Thursday, January 27, 2011


J = 1

Numerology + the Tarot's Major Arcana cards = images of my birth name.

These cards reflect my name: 

June. J=1; U=3; N = 5; E=5 total 14 = 5 total 

U = 3

What would you think about me from those pictures? My personality?

N & E = 5 
Total = 1
When I was young I didn’t like my name. The little ditties and jokes: like June is  bursting out all over.

My mother suggested I change it.

Tried Jackie (Jackie Kennedy was First Lady and I, a big fan of her).
Eventually, ended up keeping my own.

There was a big hoopla naming me June. My mother looked outside at a sunny June day (when I was born) and decided to name me June.

My father didn’t like it either saying it was a pagan, heathen name and not a saint’s as was the tradition in a Catholic family to name a child after a saint.

This contention between my parents over my name led to my first novel, The Skye in June.

Later, I told him I’d be the first Saint June. Of course I didn’t say e a Catholic one, but a Wiccan/pagan saint. I’m working on it being saintly - but....

June is derived from the Roman goddess Juno, the goddess of marriage – the Great Juno Moneta guarded over the finances of the empire and had a temple on the Arx, which was the mint. I’d like to be Mama Bank.

June also means youth - forever young. Oh yeah, that'd be me. LOL

Names hold a message - an announcement of you to the world.

What does your name mean?

What’s the story behind your naming?

How do you feel about your name?

Your name has a power and the sound of it influences the ears of others.

Say your name aloud a few times, in different tones and inflections. Sit quietly and chant it softly.

Feel the vibration within your body.

Does it ring true for how see yourself?

People change or shorten names  to match self –image and to influence the reactions from others
toward them.

Five: denotes change, flexibility, movement, can be scattered and chaotic at times. Yeah, a double
Gemini! No kidding - four of us vying for a result; associated with adventure, travel, education and flux.

Seems to sum me up:

I wonder what your name would look like in images?

My magic name is a totally different number vibration although I won't reveal it to you.

More about June Ahern, her books and her paranormal investigations,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm A Bleepin' Bloggin' Failure

I learned something today - I'm a blogging failure. I didn't follow the rules - again.

I read that to gain an audience - readership - for your blog, you have to blog daily! You have to let your readers know they can count on you to show up and tell all, complain, blame, shame, opinionate! and please, do bare your deepest darkest secrets and greatest dreams and wishes. This way you connect with your readers or some might hate you and comment how much they do.

Just do it consistently - each day - okay, take a weekend off - go on vacation - MAYBE.

Sh&&! There's that consistent thing again! It haunts me, more than my worst vampire entity does. Up until last week I used to point my Gemini fingers and plead "two minds" many thoughts, which way they go - and my standard "here today, gone today, round n' round I go. " Why take my readers down that rambling path of my inconsistent thoughts?

And now with the changes in sign learning that I'm a Taurus - - s-l-o-w and c-o-n-s-i-s-t-e-n-t - there's no reason for not blogging everyday, or even once a week.

Maybe I just don't think all my life and daily thoughts - which are numerous - need to be read about each and every day. I do have a life, as scattered as it might be. I do daily stuff - the obvious but not necessarily in the same order. I know my readers have a life outside the blogging world of "here's my pain, here's my insight, here's my gripe".

So here's my blog for this month or week or whatever.

p.s. keep your personal sh&(* to yourself or at least only your three closets FB, MS, Twitter, etc etc friends - the rest - remain a bit of a mystery. Maybe a friend will call to hear all about your day.

Off to cast a spell.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Spells, prayers and affirmations are similar. 
They are all forms of communication and telepathic messages. 
In what way, you might ask.
Spoken and unspoken words.
Physical and mental creations

When we speak aloud and at times silently a spell, prayer, or  affirmation we are making a statement or a request to someone or something outside ourselves or to the inner self. For instance one might say, "I pray I have enough strength to continue with ___________."

In that statement of intention there is no called upon deity, it is more to self. See?

All three have common components: a desire or need, a focus outside themselves to attain the desire or need and faith in the power and that the plea, creation and intention is heard and in the progress of manifesting. Of course they all use the power of words.

