Saturday, July 31, 2010


JULY 30, 1920 - SEPTEMBER 27, 2016




A Tribute to My Mother who we called "mammy"

Article: July, 2010

We just celebrated my mother's ninetieth (90) birthday at her favorite tea room and concluded the luncheon by exchanging tealeaf readings, which we learned from mom.

Being a Scottish family a good hot cuppa of black loose-leafed tea blended perfectly with milk and sugar, This was our breakfast brew.

Sometimes when the cups were emptied my mother would read our tea leaves -only for fun she'd remind us, being a good and faithful Catholic. No shenanigans with that "old black magic beliefs!" She was devoted to Mary, Our Lady, Jesus' mother, and when any of her children were in dire need for help Mom would be asked to speak to Our Lady on our behalf. The problem was more often than not cleared up. Now, you couldn't ask too often or for frivolous things. Yes, Mom had an in with Mary.

As far back as I can remember Mom has loved the mysterious and supernatural. Her love for spooky and "unusual" sparked an interest in her children, an interest that continued to grow as we did. Like some of my siblings (the rest are in denial I think) I read the tealeaves, (of course), tarot cards, aura's, and see spirits as did my mother.

Although she'd never admit to having special psychic abilities, Mom also had prophetic dreams and saw spirits - the first she mentioned was her brother Alec who drowned during WWII.  Whilst on her honeymoon she saw him appear at the foot of the bed hours before the news of his death came to the family.

When we were kids we'd sit with mouth's hanging open at the breakfast table as she recounted, in great dramatic detail, the previous night's television program One Step Beyond (too late for us kids). Afterward we'd have to scamper down the steep San Francisco hills to a day with the nuns, head full of spooky images with the promise not to speak a word of it.

Friday nights we'd get to stay up late and with her would watch The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

She's not crazy about me being a witch though or preferring the free thinking Rosicrucian knowledge and practice. Mom is mostly dismayed about some of her daughters being witches and pagans, wishing we'd have remained faithful to Catholicism as she has. But on an odd day Mom says, Maybe I'm the head witch, eh? Giving her sweet smile.

Living through the bombings of Glasgow during World War ll, emigrating to Canada on an ocean liner with five kids (father looking for more lucrative work), back to Scotland with one more kid and once again following my father to the USofA now with seventh kid (the one in pic above with Mom) where #8 and last baby was welcomed, surviving the crazy and wild times of her teen children during of the San Francisco 1960s,  and all the other things that come with eight kids and a strong-willed husband, I think my mother is a most wonderful woman. Blessed be.

How has your mother influenced your abilities and talents?

MY BOOKS: Available on Amazon, Smashwords, your local bookstores and me june ahern dot com

THE SKYE IN JUNE, my novel, about a Scottish immigrant family in San Francisco with one child that has unusual abilities




Tuesday, July 20, 2010


permission by

Witches do marry -whether it be a handfasting ceremony and/or a legal affair (according to the man-made laws of the land).

My husband and I married both in a handfasting country New Year's Day ceremony  in ‘02 and a civil ceremony in ’06.

Brides everywhere always have a great concern: What to wear? 

What to wear? Witches can and do, wear traditional wedding clothing. The bride: a white gown or full ritual witch clothing. Where to buy witch clothing? You can put together a gown that might look like Elvira's maybe in white though rather than her black. Of course, wear black if you wish or visit a Renaissance or Celtic faire for capes and dresses. And, let us not forget that special sexy (witches are very sensual beings) undergarments, something a bit deliciously wicked!

permission by travel

Like other brides and grooms witches (includes pagans, Goddess' Worshippers and Wiccans) wish for their wedding vows, rituals and celebrations to be beautiful, memorable and reflective of their spiritual beliefs.

To have a wedding that is a true expression of witchcraft (pagan - Wiccan) beliefs and values witches begin with creating their own wedding vows––words that reflect true intentions and magic.

