

Read more at june ahern dot com.

Paperback and ebook. ebooks For personally autographed copy through author's website www.june ahern dot com.

#summeroflove #novels #ebooks #juneahern #blackpanthers #flowerpower #thecastro #castrostreet, #sanfrancisohitosry, #thriller 

Monday, May 27, 2013


In San Francisco's newspaper, The Chronicle renowned columnist, Herb Caen, coined the term Baghdad-by-the-Bay for San Francisco's exotic multicultural, multi-crazy citizens in my city.

I hear some natives who have long moved away from the city, talk about how it's not like it used to be!

That is true because the city on the bay is a place of constant change -- people sail in, sail out and the beat goes on.

My novels, The Skye in June and City of Redemption, set in this interesting city tell of times gone past. What hasn't changed are the hills the characters climb up and down, in and out of shops nestled the valleys as fog lingers nearby. The history.
Mission Dolores, Dolores Street, SF

A visit to Playland (no longer there but most remembered) to listen to the hysterical Laughing Sal (now seen at Santa Cruz boardwalk) is a reminder of an amusement park that remains in many memories.

A writer can't tell a story about San Francisco without taking readers on a cable car ride with a clang, clang of bells and end  at Woolworth's store on Market. 

The city is full of history of unsavory characters and wild happenings. When the bloom of Summer of Love, 1967 in the Haight Ashbury paled, the squalor was left for those who called San Francisco home.

Some of the older generations cried, "them dam hippies!" - and then strangers ones came; The Castro grew new life, different kinds of people, ones like the home-grown city people never saw.  Did the world end? Did the city crumble? No. Baghdad-by-the Bay stories flew far and wide. The beat went on. And will.

Memories continue to be made, changes never cease. Like it or not. Like San Francisco, my stories, my books about the city will be around for a long, long time, long after I pass on to the big party in the sky. Readers will know what life was like back in the day - they will will know a bit more about my city - my Baghad-by-the-Bay.

Read about my novels that take place mostly in SF The Skye in June and City of Redemption at june ahern dot com

Watch my ghostly San Francisco historical walks with The Haunted Bay Part One and Two on Youtube - 


Just a everyday normal person who happens to talk to dead people, see others' past, present and future events and enjoy casting an occasional normal witch spell. 

Since October ('12) I've been studying "The Seven Spiritual Laws to Success: A Pratical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams" by Deepak Chopra.  It's a rather small book, only 115 pages. 

Each sentence, sometimes even a word stops me to reflect, remember and imagine myself in a situation where I rise above judgement, blame and need of approval from others. 

Easy to say, not always so easy to practice. 

It can be simple so easily said "Gee, look at that one!" just because that person might not be attired or coiffed as I might. 

Blame: Them dam Yankees! when my baseball team loses to them. If the Yankees weren't so dam good, my team would have won. The book advises not to allow the approval or disapproval of others to affect your goals or intentions. To be with those who support and encourage them. Indeed! Easy to say, but when  your creation - precious work, and actions are judged as you deem unfairly, it smarts!

The approval of others, oh how many times have I said, "I don't care what they think!" whereas indeed I do care. It was difficult to come to that admittance. 

I admit, when something nasty is said to or about me, it hurts. Being a warrior woman, I anger and wonder why I was so harshly judged or unfairly blamed? No one asked about my thoughts, or reasons for my decisions. Do you stop and ask someone when they differ from your way of thinking or life choices? Do you want to learn about another so that maybe you will learn more about yourself? Do I care? Yes, I do care when I'm attacked - or feel attacked. I'm just a normal feeling human being - a normal witch, a normal psychic. I fail at times (well a lot actually so I learn). I blame at times when hurt. and I get angry then realize what a waste of my energy that is. From this book I'm learning to pay attention to how I might be giving as I am receiving. Like in magic, returned to me 3x fold times whatever I acitivate.

Back to reading the steps to successful living...

My well appreciated novels and paranormal, parapsychology non-fictions are ready for your reading delight. Read more at  june ahern dot com

#witch #witchcraft #wiccan #pagan #DeepakChopra #thesevenspirituallawstosuccess  #Wicca #pagan

Monday, January 14, 2013

Here a POD, there a POD

I traveled to the Isle of Skye while writing my novel to get the true "feel" for my story. It is as mysteriously beautiful as I hoped for. The  magic of the isle flowed to my debut novel, "The Skye in June" and continues today with on-going positive reviews of the book. 

Indie aka POD authors - this can be helpful in selling books. My books are selling all the time!

Bookstores don't often cater to POD authors - not all bookstores though. I've been quite lucky in the Bay Area to have indie bookstores embrace me, though not too tightly. Bookstores aren't the only place people shop.

Just like music CDs are selling at a big coffee shop chain as a POD and unknown author, you can also spread out your venues. This information is useful for POD authors that have bought their own books and are storing. Here's what I've done and it's working so nicely, thank you very much. My books are at these shops and businesses: gift, beauty salons, specialty antique, coffee and spa.

Because my novels are often of interest to females (of all ages I've learned) the businesses where females spend at, are eating the books up. My mother (yes mothers can be helpful) sells it to her signing group at a reduced price for their money-making events. Soon I'll be giving a book signing at my local Postal Annex where I copied and mailed much of my manuscript. People who own these businesses have been along with me during the process. Where do you shop and have personal relationships with owners/managers/workers that might carry your book?

Thank goodness for e-books! I still personally like a paperback but from my sales - ebook is the way. Offer "free" ebooks on kindle for a specific time. That source has helped me expand my readership worldwide to over 50,000 readers in 2012 (for all three books) followed by big sales! 

As you are writing share your experience with the staff and/or owner. Offer the same discount price that is given to bookstores, which is a 60-40 split with you being the 60 % part. My books sell weekly - maybe it's a book at a time, but they are selling. I'm telling you, it's worth a try. Whew! Selling books is an adventure. Get on board.

See what readers are saying about my newly released novel, "City of Redemption" and my first novel, "The Skye in June" at june ahern dot comJune Ahern dot com as well as at U.S., U.K & France and - the books are receiving an over all five & four star reviews.,-There-a-POD&id=1433766


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