As a writer (four books later) I understand the power of words, how to present to paint a picture, to engage another to hear (read) for further interaction, or catch that though and/or emotion of another.

Words are powerful. Learn to chose positive, powerful, and descriptive words that convey and paint a true picture of what you are thinking and hoping to manifest in your might, be it words that are poetic, magical, straight forward, but be careful of how you pose those words.

(Please note: these archives can be available upon request: To hear more about the topic listen to my May 6, 2014 radio show)

A spell is direct in wording and intention - this is what I'm creating through the power of myself, the clarity of my mind,  the help of the universe (planets, Divine sources as in goddess and gods) and the energy from above, below and all around.)

Those who cast depend upon their own ability and self-power along with the energy/vibrations surrounding them as in the universe, to manifest their dreams, visions, wants, needs etc.

They cal in the power of energies from the four directions, east (air -mental clarity); south (fire- action, energy, passion); west (water - dreams, visions, spiritual connections) and north (earth - results, products, practicality)  to support and enlighten them to create. They will also call in the energies from above (heavens) and below (the earth).

Before casting a spell it is advised do everything humanly possible to attain whatever one wants. Actions: have your actions followed your thought? You want a a good paying job? What prep work have you done before the job?

Just don't go cast a spell without first thinking what will it mean to your life and the life of those of others? Is it really what you want? Beware of what you ask for idea.

Once you have completed your spell don't look back. Give it time to work. Don't cast it again for at least thirty days or longer. That's unless you're doing a three, seven or nine day spell consecutively or have decided to do it once a week twice or thrice.

Prayers are asking for many things. I pray each and everyday. I'll often say the Hail Mary.

Some people pray by asking for little things, as in let me pass this test, let my team win the game (really? Like God or whichever deity is thinking yeah, beat someone else and let them feel badly); show me a sign he or she loves me or like me I pray too often for St. Anthony to find lost items (I'm cutting back on that.) Of course, sometimes we pray for big things like for a miracle in a dire medical situation or world peace.

Prayers can have too many words. Rambling thoughts. Desperate, pleading words for God, Allah, whomever, to fix whatever. Certainly in those worst moments of life, in dire times, we are desperate for a relief of our situation, our pain. Often we use words from prayers learned rather than prayers from your heart. People often go on and on, talking to their Divine Connection, pouring out emotions, making deals, reminding God etc how they are good people, worthy people or unworthy and now they see the error of their ways.

Most people learn to pray by being dependent upon an entity greater than and outside of themselves to provide a hopeful successful outcome to a need, want and/or dream. They ask permission from this source. They give their power to this entity to receive if the entity deems them worthy. There are those who bargain, if you give me this then I will do this_______.

If you are praying for an outcome of a rather serious need, remember to stop praying/talking and listen for your Divine Being. Then you can hear or realize the response, the message.  Praying is talking, meditating is listening.  Have faith. Believe

Their faith can often be focused outside of themselves whereas one who uses spells, depends upon her or his inner faith.

Creative Visualization - Goal setting and practical applications followed by an affirmation: Creative Visualize is powerful for it is the images, symbols and all created in the mind. To be most successful at creative visualization take time to be clear.  Check what you are thinking (what mental wording is floating through your). Have a talk with yourself to clear up any negative and/or fearful thoughts about what it is you wish to create in life, different from what you have now. I suggest you write what you are planning on creating. Once you've done that go through what you wrote and rewrite it in simple sentences, no more than three. Does it sound reasonable? Are the words in line with the picture in your mind?

When you do this you are in a  better place to start creating. A bit of both inside and outside yourself is taking place - direct focus and placing faith in another occurs. For instance you understand that you will take action to fulfill your goal while realizing you are pulling in the assistance of a source outside your present conciseness.  I.e. " I'm also dependent upon the support of another or others to fulfill this goal."

Of course a goal setter can also cast a spell as well as pray. See Ask the Coaches ( ask) for some goal setting and achieving advice.

