Monday, November 30, 2015


Book Reading Party


about many topics, and times in history, 

 fiction and non-fiction. 

What about you?

Ebooks are a good idea for an easy to send gift for your family and friends. A good story lingers long after "The End".

My books are novels - immigrant stories, family saga, and a thriller. Or choose from one of my non-fiction paranormal and parapsychology books.

Please review my books at, or  june ahern dot com for your ebook gift ideas. Paperback holiday special at my website.

Also available at ; Barnes and Read the many reviews on those
sites as well as and my own website "comments".

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If not for the many who have enjoyed my writings (see comments reviews on all sites above plus it encourages my writings. Many have requested the sequel to The Skye in June - and it has begun.

Thank you.

June Ahern

Sunday, November 15, 2015


In the past couple of days I'm being asked about the victims of the recent terrorist killings in Paris. Will the spirits of the shooting victims transition with ease? one person asked.

I do address this in my ebook, "How to Talk With Spirits" when asked by quite a few about the transition from body to spirit. This has been my experience as a medium. What I say to all, is pray for the spirit of those who had a sudden and often tragic, shocking death. Pray earnestly every day for the spirit to be a peace. Visualize the person (if you know her or him) in a white robe walking toward a brilliant warm sun until they merge or are evaporated into the sun. This can be a week long meditation. To the best of your ability, do not add your emotional grief or anger, or sorrow as that may effect the spirit from making the transition easily.

Ebook available at, and Barnes and 

Review  my books  june ahern dot com.

• Do most of spirits cross over and just a few stay behind and if so, for how long do they stay with us, the living? Almost all spirits cross over within a short time after death especially deaths caused by age or a lingering illness. They welcomed death glad to be relieved from their pains and illnesses. In fact, elderly people go between the worlds, so to speak, for a few years before death. They stay on the other side during night as they nod off into a sleep state. They visit dead loved ones as though checking out where they are. When awake they will speak about their departed relatives and friends more often than usual.  When they do die and cross over it is easier for them to go.
After a sudden death such as a heart attack, stroke, accident or murder the spirit often lingers around earth a bit longer. They are as stunned as those left behind are, by the quick ejection from the body. They mourn their separation from life until they can accept the transition.

Suicide can bring a mixed transition. The spirit wants to rest from the chaos and pain of their life. When I communicate with the spirit of suicide victims there is remorse and much of the same emotional and mental pain continues. Their questions of why they are in pain and how can they get away from it remain unanswered in the spirit world. Then there is the guilt of the pain they left behind. There have been a few who found some rest soon after leaving, especially if they had a long, painful illness. My advice is to pray for the souls of your loved ones who found life too painful. To forgive them for leaving before a healing could be found. Your prayers will help them truly find the peace they sought while alive.

Thursday, November 12, 2015



Murder Plots, Black Panther Betrayal, Kidnapping and Rock n' Roll 




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What is the book about? See review below from online book club site.



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Official Review: City of Redemption by June Ahern

 31 Oct 2015
[Following is the official review of "City of Redemption" by June Ahern.]

Book Cover

4 out of 4 stars

Review by H0LD0Nthere

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It’s every mother’s worst nightmare. Liz’s beautiful eight-year-old son is dead … and it’s her fault for delaying the investigation when he first went missing. The tragedy will destroy her already fragile marriage. She will be ostracized by her friends, pilloried in the newspapers, and rejected by her own mother. Eventually, she will leave her hometown of Glasgow, Scotland, and seek a new life in San Francisco, California. She will arrive during the Summer of Love.

Welcome to the opening chapters of City of Redemption. If you are a parent, I dare you to read without crying the chapter in which Patrick goes missing. Parent or not, come along for the ride if you want a story of grief, intrigue and friendship surrounded by sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.

City of Redemption is primarily about Liz settling in to San Francisco, the new friends she finds, and how she ends up helping the Black Panthers with some of their more clandestine activities. But the tragedy with her son is never far from her mind. Liz’s grief is a presence with her throughout the novel. It makes her reserved with the people in her San Francisco commune, but this reserve also protects her in some ways from the more dangerous aspects of the scene.

Liz, by the way, is a relatable character. The author shows us her faults as a young mom … she is young, selfish, and a bit irresponsible, but also dedicated to her son and certainly not a monster. Later, we see her broken, then matured by the tragedy.

