Thursday, April 26, 2018


We think up to 75,000 random thoughts a day. I know, with some people it's hard to believe they're even thinking but according to science from 25,000 to 75,00 thoughts flash through our brain and most are negative. Holy Moly! NASTY THOUGHTS! And scientific studies confirm what we metaphysicians have said, "Your negative thoughts poison your body." 

What those crummy, harmful negative thoughts do while jogging around your brain.

Some studies say: Fear-provoking words—like poverty, illness, and death—also stimulate the brain in negative ways.  And even if these fearful thoughts are not real, other parts of your brain (like the thalamus and amygdala) react to negative fantasies as though they were actual threats occurring in the outside world. Curiously, we seem to be hardwired to worry—perhaps an artifact of old memories carried over from ancestral times when there were countless threats to our survival. 

 According to neuroscientists, Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman, who’ve done extensive study on the brain and wrote a book on their studies titled, Words Can Change Your Brainin 2014, negative words create traffic jams in the brain: “A single negative word can increase the activity in the fear center of the brain and release dozen of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters which in turn interrupts our brain’s functioning especially with regard to logic, reason and language. Angry words send alarm messages through the brain and they partially shut down the logic/reasoning centers.” 

I say, DANG! All that goes on in my brain? Did you see the animated film, Inside Out? It's truly an amazing view at the brain. Check it out.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross psychiatrist  and author of Death and Dying says: There are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear. From love flows happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety and guilt. It's true that there are only two primary emotions, love and fear. But it's more accurate to say that there is only love or fear, for we cannot feel these two emotions together, at exactly the same time. They're opposites. If we're in fear, we are not in a place of love. When we're in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear.” 

Not new revelations about jumpy negative thoughts:
Buddha showed his students how to meditate in order to tame the drunken monkeys in their minds. It’s useless to fight with the monkeys or to try to banish them from your mind because, as we all know, that which you resist persists. Instead, Buddha said, if you will spend some time each day in quiet meditation — simply calm your mind by focusing on your breathing or a simple mantra — you can, over time, tame the monkeys. They will grow more peaceful if you lovingly bring them into submission with a consistent practice of meditation.
You can reverse your thoughts. At first and sometimes later, it isn't easy so start simply by repeating a positive word (pick one): love, peace, serenity, refresh, play, laughter and you'll experience a shift if you keep on it.
Choose your thoughts wisely - speak words to encourage health and well-being. Anger and fear will wear you down, make life seem longer and eventually destroy all you wish to bring you peace and joy, love and light. 
Giving this talk in the Bay Area Saturday, 4/27/18 Fulton and 3rd Ave, SF 1:30 p.m Free workshop to learn more how to change your thoughts.
Don't forget to download my book The Skye in June free on Kindle until 4/29/18 and please leave a comment/review.  See more about me and my books june ahern dot com

Wednesday, April 25, 2018



"The Skye in June's" 10th year anniversary.

 FREE Kindle  April 25 - April 29 Celebrate 

Don't miss this powerful mother daughter tale, a proven favorite for young and older readers with monthly sales since its April '08 debut.

From Scotland to San Francisco, an immigrant family in a unique time and place, a historical fiction told in a strong woman's voice. 

Never a dull moment in with MacDonald family! 

Learn Scottish words and phrases, customs and Hogmanay rituals while reading about life in one of San Francisco's most famous neighborhoods, The Castro, before the big changes socially and politically circa 1960. Go to the Castro Theatre for an afternoon of girl fight, walk the hills up to Twin Peaks, visit the many shops, like Clift's Hardware (still there!) in the Valley. 

Overwhelming positive reviews on Amazon (US, UK, France and Japan) and Goodreads, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble and many other book sites.

About me and other books at june ahern dot com.

Amazon link above or cut and paste see below.

BAY AREA: The Power of Thoughts & Words, Sat, April 27th, 1:30 p.m. 

FREE workshop presented by June Ahern (me) sponsored by Rosicrucian Order

I'll  give you true and tried techniques to reverse negative thoughts to positive ones. The poison of negative thoughts bring illness and weaken the body.

Nice when science validates metaphysical studies:

Published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, the study was the brainchild of Dr. Nian-Sheng, an acting clinical at Tzeng, a psychiatrist at Tri-Service General Hospital in Taipei told ScienceDaily that he began the research after noticing a pattern, “I observed that some patients with the three A’s - asthma, allergies, and atopic dermatitis (eczema) appeared to suffer emotionally." Like YEAH. Come hear how to help your physical ailments ease.

Amazon link above FREE Kindle or cut, paste

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Not since Amy Tan has a woman's voice from one of 

San Francisco's most famous neighborhoods. 

Author Jim Toland 

The Skye in June rolled off the press April 28, 2008

and has sold every month since '08.  

It's my first novel's Ten Year Anniversary 

Sharing my successful blessing

Free eBook April 25th to April 29th 

Follow this link to Amazon 4/25 - 4/29 and ENJOY!

Photo by Jerry Briesach

"Skye" receives overwhelmingly positive reviews on US, UK, France, and Japan,, Barnes and Noble,  My website Comments page

If you take advantage of the free ebook please leave your comment at these sites or your favorite bookselling sites; truly does help other readers decide to purchase.

ABOUT THE STORYJune MacDonald's fate is sealed the day she is born when her mother defies her husband by not naming their new daughter after a Catholic saint, as is their tradition. No one can foresee that June will grow up to threaten the family by revealing her mother's secret past in the Scottish Highlands. After a tragedy the Scottish MacDonalds emigrate to San Francisco in hopes for a new start. There, young June begins to have visions that haunt her mother. Her rigid and abusive father will not tolerate them. That doesn't stop the feisty girl. Her three sisters try to protect their little sister from their father's wrath with often hilarious tactics. The family is on the brink of imploding when June and her sisters come of age in the 1960's Haight Ashbury scene. Their father's declaration seems to be coming true: "Doomed to hell, every last one of you." In order to save June her mother must stand up to her husband. This poignant mother daughter story is about of how family changes over time and addresses the issues immigrants face in their new country. It's a story of acceptance and reconciliation and the world of mysticism. A book for the young and older readers.

HOW THE STORY CAME TO BE: My mother's love of books and her great imagination for storytelling inspired me to write "The Skye in June." It's a tribute to my mother and five zany sisters. In it I share some of our history as Scottish immigrants and coming of age during the 1960's in San Francisco. It began as a screenplay because that's how it unfolded for me as I saw characters, felt moods and heard their conversations. Especially enjoyable was the sisters' discussions, which at times was rather hilarious. Before putting it on paper, I'd speak aloud each one's words. My husband finally stopped asking if I was talking to him or "the MacDonalds" (or whomever was being created). 
Because my protagonist and I share the same first name I've been asked if it's an autobiography. Some situations and events did occur but the majority of the story is my imagination hence a rather thinly veiled autobiography set in a fictional framework. Why did I call my protagonist June? Fact: Against my father's wishes my mother named me June, a name my father declared was a "heathen name" and not a saint's. I don't believe I'll be the first Saint June.

ABOUT ME: June Ahern to date has authored four books; two novels "The Skye in June."and "City of Redemption." and two non-fictions, "How to Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" and "The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Psychic Reading" which was the best selling book of a new author at the 1991 Whole Life NY Expo. Like her main characters, June was born in Glasgow Scotland before immigrating to San Francisco. 

My other three books, read at


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