Friday, August 19, 2011


I felt a great need for a psychic reading because like many others are experiencing at this time of history, parts of my life are changing rapidly. Who to turn to? I'm particular when it comes to having a spiritual psychic reading. Yes, psychic readers like myself do find readings from another like-minded professional most helpful for insights and spiritual guidance. Litany Burns came to my mind as a reader I wanted to read me. The decision proved positive. In the first five minutes she spoke about my most important issue and that’s before I asked her. In that regards she and I are alike as readers, talk about the person’s energy without first hearing a question from her or him.      Litany’s reading did exactly for me what I say in my book, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading –– it validated much of what I already knew, but had some doubts about, and also gave me another ways of seeing my situations.

As I suggest to all my clients, I recorded the session for later re-listening and perhaps hear more than during the reading.
Litany Burns has several books I have found most helpful, not only on a personal level, but as an ESP teacher. After reading and experimenting with the excercises suggested by Ms. Burns,  I can comfortably recommend to students––Develop Your Psychic Abilities (And Get Them to Work for You in Your Life) and later The Sixth Sense of Children.
Many parents have asked me about their children’s unusual experiences and behavior, the children saying they pick things up or are seeing non-physical beings. Of course, I always tell parents to also check with their professional such as the child’s physician, psychologist and the likes, while contributing what I know about psychic children. Besides that I recommend Litany’s book since she herself was aware at a young age she had strong psychic abilities. As children with these abilities experience can be seen as gift, at times, a curse as I wrote in my novel, The Skye in June or, at Amazon.

My other books, 
How to talks with Spirits:Seance, Mediums and Ghost Hunts amazon smash

TheTimeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading - amazon - smash b&n

Novel: City of Redmpetion - smash - amazon

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