Sunday, January 21, 2018


Sticks and bones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

The little ditty children learn  to ward off feeling badly when attacked by mean name calling.

Mikey's stupid.  Mary's an ugly, fat cow. Bobby's skeely-eyed! Suzy's so skinny she falls through cracks. You're crazy. Belong in a nut house! Tommy's worthless - a sissy, a queer, idiot, good for nothing and on and on. 

Usually an audience of listers chime in becoming a chorus of cruel words. Like real sticks the blows hurt and and humiliate the minds and hearts of the prey.

Unfortunately, those negative words often stay with us into adulthood and can smart just as when we were children.

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life. Proverbs 4:23 

I'm preparing a lecture  titled,  The Power of Thoughts and Words, with a focus on how our physical bodies suffer from negative thoughts, I'm reminded to watch my words.

Words have  an strong impact upon us as they roll around our brains, taking root, creating beliefs and self-images, life choices (personally and professionally).

Do you find you're your own worst critic?  "I am so fat." "Stupid me!" (when we make a mistake). "I'll never get that job because I'm not good enough, smart enough, etc.)  "I'll never meet the right loving partner because I'm (fill in the blank).  "I'm not worthy to be loved, successful, whatever" etc. etc.

Those messages stuck in the brain's highway of electrical impulses shooting through it - through YOU, through your thoughts ulitamely creating stress and breaking down the physical body; ailments, diseases, pains.

I've been interested in how the brain works since I was a teen. I turn my thoughts inward to watch my brain's activity and feel the energy. Try it, it's amazing.

With the advancement of science in the study of the brain there is documentation through scans and imaging of the brain that words heard and spoken do need "light up" and run through various parts of the brain impacting our thoughts, emotions and physicality. 

A thought enters the brain as an image, a color, symbol and/or sound. You then translate it into language, choosing a word or words to describe what you experience. 

If this doesn't get your thinking and change your mind, what will? 

 Words Can Change Your Brain by Andrew Newberg, M.S. American neuroscientist and Director of Research at the Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Mark Robert Waldman, Executive MBA Faculty at Loyola Marymount University teaching the Neuro Leadership program and author of 14 books   “Words can literary change your brain. Negative words create a traffic jam in the brain. A single negative word can increase the activity in our brain’s fear center. This releases dozens of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters, which then interrupts our brain’s function. Angry words send alarm messages through the brain and they partially shut down the logic and reasoning centers locate in the frontal lobes. Conversely, hostile language can disrupt specific genes that play a key part in the production of neurochemicals that protect us from stress.”

Ouch! That caused my thoughts to think of the many years of thinking and speaking and listening to negative, hurtful words.

In the early 20th century Rosicrucian Max Heindel a Christian occultist, astrologer, mystic and author devoted much time and effort to ascertaining the real causes of physical and mental disorders. In his articles titled Occult Principles of Health and Healing, he writes, “In man the brain is the link between the Spirit and the outside world. He can know nothing of the outside world except through the medium of the brain. The sense organs are merely carriers to the brain of impacts from without and the brain is the instrument, which interprets and coordinates those impacts. It is known that thought breaks down and destroys nerve tissues.”

Florence Nightingale, pioneer for nursing, taught that the mental pain of the patient was equal to the physical. "It's a nurse's task to lift the spirits whenever possible."

Enlighten Your Awareness 

Examine your thought and reaction. You might be surprised. Lift your spirits by consciously choosing positive words to feed your brain.

Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, Kindness, Laughter, Play - repeat daily.

Use positive words. Look for the good. You are a creator of your life and the world's history. 

June Ahern: Author of four books, metaphysical and occult teacher, psychic medium. 

 Classes, Talks and Workshops: 

•Tarot + Coaching classes. Read more at workshop page.

•Rosicrucian AMORC Lectures in California at Santa Rosa on April 3, and San Francisco on April 28. Locations and times in March blog. 

•Lily Dale, New York on July 19, 2018 Lily Dale, New York; workshop Thoughts/Telepathy.

Are you the originator of your thoughts or part of a group thought transference? In this interactive and fun workshop, learn the principles of clear thought projection and how to know when you receive telepathic messages. Through fun, easy exercises and meditations, learn if you are a stronger telepathic “sender” or “receiver,” and how to balance both. We transfer thoughts daily whether we are aware of it or not. Our thoughts are the mental language of what and how we think. Communicating with those who have passed, and also our pets, is a telepathic conversation. Class exercises will develop and heighten your telepathic skills. A fun and educational Telepathic Quiz is included. 


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