Sunday, March 14, 2010


Photo permission by travel

Witches do marry -- whether it be a handfasting ceremony and/or a legal affair (according to the man-made laws of the land).

My husband and I married both ways––handfasting in ‘02 and legally in ’06.

Like other brides and grooms everywhere, witches (includes pagans and Wiccans) wish for their wedding vows, rituals and celebrations to be beautiful, memorable and reflective of their spiritual beliefs.

Witches, you can have a wedding that is a true expression of your beliefs and values. Start by creating your wedding vows that reflect your true intentions and magic. Vows that are a sacred message for all to hear, a message of your devotion to the goddess(es), one that speaks of the power of your love and the purpose of uniting as a family.

After our San Francisco City Hall wedding with the usual vows my husband and I exchanged our own at our reception with family and friends. We had written them on special paper with a selected colored pens. I also read an old Celtic poem. Afterward the readings we burned the papers in a cauldron, sending the words up into the ether toward the heavens--a common w/w/p ritual. A ceremony of lighting a unity candle (two figures intertwined) followed.

“Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera's Blessing” by Raven Kaldera suggests ways to create a holy pagan/witch/wiccan wedding.

Another way of making a ritual of your vows is after exchanging them, place the paper in a circle on an altar set up for your wedding. The circle can be drawn before or at the time of the ceremony and made from small stones, crystals, shells or rose petals. Or you can choose to burn them in a fire-proof container at the altar or later. Scatter the ashes in a moving body of water or bury in the ground.

If older family members or those of another religion are guests, perhaps consider including something conventional rituals or religious aspects in a show respect. It can help bring them accept and celebrate your pagan union in a joyous way. The word God might be said, as would The Lady and The Lord, or a goddess, such as the Greek goddess Hera or Roman name, Juno. Perhaps ask a parent or grandparent to light a unity candle.

After exchanging rings blend the red rope handfasting ritual. Clasp hands and with the free hands tie a ribbon around the united hands.

Jump the Broom - an old pagan wedding ritual - at the altar stand within a circle drawn beforehand or the bride’s attendees can draw a circle around the couple before or after the vows are exchanged. After the vows one of your wedding party can lay the broom down for both to jump.

Jumping the broom marks the beginning of making a home together and symbolizes that the groom and bride physically and spiritually crossing the threshold into the land of matrimony. As they sweep away the old and the welcome the new they begin a new life together with a clean sweep!

Witch, Wiccan and pagan ceremonies, rituals and magic making begins with Calling in the The Four Elements

Water is the giver and purifier of life, sustaining us, as it will this marriage.

Air breaths new life into love.
 Giving both _______ and ______ the freedom to be themselves.

The earth upon which we walk provides us with our home and our future.

From fire comes love and warmth.

Candles are very Witchy - aren't they? and also culturally and religiously acceptable to others: During our reception my husband's daughter and my son lit separate candles and then presented each to us. After receiving the candle, we newly weds then lit a “unity couple” candle of a man and woman united in wax. It burned throughout the reception in a safe fire-proof container away from guests bumping into it but where it could be seen. Or,you can light separate candles placed close, but not touching. As the candles burn down the wax merges. As a minister when officiating at weddings I provide two image or figure candles set on a platter together and later after they have burned down, I “read” the wax combination for the couple.

What to wear? Witches can and do, wear traditional clothing. The bride -- white gown or full ritual witch clothing. Where to buy witch clothing? You can put together a gown that might look like Elvira's maybe in white though rather than her black or black if that is what you wish, or visit a Renaissance or Celtic faire for capes and dresses. And, let us not forget that special sexy (witches are very sensual beings) undergarments, something a bit deliciously wicked!

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again. Wishing you a very joyous union of love.

Websites to help your wedding day be a magical one.

June authored four books, two non-fictions about paranormal and parapsychology subjects. Two novels.

Review my books and about me at june ahern dot com and/or

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Spring Time Visions

Like my main character in my novel, I too have visions. Although I'm not an astrologer, I stirred up the waters of my cauldron and saw images collecting for springtime for the twelve astrological signs as appears in Coffee Time Magazine Greek/English Corfu, Greece

Aries – One more time, for dramatics, ram those horns against the door of changes and adventures. Are you forcing results or others to perform to your will? If doors aren’t opening, back off to re-think your approach. Make no extreme decisions about disharmonious relationships until the fires of disagreements burn down. Be mellow ~ you aren’t that hardheaded.

Taurus – The grass may be greener on the other side, but you aren’t there, are you? Be satisfied munching the greenery where you stand while focusing on completing projects by poking along daily. Avoid last minute rush jobs or great stress will result in fatigue. Be patient with loved ones’ annoying questions.

Gemini – Buckle up. The ride is bumpy as projects seemingly fall apart, bringing frustration and confusion. Find alone time to re-evaluate and write a list of all your projects and goals. Then tear it in half because most are wasting your time and energy, as are some people. Focus on productive goals and relationships and put aside the others for now.

Cancer – Stretch and then some. Goals are percolating, as results show soon. You’ll need energy to keep up with professional and social opportunities so be in good physical shape. Surround yourself with upbeat winners who encourage your visions. Don’t miss important deals because you feel crabby and not in the mood for people.

Leo – Stinging arrows of criticism pierce your sensitive ego. Foul play you cry! Lighten up, roar in the sun, and care not about those mean tongued individuals. Visions of future opportunities pop into your psyche therefore find like-minded others to share “what if?” and “imagine this”, but don’t spend money on ideas until you talk with a Taurus for practical options.

Virgo - Juggling, balancing and seeking the “just right” formula for good relationships keeps you from getting to the bottom line. Don’t try to “fix” problems, rather step back, keep quiet and listen carefully as people reveal their purpose for being with you. Are they truly who you want? Know this, you’re worthy of being cared for as equally as you care for others.

Libra – Hip, hip hurrah! You’ve made up your mind to step into new adventures. Add a Virgo or Sagittarius for planning successfully. Learn to say “no” to those testing your loyal giving nature because you’re too be busy traveling for success for them.

Scorpio –Fly like an eagle up to cloud nine. Others attracted to your secretive, seductive charm, want to be a part of your life dreams, therefore communicate clearly how they can do that. Choose carefully your words for they will manifest results. Verbal activities like singing and learning a new language will bring love to your heart and soul.

Sagittarius – Trot right on down the road of commitment, steady one foot in front of the other. Contracts and agreements will be discussed, maybe even signed. Now is a good time to continue progressing goals regarding professional gains. Relationships from the past reveal why they ended and you can mentally put your guilt or anger to rest. Life is good.

Capricorn – Money problems are not the issue; it’s how you manage money and with whom you manage it with. Look within. Soul search. Are you being a bit stubborn thinking you must live life or fix problems all alone? Broaden your views. You’re a leader but share the role for now, and settle up bills, will you please?

Aquarius – You’re the greatest when it comes to unique ideas. Look to those in position to financially support your talents and abilities. A new position or career brings positive results as others see you clearly. Be patient with the progress. Love can feel elusive because you’re not aware of your admirer.

Pisces – Swim a little deeper, spiraling to the bottom of the ocean to avoid negative whiny people. Your psyche is fragile at this time as your awareness of others’ pain is felt acutely. Take care of your health through proper diet, herbs and/or doctor care, light exercising and rest. Comedy is perfect for entertainment to ease stress. A financial relief, a settlement or unexpected money will come soon.

Have you read my year predictions for each sign? It's here - scroll down until you find it. To purchase my novel or e-book on The Timeless Counselor/A Professional Psychic Reading Alternative Counseling go to my book website.


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