Affirmations: I like affirmations no matter how I'm manifesting and/or praying for. An affirmation is a simple, one sentence thought to create a feeling, a power, and/or a situation. Positive (and negative) wording mentally, written and spoken aloud create an energy. "I create loving people in my life to support my goals." - Nice and simple, no? Simple wording you can remember, your brain can absorb and following your thoughts, your actions will support.

Write an affirmation at least three times a day 3 or 9 times (you decide) for twenty-one days then put down your pen and let it all happen. Chances are, it's already occurring before the twenty-one days are over. Pay attention to the often subtle signs, the steps leading you forward. Trust me on this one. Sometimes it seems, like in prayers and spells as though you're not getting what you want. If done properly, it is in the process.

I do all to fulfill my valuable goals and live authentically my purpose and mission in life. Blessed be you and your dreams and goals this year.

Which do you prefer and what is the outcome? Which have you not used and are willing to do now?

My books, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to A Successful Reading, How to Talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts  and novels, The Skye in June and City of Redemption see june ahern do com or Amazon.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Home baked scones are an important part of the Scottish New Year as is whiskey and coal brought in by the first-footer.

Hogmanay (pronounced hugmene) is the Scots word for the last day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year's Eve and Day in the Scottish manner. It is, however, normally only the start of a celebration which lasts through the night until the morning of New Year's Eve and Day.

The ritual of linking arms at New Year's parties at my parent's were both celebrating the new year while saying good-bye to the old one and those who weren't going another year with us. The Hogmanay custom of singing "Auld Lang Syne" " has become common in many countries. "Auld Lang Syne" is a traditional poem reinterpreted by Robert Burns , which was later set to music. It is now common for this to be sung in a circle of linked arms that are crossed over one another as the clock strikes midnight for New Year's Day. Typically it is only in Scotland this practice is carried out correctly.

People travel to Scotland from all over the world to participate in the country's special holiday.

As a Scottish immigrant living in San Francisco my family celebrated Hogmanay – Scottish New Year with many rituals and special foods. I had to include it in my book, ‘THE SKYE IN JUNE” and here is an excerpt of that chapter: (not present cover of book, but original photo idea. Photo by Jerry Briesach)

 Hogmanay in San Francisco

Cathy dunked her cloth into the bucket and stopped washing the bay windows as she meditated over the soapy bubbles and remembered past New Year’s Eves in Scotland. The days before the event were always very busy with giving the house a thorough cleaning, as was the tradition. It was thought that starting the New Year with a tidy and neat house would bring good luck. Besides hauling the carpets downstairs to the backyard for a hard beating to clean them, all bedding and curtains were taken to the steamie, as Laundromats are called in Scotland. On the family’s last Hogmanay in Glasgow, it was decided that Annie was old enough to help out while Granny B watched the young bairns. Cathy and Annie pushed the baby pram[1] crammed full of curtains and linens along the streets, meeting other mothers and daughters on the same journey.

After waiting in line in the December chill they bought a ticket to enter the huge steamy room, smelling of wet clothes and soap. The steamie was full of women and girls, laughing and gossiping as they scrubbed their laundry on the washing board. Piece by piece they scrubbed up and down in big sinks filled with hot water, and then wrung it all out by hand. They hung the laundry on wall racks for drying, and placed larger items in big, hot cupboards that were pulled out of the wall. The gossiping and joking never stopped. The work was hard, but the excitement of the upcoming holiday created a festive atmosphere.

In reflection, Cathy realized how much she missed those times, especially the companionship of her mother and sisters-in-law at the holidays. Still, she as was excited as the girls were about the party. With every wipe of the window, she assured herself that her family would be blessed anew.

Jimmy and Cathy painted the living room and hallway a fresh coat of white paint with deep green on the wainscot and molding.

As the day grew closer to Hogmanay, Cathy along with her friends, Mrs. G and Mrs. G's daughter, Tesia shopped up and down Castro Street for the essential ingredients for the special Hogmanay foods that they would make.

Laughter and gossip erupted anytime the kitchen door opened as the women prepared the feast. When Cathy related funny tales of the steamie, the other women laughed heartily. The girls listened with merry curiosity as the adults reminisced about “home,” each telling her own story about life in Poland or Scotland.

