Thursday, March 29, 2018


Do negative thoughts and words poison 

the mind and eat away at the very heart 

of every cell in your body?

According to metaphysicians,  H. Spencer Lewis and Max Heindel ,and  Neuroscientists, Newberg and Waldon, in their 2014,  yes is the answer.

Good News: All of them agree that we can change how we think through positive affirmations and other techniques for changing negative thoughts.

“It is a metaphysical fact that for each minute of time we spend in thoughts of unfavorable impressions, unkind criticism, or hate toward any person, there will be hours of physical and mental suffering as a reaction. …….. Discover what thoughts, attitudes, and conditions of mind you have held or expressed, and immediately eliminate this attitude by reversing your opinions, thoughts, and holding thoughts of love and kindness instead.”- H. Spencer Lewis, the prominent Rosicrucian author, occultist, and mystic, who established the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC in the Americas in the early 20th century.

What do you think about these thoughts and beliefs?

As a psychic/medium for over 45 years I know how much people retain in their minds fears, hopes, past painful memories good times, things that haven't even happened -  leading to ill health, unhappiness and thus negative life experiences. 

I developed a mini workshop in contemplation of this quote - and there's much more in it about what happens to our all over health when thinking and speaking hurtful words, whether that be about the present (a real challenge, isn't it not to?); the future (will we survive this crazy times) and as well as the past hurts - the scenarios played over and over.

The FREE workshop will be held in California USA:  Santa Rosa, April 3rd, 8 p.m.Scottish Rite Center and San Francisco,  April 28, 1:30 p.m. 3rd Ave (entrance) & Irving Street. Please join us. Refreshments too! 

Louise Hay has a lovely set of positive affirmations in her book, "You Can Heal Your Life" and also in small cards, which I continue to use.

I've been a Rosicrucian since 1997, authored four books and taught classes in metaphysical and parapsychology for many since 1980. Please review more about me and my books: and my workshop classes

Saturday, March 3, 2018


As we speak today 3rd of March '18, 

two of my four eBooks books

gifts to you on  - 

June Ahern

Reading both you'll learn more about me too (or at june ahern and  s f coaching.) The novel takes place in a time and place in history where all I can say is, I was a product of my environment during the Summer of Love. Use your imagination. The non-fiction has much of my history as a psychic medium (seeYouTube videos of paranormal investigations The Haunted Bay.)

Please, go quickly, download and after reading will you leave your comment?  It can be a short one-liner and helps other readers find my books and points me in the direction of what to write next. Thanks!

The Non-Fiction: paranormal and spiritual ends 5, March, '18:

Read about are my most memorable visits from spirits, ghost encounters, work with the police and vampire entities I've faced and my NDE (near death experience).

How to Talk With Spirits: Séances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts”

It's an informative and practical guide to unusual and often sensitive subjects. Questions from the curious living about communicating with the dead, including pets, are answered. Readers are provided information, gleaned from the author’s many experiences as a psychic medium, to help them decide whether to communicate with spirits or not. Take June’s ESP Quiz. 

Novel: "City of Redemption" on  ends 7, March.

Flower power ignites into fire power when Liz MacKay, a lonely young woman, entangles herself in a treacherous plot and murder during the Summer of Love. City of Redemption tells of the dark underbelly of the '60's. It is a vividly recounted suspenseful story where lies, betrayal, sex, drugs and murder lead to a woman's imprisonment. 

It began as a screenplay written for a Scottish actress who requested it, takes you on a real view trip of a most important political and social changing time in history - the rebellious 1960s. 

Black Panthers; love lost, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll and MURDER, betrayal and redemption.  



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