I was contacted to give an example of how the tarot cards combine with coaching to attain goals, hence part part two of my precious blog.
Major Arcana's 22 cards' images and symbols are studied in depth. Handouts of a short description and an affirmation for each card are provided.
I use the Rider/Waite deck:

0: The Fool starts the journey (far left): It represents the first breath, prana, spirit awakening to a dream, vision or idea. Creating new karma. All the power that ever was or will be is here now. Are you foolish to dream you could have that something in your life? Or, as the fools of old by in court, will you amuse the king and queen and be handsomely rewarded for your ingenious, creative acts making you the winning fool?
Coaching starts with asking:
What do you want differently in your life? What idea or dream do you want to bring into form?
Affirmations support and advance your success.
The Fool: There is nothing to fear.
Next step #1 The Magician. Short definition: As above so below. As below so above. All magic is in the will to dare. Name your idea: (I want a new job; I'm ready for a loving relationship. I want to make more money. etc) The tools to build your idea sit before you. Which tool will you choose? (see the table with the sword, cup, pentacle and wand, each has a specific meaning to how we manifest ideas)
Coaching: Will you say yes to manifesting it? What do you need to do that?
Affirmation: As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.
The High Priestess follows and she is deep in thought of why, how and what is next.
Major Arcana's 22 cards' images and symbols are studied in depth. Handouts of a short description and an affirmation for each card are provided.
I use the Rider/Waite deck:

0: The Fool starts the journey (far left): It represents the first breath, prana, spirit awakening to a dream, vision or idea. Creating new karma. All the power that ever was or will be is here now. Are you foolish to dream you could have that something in your life? Or, as the fools of old by in court, will you amuse the king and queen and be handsomely rewarded for your ingenious, creative acts making you the winning fool?
Coaching starts with asking:
What do you want differently in your life? What idea or dream do you want to bring into form?
The Fool: There is nothing to fear.
Next step #1 The Magician. Short definition: As above so below. As below so above. All magic is in the will to dare. Name your idea: (I want a new job; I'm ready for a loving relationship. I want to make more money. etc) The tools to build your idea sit before you. Which tool will you choose? (see the table with the sword, cup, pentacle and wand, each has a specific meaning to how we manifest ideas)
Coaching: Will you say yes to manifesting it? What do you need to do that?
Affirmation: As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.
The High Priestess follows and she is deep in thought of why, how and what is next.
The World is the culmination of the cards' steps.
What do you think that message is?
Each card truly is a step one takes throughout life when creating and working toward attaining something be that an enfoldment of spiritual awareness, a relationship, job, travel, new home, education etc.
Review classes at www.sfcoaching.com workshops and my books at www.juneahern.com At sfcoaching, stop by the meditation room.