Sunday, August 29, 2021



Over my many years as a psychic reader (now retired) and Certified Hypnotherapist 
I've been asked to help people discover and connect with another life time for various 
reasons - understand a certain relationship, heal an ailment, shed light on repeated 
images of certain times of history - many reasons to explore reincarnation.

 "The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and 
it goes out of it anew… it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson Transcendentalist Writer and Speaker 

There's much to read about reincarnation, which has its roots in ancient Hindu philosophy 
and has influenced many a great Western mind but it's not my purpose to go into past lives, rather to move forward into a future life - your next life time.  

"It is not more surprising to be born twice than once." -  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
poet, dramatist, director, novelist, scientist, critic, artist and statesman 

If you subscribe to the belief that you've lived before, then you understand you shall 
live again. Most likely not the same physically, emotionally, mentally as you are now or
one  can hope, a better you.

What will your new life be like? How will you look? Who will be in your life? Anyone 
from the present time? 

Will you come back into a male or female body? 

Where will you live on Earth? If not, Earth, what galaxy?

What will your purpose be to come back? Finish karma? In the present life, are you doing 
that now?  

How are you preparing for your next incarnation?

Create new karma? What and why? What will you purpose be in a new life? What is it 

It might be time for you to think and/or reflect a bit about your future life. 

"I hold that when a person dies / His soul returns again to earth; / Arrayed in some 
new flesh disguise / Another mother gives him birth / With sturdier limbs and brighter 
brain." -  - John Masefield, poet, writer, and Poet Laureate from 1930 until 1967. 

Now, I know quite a few say, "Oh, I'm not returning." 


You've learned the lessons of being "whole"?  

The complete spiritual values of compassion, patience, faith, hope and charity to 
those different than you?  

You are a mystic understanding the human race without prejudice or judgement? 

You're fully in-tuned to nature  - wholly as an integral part of it with no sense of 

Then good!! You've passed centuries of learning, completing karma, and can now 
go "home". Otherwise, I'll see you back on Earth.

 "The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from 
body to body." Giordano Bruno, Scientist and Philosopher

In my upcoming on-line presentation (9/23/21) you'll contemplate the answers to 
the above questions and then prepare to envision a future life. 

For info on that on-line Zoom talk at 6 PM PST contact me at june @ sf coaching dot com

Please check out my books at my site  june ahern


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