Tuesday, May 28, 2019




June Ahern Photos

Rusty Dennis was a wild woman! Independent, charismatic, and very interested 
in psychic studies. Her birthday is May 29, and I feel her spirit around me each year.

Let's wish her a Happy Spirit Birthday!

If you've seen the movie "Mask" Cher portrayed her well although I don't think even Cher caught the true toughness and charm of the real Rusty. 
When I wrote my first book, A Professional Psychic Reading as Alternative Counseling) she gave it                        a blurb.  It was later retitled The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to Receiving a Psychic Reading.
We shared an astrology sign, Gemini, and that we were! Geminis to the fullest! Talkative, daring, outgoing, and a bit crazy and at times reclusive. Also, we had a true spiritual connection.
And then again I came to learn we shared a great interest in the metaphysics. Rusty was very                      interested in my psychic readings and classes so she took them all! Tarot, ESP Development                      
Rusty would have loved my second non-fiction book, How to Talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums,               Ghost Hunts. She'd contact her sons for sure. 
Rusty and I became in 1980s when I met her at a viewing of Louis Hay's (first video) You Can Heal Your life in her flat on Mission Street in San Francisco.
All photos of Rusty and me are subject to permission of me to copy in any form.
If you liked this post or any others of us would you please leave a comment?Read more of Rusty and me on this blog page:
#rustydennis #mask #cher #paranormal #intuition 

Friday, May 10, 2019


In the early 1980s someone asked if I was a "walk-in" 

"Dunno," said I, "what is that?"

What I learned was that some people who have had a near death experience (NDE), like I had have came back to life differently than before the occurrence. 

This Saturday, May 11th, 2019, I'll talk about NDE and more what a walk-ins; the potentially  differences the person can experience and recommend some reading material. I'll also talk about my NDE, what I saw on the "other side."

If you've had a NDE and afterward, felt differently - not sure where you fit in exactly -  listen in, you might be comforted by what you'll hear.

I'll also mention two well known persons  who are thought to be walk-ins.

Heres' the links to the hour show:

Radio/Podcast Interview. USA times (West Coast) 6 p.m. - (Central USA) 8 p.m. and 
(East Coast) 9 p.m.

Listen live or later at your convenience at 

The Paranormal Radio app - a free download - the name is Dark Waters Radio Channel.

Other events in May with me for those living in California.

Friday, 5/24/19 7:30 - 10 p.m. Palo Alto: Telepathic Communication, talk and experimental exercises. Sponsored by Foundation Mind-Being - where science meets consciousness. Research $15 For more details go to https://fmbr.org https://fmbr.org  This talk will filmed and available at a later date.

Sunday, 5/26/19 - 1 to 5 p.m. Los Altos: Telepathic Communication/Thought Transference Workshop, Expand your consciousness through a greater awareness of how you influence and are influenced. Interactive workshop to advance your telepathic abilities. $110, Sponsored by Foundation Mind-Being Research. For more details and to register go to https://fmbr.org

Review my books at june ahern dot com Books are ebooks and paperback available through major book selling sites. Personally autographed available directly from me.

#spiritual, #paranormal, #psychic #mediums #ESP #parapsychology #NDE #walk-ins


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