Vows: Create vows to be a sacred message for all to hear of your devotion to the goddess(es) and for some, the gods. Vows which declare the power, faith and devotion of your love for the intended as well as  the purpose of uniting families. End your vows with saying Blessed Be or So Mote it Be (it's the truth or the truth is spoken), which is like saying Amen. You've sealed it.

Perhaps you would want to include a few ancestors - those who have gone on to the Underworld or Slumberland (heaven etc) who inspired and loved you. Those who have passed on can certainly be a positive part of your wedding as you bring them in through calling their names(s).  Blessed be.

Another suggestion: after exchanging vows place the paper your vows are on in a circle on your wedding altar. The circle can be drawn before or at the time of the ceremony and made from small stones, crystals, shells or rose petals. Or you can choose to burn the while at the altar in a fire-proof container such as a table size cauldron or a larger one, like a fire pit. We burned our papers afterwards in a cauldron to send the words up to the ethers - the cosmos.

Scatter the ashes in a moving body of water or bury in the ground.

The altar: prepare it before before the ceremony. Place a white candle in the center and on the four corners of the altar place candles in the four directions: East (can be white or yellow), South: red, West: blue, and North, green.

Include four elements, fire (white candle) incense (air); water; a cup or bowl of water and Earth can be salt or a crystal. Flowers are beautiful on altars for all celebrations and they're a gift from the goddess. Add whatever else has meaning to you.

After our civil marriage ceremony my husband and I exchanged vows again at our reception. They were written on special paper (parchment)with selected colored pens. I also read an old Celtic poem.

We it a unity candle (two figures intertwined). The image candle was a man and woman united in wax. It burned throughout the reception in a safe fire-proof container away from guests bumping into it but where it could be seen.

At our the handfasting we had two separate image candles - ones we chose independently - my husband chose a green man and I,  a red woman. They were placed in a pie pan facing each other. Oh, how fun to see the different colors of the candles blending together, becoming one melted wax design.  A niece and nephew dressed up some Barbie dolls and placed them around the bottom of a tree trunk where we stood for the ceremony. The dolls, they said, were the forest fairies. It truly was fun and cold!

If you want to include family or friends to light the unity candle symbolizing the brining together of important people in both of your lives,  ask from each family a parent, grandparent or child to light at the unity candle.  My husband's daughter and my son lit separate candles and then presented them to each of us, which we lit the unity image candle.

As a minister when I officiate a wedding I provide two image or figure candles set on a platter and later after they have burned down, I “read” the wax combination for the couple. The reading includes how the couple will blend their lives together.

If older family members or guests of another religion perhaps consider including a piece or part of a conventional rituals or religious aspects in a show respect. It can help to bring them into accepting and celebrating your pagan union in a joyous way. The word God might be said, as would The Lady and The Lord, or a particular goddess, such as the Greek goddess Hera aka Juno Roman name, goddess of marriage.

Hanfasting: If you are exchanging rings afterwards blend in the handfasting ritual. Clasp hands and with the free hands tie a ribbon around the united hands. There are different colors of ribbons you can use. Research which ones appeal to you.

Jump the Broom - old pagan wedding ritual - at the altar stand within a circle drawn beforehand or the bride’s attendees can draw a circle around the couple before or after the vows are exchanged. After the vows one of your wedding party can lay the broom down for both to jump.

Jumping the broom marks the beginning of making a home together and symbolizes that the groom and bride physically and spiritually crossing the threshold into the land of matrimony. As they sweep away the old and the welcome the new they begin a new life together with a clean sweep!

Four Corners: Witch, Wiccan or pagan ceremonies and rituals begin the magic with Calling in the The Four Corners (Elements.)  This can be done by the officiate - the High Priestess or Priest.

A wand or finger can be used as one moves around the four directions and a colored candle (see above) placed in each direction is lit.

• Face East - As we welcome the sun each morning, the dawn of a new day we welcome in energy of the east.
• Face South - As we welcome the spark of the day to spark the fire of my actions we welcome in the energy of the south
• Face West - As we leave my dream world we bring them forth into our waking day to manifest within the right time. We welcome the energy of the west.
• Face North - As we bring into form that which is manifesting, that which we work to create we welcome the energy of the north.
• All around: We welcome the powers of above, the powers from below and the powers all around.