Her grief is handled realistically. It comes up at natural moments, such as during conversations, drug trips, and other moments of vulnerability. Liz is sometimes seen having a private cry, even as she remains a strong character, functional though fragile. Masterfully, the author does not reveal all at once the whole story about what actually happened to Liz’s son Patrick. The reader will have to wait until nearly the end of the story to find out all the details, filled in progressively through flashbacks, memories, and conversations with Liz’s friends. As in an Alfred Hitchcock movie, the worst of the horror always happens “off screen” – that is, shown indirectly by being related by a third person or being revealed after it is already over. This extremely raw subject of a kidnapped child is very tastefully handled.

Like the tragedy with Patrick, the events in San Francisco are tastefully handled. Violence usually (not always) takes place off-screen, and is described matter-of-factly, not luridly. There are several very sexy scenes, but with one exception, nothing graphic. The characters’ dangerous lifestyle choices are not glamorized. Period details are spot-on, from the clothes to the cars to the music.

Music plays a major role in City of Redemption. We hear it on the radio, in the car, and live at concerts. Anyone who loves the music of the 50s and 60s will enjoy this aspect of it. Often a line or two is printed in italics, so that readers can hear the song in their heads. Fittingly, the songs often strike Liz as speaking directly to her situation at that moment. At the end of the book is a list of all the songs used, with the group who recorded them and the year they came out. Among others, there are “Stand By Me,” “Paint It Black,” “Don’t You Want Somebody To Love?,” “Love Me Do,” “Soul Man,” “Eve of Destruction.”

I do have a few, very minor quibbles with the book. First of all, the style is rather spare for the genre of book. Even drug trips are described in a very matter-of-fact way. This is good in some ways … the reader never gets confused, even when Liz is. The plain style moves the action forward quickly, making the book a page-turner. However, in scenes where not a lot of action is happening, and in descriptions of Liz’s thoughts, the plain style can get a little monotonous. I felt that a richer style of writing could have brought out more the latent tense or poignant emotions in the book.

Nor does the style do justice to the beauty of San Francisco. There are a few scenes that take place on the beach, and often we see the characters traveling through the picturesque, high hills of San Francisco, but mostly we have to imagine this stuff, because it is not evocatively described for us. The focus is always on the action and the dialogue, somewhat to the detriment of the scene.

This very plain style of writing extends to the transitions into flashbacks. Usually it is pretty clear when a flashback is happening, but in one critical scene near the end, the transitions were inadequate and I, at least, was confused for a few minutes until I realized the narrative was giving a glimpse of the day before.

Despite these minor flaws, the book is poignant, tense, well-researched and well-plotted. I give City of Redemption four out of four stars.

                     Videos Walk with a Medium Part One 

Sunday, November 1, 2015


The veil between the living world and the dead (spirit) world continues to stay open in the days following the Holy Eve or All Hallows or Halloween.

On this day, November 1st, Day of the Dead, loved ones and ancestors continue to be remembered in sacred rituals.  Below is a longer version of communicating and honoring your dead loved ones than I posted previously.

Excerpt from Chapter Ten in my ebook, "How to Talk with Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts" available on Amazon, Smashwords,  Barnes and Noble. Links below at end of article.

Hark! Hark to the wind! 'Tis the night, they say,
When all souls come back from the far away
The dead, forgotten this many a day!

– Virna Sheard, Poet –

All Hallows Eve or Halloween and November First, are sacred times for many throughout the world to honor the dead. The indigenous people of Mexico combined their own rituals and celebrations with that of the Catholic church when the Spaniards invaded and conquered their county on November First.

The Mexicans honor their ancestors, and beloved dead with special rituals and celebrations. They have processions through weaved through the streets of their home towns and cities. Many banners and masks portray colorful death masks.

In and around the towns and cities are beautiful altars honoring the dead and include photos and special items of the dead. Some truly create a mini houses or special rooms where their relatives lived.

The Day of the Dead gatherings and celebrations are absolutely magically beautiful as well as eerie and frightening to some with all those skeleton faces. Some people fear death, some welcome it and some just deny it. But one way of another, you'll day to live the physical  body will happen and the Day of the Dead is a reminder of this fact.
Before it is dark on Halloween and/or on the Day of the Dead I encourage you to take time to honor those who have gone on to the "other side" whether you call that Heaven, Nirvana, or Slumberland.

Gather photographs of the deceased  - ones you would like to visit and light a candle. Reflect on them and think or even talk aloud anything you'd like to say. Be quiet, perhaps you'll mentally hear a message. If not then, often times in your dreams.

For a more elaborate ritual and how to communicate successfully read Chapter Ten in my book, How To Talk With Spirits: Seances, Mediums, Ghost Hunts.

Please review my website to learn more about myself and my books and purchase personally autographed copies pease go to  june ahern dot com. 
To purchase:
Smashwords - many ebook devices and includes PDF
Barnes & Noble


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