Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Are our pets psychic? 

What is your pet saying to you?

My thoughts and experiences confirm that yes animals have strong intuition and will communicate with humans as they do with other animals.

Here's a good idea for easier communication:  learn the animal's communication ways rather than you wanting them to know your's. 

Like human new borns and young children animals rely upon the basic needs to be safe and nourished.  . This is the id (more on that below.) Our DNA supports the physical body (brain: hormones, etc) for survival.

 In time both human and animals of all kinds learn how to respond to survival as our hearing, seeing, taste and feelings become more acute and we begin to understand how our world operates and how to navigate it through instinct, which is our intuition. 

 The id in psychoanalysis described by Sigmund Frued's structional model defines it as: 
the part of the psyche, residing in the unconscious, that is the source of instinctive impulses that seek satisfaction in accordance with the pleasure principle and are modified by the ego and the superego before they are given overt expression.

I have successfully interacted with many of my own pets but also of client's to help with any problems, health and/or behavior. In my book, "The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading" I tell about an experience with a horse and how his owner could communicate more effectively to have a better relationship. Read about it in my ESP Quiz at the end of my two non-fiction books. The quiz will reveal  how to recognize and use your intuitive mind.

How do we know we've tapped into our intuitive psychic mind? This what I have taught and continue to teach so we learn to live authentically and if we relationships with animals, communicate with them also.

About June: Since 1975 June Ahern has taught many people to manifest their visions into fulfillment through her professional practices as a psychic/medium, life coach and metaphysical teacher. Although, June retired in 2014 from private psychic sessions she continues to take part in ghost hunts with The Haunted Bay: Paranormal SF and Beyond as seen on Youtube, Amazon.Prime and Asian American Movies. She is an author of 4 books.. Learn more  june ahern dot com

#animals #intuitives #psychicanimals #psychicmind #intuitivekids #intuitivepets #intuition #spiritsofthedead #lifewithghosts 

Sunday, May 21, 2023


You received a psychic reading, then what? 
How do you use the information? 

Having had a near fifty years career as psychic reader, I can tell you that the majority of clients listened only to 
the end result - will I get it? - rather than the path to how to achieve whatever they asked about. 

In my book, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading, I write about the importance of reviewing the readers' insight to help in achieving goals by changing whatever is necessary to advance them successfully. 

To gain the most from a reading you really need to take time to review what was said about the past, present and future. 

After the Reading. Art by Beth Burgoyne

 For instance, what did the reader say about how  your PAST is effecting your future? 

 We often wonder why what we want falls short of fulfilling  - a love interest - a financial gain - the right job. 

Here's how it works, you ask about a job advancement, one you believe you've earned through doing what the company wanted. Someone else gets it. You're bummed - angry - depressed. 

The reader brings up an instance when at the age of eleven your classmates made fun of your appearance through the entire 6th grade: glasses too large, hair cut too short, etc - since then you've been worried about what others think of you. The reader suggested a way to heal that thought.

Do you take the readers' advice? Do you even remember what she said? 

What happens? Majority of my clients returned again and again, wailing and accusing me - it didn't happen!!! Waaaaaaa.

I say, did you do as advised to move it along? No. Well, there you go. After a reading it is SO important to sit down and review what was said.

The Timeless Counselor eBook is in process of becoming an audio book. Stay tuned!! Learn more about this book and me, the author of four books at

Read more about this book at  eBook on or

The artwork is one of several seen in the original paperback created Beth Burgoyne. The one displayed is from the chapter After the Reading. 

#thetimelesscounselor #psychicreader #psychics #juneahern #ebooks #audiobooks 


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