After each direction is welcomed by the officiant or one or both of the couple the guests can participate by saying "Welcome!"

Here's a website to gather more information:

Anther four corner ritual: acknowledge the corners again in a different order. This is said by the couple:

• Face South: Fire:
 From fire comes love and warmth. The spark that created our passion. Welcome Fire!
• Face West: Water:
 Water is the giver and purifier of life, sustaining us, as it will this marriage.
• Face East: Air breaths new life into love.
 Giving both _______ and ______ the freedom to be themselves.
• Earth:
The earth upon which we walk provides us with our home and our future.

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again. Wishing you a very joyous union of love.

Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera's Blessing by Raven Kaldera suggests how to create a holy pagan/witch/Wiccan wedding.

 June Ahern and her books at june ahern dot com

• How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts

• The Skye in June - Girl with psychic abilities, Scottish immigrants in San Francisco

• City of Redemption

• The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading  

Friday, July 9, 2010


Do Fat Witches Fly Lower? Bumpy, bumpy

fat butt dragging along.

Marielle fat Witch says no!

At my heaviest weight I said, “F@*# it, and bought “big jeans” and red lipstick, and then met a wonderful man, who I would later marry.

Recently I was interviewed by Big Girl Bombshell

"What have been a few struggles with your weight and body image?" I was asked.

HA! A few? LIKE: Weight - Acceptance of Self and acceptance of others with not "acceptable social image"  

Weight and Romance. Weight and Social Standing. Weight and Professional Success. WAIT! A lot of wasted years hoping and praying to "fit in." If only I were thin- even the years where I was thin - stick legs a friend called me - it was a constant wish; to be thinner!

Wasted Years: What would we be doing if not thinking and fretting over, Is my butt too big? Does my belly stick out? Are you sure I look good in this?

Thinking and feeling badly about yourself can take the good of the day and turns it into an unhappy less fulfilled one? Could it be one of the biggest waste of time?

What else would be doing with your precious life time if your thoughts were not on your physical image to the world?

Sadly the majority of women (and some men) have an issue around their weight. Fat, skinny, flat chested, top-heavy, bottom-heavy; even beautifully built women speak negatively about their body image.

We're not perfect. Period. As a former psychic reader I've read - for thousands over my forty plus years - models, beautiful women and gorgeous men - and they were as insecure about something on their bodies as as fat ones.

As a witch I enjoy my physical world by noticing the beauty Mother Nature gifts for us, whether that be a bird twittering or the sound of the wind through a tree. In doing so, I appreciate the beauty of my own self more so. I can see, hear and walk. 

In fact, in that enjoyment I've learned to take better care of myself body because as a witch I go skyclad at my altar and also in the company of my coven. Skyclad: in my birthday suit.

In my novel, The Skye in June, one of the daughter's body image leads to more physical abuse. My non-fictions are on the paranormal and metaphysical subjects. Review them at june ahern dot com

ART WORK FROM: Lady at Large

Saturday, July 3, 2010


WIN A FREE BOOK! My novel, The Skye in June, is in 10 countries & 33 states.

 I'm ready to add some new states as a summer read give-away-gift. 

Free book for those in: Oklahoma, So. Carolina, Tennese, Vermont, and West Virginia . First come, first get. One book per state. GOOD UNTIL 2010.

The Skye in June, is a story about a Scottish immigrant family set in Glasgow Scotland and San Francisco during mid-1950's to the start of the Haight/Ashbury scene early '60's when the four girls come of age. 

Receiving five stars reviews on Amazon + Goodreads and at 

Please leave a comment /review on Amazon, Goodreads, or other review sights.

 SUPPORT INDIE AUTHORS! Summer savings at Learn about the Scottish culture and words ~ the changes happening in "the Castro" all while having a GREAT read.

Other June Ahern books: City of Redemption - summer of love thriller -non-fictions: How to Talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts. The Timeless Counselor The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading.


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