Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Would you please help me out with this? 

More and more people share personal paranormal experiences with me. They want to understand how, why and what should they do about their  about ghost sightings, spirit visitors and more psychic happenings.

They tell me,  I think I saw a ghost. I think my house is haunted. I felt my (deceased loved one) and can I believe this really happened to me. How do I know it's for real? How do I get rid of annoying ghosts? Can you clear it up for me?

 Some read the tarot cards, have premonitions or just know things about people, places and objects without any prior knowledge. They want to know why and how to further their psychic abilities; i.e. how to read the cards right.

At times, when taking my ESP Quiz and scoring high in the receiver or sender of telepathic messages they really want more education with not necessarily taking classes.

I tell them so much of this in my book,How to Talk With Spirits: Mediums, Seances,Ghost Hunts - and still many continue to contact me with questions.

I can give time and knowledge, but you all know how precious time is and especially since I'm (suppose to be) semi-retired; enjoying grandkids, long walks with my old mare; lunch with lady friends and of course, hanging out with the husband. All this while I'm lecturing, writing my sequel to The Skye in June (my most well read popular book) and teaching.

I'd like to offer a session to answer these questions. Usually, I answer them in a class. I've been back to teaching more and busy with  book party reads as well as OH FUN! special events, my Hallowe'en Gala Affair 2018.

Here's what I'm asking of you:  Can you help me find a title - a name for a new service?

It won't be a psychic reading.

What would I call a service where I, not giving a psychic reading, teach, clarify these experiences and support psychic growth and talents - here's some thoughts: Spiritual Coaching? Metaphysical Coaching?

Any ideas?

Thanks! June

 New in 2019 mediumship classes. Skype or in Person in San Francisco's Bay Area.

june  sf 


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