With the cooking underway, Mrs. G and Tesia agreed with Cathy when she said it was good that the girls would learn the proper preparation of the Scottish foods.

“We must not forget our customs,” Mrs. G said adamantly. The other women nodded their heads affirmatively at her wisdom.

When it was time to bake the sweets June helped Annie roll out the dough for the cookies with a large rolling pin that Granny B had gifted Annie, before leaving Scotland.

The girls happily tested the freshly baked buttery shortbread, sugar cookies and the Dundee cake—a Hogmanay special. Mrs. G showed them how to decorate the cookies with sugar frosting by dipping a butter knife into hot water and carefully running it over the top of the frosting to give it a shinny glaze.

The women sipped glasses of sherry that would later be used for making the trifle pudding, which was a favorite holiday dessert made with cake, peaches soaked in wine and boiled custard poured all over it.

The baked goods were stored away and attention was turned to the main courses. Stewed meat with thick brown gravy was placed into deep pans. Annie used Granny B’s rolling pin to make a thin crust for the top of the pans. She then brushed a raw egg across the top so it would bake to a perfect golden brown, just the way Granny would have wanted it.

By the day of the party, steak pies, a large ham, the delicate trifle pudding and other delicious holiday foods lined the shelves in the Frigidaire, ready to be heated up when needed.

With the kitchen work finished, the girls hung colorful streamers throughout the flat, and dangled fun paper party hats from them. Jimmy held Maggie up to hang a piece of mistletoe at the front door. This custom was not for kissing, like at Christmas, but to prevent illness in the household.

It was a fun time in the MacDonald house. Since many of the guests also had young children, the party would start in the early afternoon of New Year’s Day. The girls were so excited they stayed up until midnight, giggling and talking before falling asleep. The next morning they hurried home from the special New Year’s Day Mass to change into their party clothes, readying themselves for the guests arriving at noon.

With the chime of the doorbell, everyone ran off to greet the first guest. They hurried into position, eager to view the first footer waiting downstairs at the door to the building. They were ready for a dark-haired man to walk through the door, signaling good luck in the New Year. What they saw was Sandy’s thinning blonde hair as he stepped over the threshold and into the lobby of the building.

“Sandy! For God’s sake, get out, man!” Jimmy yelled down to him.

The mistake was Mark’s fault.

It had been pre-arranged by Jimmy that the first foot would be Ian, a Scottish friend who was a tall man with black hair. But before Ian could step into the building, Mark had pushed ahead of him. As Sandy reached past Ian to pull his son back, he had stumbled through the door when it opened. As fate would have it, light haired, balding Sandy was the first person with a foot in the MacDonald’s building on Hogmanay.

The girls hung over the banister booing boisterously at Mark as his father backed out, dragging his son by the scruff of the neck. Ian bounded up the stairs. Hoping to smooth over the error, he adamantly protested that he did indeed have the first foot in the flat. He handed Jimmy the traditional Hogmanay gifts.

“Fattie brattie Marky,” said Maggie mockingly when Mark dashed by.

Huffing and puffing, Nancy arrived at the top of the landing and, in her loud American voice, scolded the Scots on how silly they were to be so superstitious.

A stout Scottish woman coming up behind her said, “Wheesht, silly woman.”

At first, guests were a bit sober from the unexpected event but it didn’t last for long. The adults soon had a few glasses of cheer and the party began.

More guests arrived, singing out the traditional Hogmanay greeting, “A good year to you!” They brought gifts of food and spirits—whiskey, malt beer and gin. As the day went on, the story about the blonde first foot made its rounds and the celebrators kidded about what kind of bad luck might befall the MacDonalds in the coming year.

The mood lightened and the singing of Scottish songs became the main activity. Each person had a turn to entertain by singing a favorite tune. Before the party ended, and in keeping with another Hogmanay tradition, the adults and children stood in a circle crisscrossing hands, right over left, and sang the famous Scottish song, “Auld Lang Syne.” June was bewildered as the adults’ laughing voices changed to sad tones. Some of the women cried openly as they sang together, “Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and the days of auld lang syne!”


To learn about my books and me at
The Skye in June - City of Redemption, The Timeless Counselor, How to Talk With Spirits


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